Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine gets full approval by FDA l GMA

The mRNA vaccine became the first COVID-19 vaccine to move past emergency use authorization, paving the way for more corporations, government and schools to issue vaccine mandates.

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Author: avnblogfeed


20 thoughts on “Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine gets full approval by FDA l GMA

  1. FDA recently approved Fukushima products into the US. Japanese are dying to export Fukushima products by suing other countries because their people won't eat them. There have been Japanese comedian and other actors died eating Fukushima products trying to give support. Japanese need to fed Fukushima radioactive products to their own people and clean up their own mess instead trying to spill them into Pacific Ocean and export them to other country.

  2. So the FDA took their time to ensure safety and efficacy with due diligence but also were swift and quick about it as well?? Interesting…🤔

  3. BS how can FDA approved a vaccine that does not even work? Vaccinated people still getting covid and going to hospitals why they approved a vaccinate they know its not working???

  4. Pfizer had to pay what was (at the time) the largest health care fraud settlement in history for misrepresenting some of their medication and paying healthcare providers kickbacks to prescribe it anyway. This was despite the FDA disallowing it due to safety concerns. Unrelated, in 2008, an expert panel concluded that Pfizer manipulated scientific studies to deceive medical experts and get them to prescribe Neurontin for disorders that Pfizer knew it did not help ameliorate.

    In the 90’s, Pfizer set another record by being fined by the EPA for dumping untreated toxic waste into a water treatment plant that flowed into the Delaware river. They did it for six years before they got caught. Pfizer was also the first pharmaceutical corporation to ever be sanctioned by the Department of Justice for violating regulations meant to protect people from hazardous air pollutants. The commissioner of the FDA resigned in 2019 and joined the board of Pfizer three months later. Pfizer donates to Republican and Democrat congressional candidates almost evenly. Pfizer donated one million dollars to President Joe Biden’s inauguration party.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. I developed a website and published an essay about Pfizer on it that uses FDA, CDC, U.S. government sources, academic journals, and a few left and right leaning sources to keep both sides on board. I cited it down to the paragraph or page and hyperlinked everything so anyone can quickly verify I am being honest. No registration required for the website. It is completely free. I did this over 13 days, so the site is best viewed on desktops and laptops for now.

    Left or right, we all need to come together and tear down these monsters. Pfizer is full of rotten pieces of trash who do not care about our health. Anyone who truly wants the Pfizer vaccine should get it, but they deserve to be able to give genuinely informed consent before getting inoculated.

  5. What they approved isn’t available!!! They are slick… there is not and I repeat.. THERE IS NOT AN available vaccine approved by the FDA… what they approved is the labeling of comirnaty Vac.. same formulation but still experimental emergency use authorization… meaning you can not sue them for adverse effect because what they jabbed you with isn’t approved

  6. Good morning America please consider doing a show about how the Almighty God gave us a glimpse of this mystery about covid-19 and the vaccination when we looked upon the streets of California with people dwelling in tents on the sidewalk using needles handed out by facilities that were set up for free and tents given for free by Walmart. Now the needles are scattered about on the streets and the people are still homeless! The Almighty God gave us a glimpse of this while the Son of God poured out anointing and hundreds of people walked the bridge in San Francisco praying and singing and showing the bridging of the gap by the Holy Spirit of God who dwells inside of us all just as Christ Jesus who dwells in our hearts and minds and was crucified to pay for our sins! The Almighty God has poured out the bowls of judgement from the book of Revelation from ebola to covid-19 and He gave us the answer then! Prayers and supplication and not another nation of vaccine! The next judgement is the mark of the beast where we cannot buy or sell without this mark! Marking the ones who would rather be rich then living and dwelling with the Holy Spirit stretching out our hand to heaven before the Lord His Righteousness for the answers and letting the Lord lead us as One nation One body and One blood! Christ Jesus shed His blood on the Cross at Calvary for our sins! We have been a nation full of needles for a very long time! I have three children and before they could go to school they had to have shots like animals before they could attend and now here we are again not looking to the Almighty God for healing of our nation's but inventing another liquid in a needle for our children! I want to turn on the ABC news and see that you are joining us as One Nation One Church looking to the Lord our God for healing and not for another type of medication given as a vaccination made mandatory by men and women who need saving by Christ Jesus! Take the warning from a few years back and see that outstretched hands working together in love for God and One another to save the homeless people who are on the streets and needles that are downtown with no one looking at the example of Gods Spirit being left out in the rain with no home and needles given out for free!: The Bible teaches us that the Son of Man Christ Jesus born in a manger has no place to lay His head! This is the example of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us as a temporary home just as this life is temporary until we are called to our final resting place! Jesus Christ paid the price on Calvary and stretched out His hand then and now as a Savior and light of the world! Pray on TV for healing put off that serpent of old the devil and help the homeless with kindness and real solutions displaying the love of Christ Jesus stretching out our hands in prayer and love for human life! Vaccinations are not for the better today! Jesus Christ is the only answer to covid-19 and ebola and the plaques. Praying in our schools! That is news to get excited about! Gods hand of protection! Being tucked beneath the shadow of our Fathers wings! Save the homeless who dwell in tents pray for the Savior to save their hearts and minds from the drugs and don't continue to let the enemy creep in unnoticed! We seek your favor Lord God and we seek eternal blessings and life for our children and our children's children so that God is with us and for us and not against us! We love and adore you Jesus Christ and we are praying for your help and your hand upon us as a mighty nation and the family of God! Help us to love and help One another!

  7. Wake up people! What was “approved” by the FDA on Monday (8/23) was Comirnaty, which belongs to the BioNTech side of the Pfizer/BioNTech working agreement. In other words, Pfizer is not even in the picture for approval and continues to sell its version of the shot under the Emergency Use Authorization. To repeat, Pfizer has no approval for any mRNA vaccine.

  8. We don't deny Covid-19, we know that Drug Manufacturers are the #1 Defrauders of the United States Government under the False Claims Act. We know that prescription drug are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. We know that even if you are vaccinated you could still die from Covid-19. We know VAERS data suggests that over 200,000 have died after receiving the Vaccines and over 1,000,000 have had adverse events. We know that the CDC has reported that 1,578 fully vaccinated individuals have died of Covid-19. We know that Polyethylene Glycol is a main ingredient in Pfizer's and Maderna's vaccines and that Ethanol is in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. We know that they used rental cells and fetal tissue in the process of making the Vaccines. For these reasons among others some of us must pass on the vaccines.

  9. Of the 364 cases of COVID in the first week of classes at Duke University, 98% of them were in VACCINATED people.

    Yeh. I'm rushing out to get the vax.

  10. Don't believe a word that MSN tells you these people couldn't care less what happens to this world I'll guarantee they probably did not take this vaccine and if they did they're a bunch of idiots it does not do what it says it's supposed to do there are too many side effects adverse events people being hurt maimed loss of limbs heart attacks miscarriages disgusting just say no

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