Worker shortages causing economic ripple effects

A growing number of industries have begun experiencing supply chain delays as the number of job openings reaches record highs nationwide. ABC News’ Mona Kosar Abdi has the details.

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Author: avnblogfeed


36 thoughts on “Worker shortages causing economic ripple effects

  1. SOCIAL MEDIA THE FASTEST WAY TO GET RICH AND NOT GOT BACK TO THAT LABOR WORK thank you that's y we have a shortage people are not dum ANYMORE we now kno how to make videos now and making easy money thank you kids keep making ur parents be labor workers so u can keep watching me having a good life and not u 😂😂😂

  2. Prison workers? So they can pay them pennies on the dollar? They're literally going to turn to slave labor instead of paying Americans enough to pay their bills?????????

  3. The problem is they pay actresses and singers $100m when they hardly do anything but be admired by audiences and relax the rest of the day when we have people with disabilities working on jobs they probably hate and make $10 a hour

  4. I do believe in Fair wages from any employer no matter of the hours also benefits for everyone everyone should be offered benefits no matter what job they work at if the employer can afford it, but did anybody reasonably expect any less of our government?. What do you reasonably expect the government came in and trampled over top of the whole service industry and double everyone's wages for a year and a half to not work.

  5. A lot of service job are transitional jobs. The transition has been made. who wants to go back to low paying jobs with erratic schedules and no benefits. No more Karens or their ill mannered empowered offspring! Respect is a two way street.

  6. I lot of service job are transitional jobs. The transition has been made. who wants to go back to low paying jobs with erratic schedules and no benefits. No more Karens or their ill mannered empowered offspring! Respect is a two way street.

  7. If Corporations did not sell out the workers/America by taking away all of our benefits {med/retirement/pay/hours/RIGHTS) socialism would not be at our doorstep and the system would be thrive again but with integrity this time.

  8. liberals = pay employees more in welfare,stimulus and unemployment.
    job shortage…liberals want to pay unskilled employees (paper boys,scooping icecream) a livable wage..those jobs are not careers..your not supposed to have a family off of a $10hr summer job. if your having multiple kids and you make under the median household iincome then your an imbecile who didnt plan your life accordingly.
    welfare,unemployment and stimulus checks ARE NOT A JOB!

  9. I don't know why so many companies are looking for employees. Didn't you just tell a populations of ready, willing, and able Americans that their jobs were NON_ESSENTIAL? Took their jobs and now they are faced with back bills and evictions? Hmmm i wonder. Media is a joke, Short sighted.

  10. It's also important to remember many of those collecting unemployment were still working. State unemployment kicks in when the worker doesn't meet a certain income threshold.

    Let's say that threshold is 70$ per week. I get paid 69.99$. The state ows me a penny of unemployment. Well the state gives me my penny AND the 300$.

    This gave employers incentives to cut hours while still demanding labor as it was basically a workforce subsidy.

    Add to this that there are so many other ways to work today that doesn't require direct supervisors.

  11. Anyone who got Covid-19 from their $10/hour job realized the job is not worth risking our health. Everyday working at Ross Dress for Less during this pandemic was a super-spreader event. We weren't supposed to gather in groups larger than 10, but you let 200 customers cram into one store. Cashiers were buying cleaning supplies from Dollar Tree next door with our own money, yet we worked for a Fortune 500 company.

  12. Open the boarders. If Americans don’t want to work then replace them with Mexicans and others from South America who are dying for opportunity. Second, stop all unemployment and stimulus packages but keep eviction possibilities if you don’t pay rent. Third charge HUGE fines for homeless unless you can prove you are actively looking for a job or will be employed within 60 days. Problem solved. Force laziness and entitlement out of people.

  13. I applied to this Luxottica store. Mind you this company generates billions of dollars a year. Applied for store management, this store is losing thousands of dollars a week because of shortage and somebody not able to sell the glasses. When I told her my salary requirements, I will still deny the job. Mind you this company generates billions a year, The store applied to is losing thousands of dollars a week. But the company says we hate you so much we rather not pay you the money and let the store lose thousands of dollars. Yet these corporations like to say that we’re lazy and we don’t want to work,we don’t wanna work for lousy wages!

  14. There’s people that keep saying these companies struggling to hire don’t pay enough, yet they had no problem working for them before they got paid more through the system to stay home. Funny how that works. I think after the benefits end, people will have to go back to work no matter what the wages are. That is if it ever ends considering it’s been extended twice already. It makes me mad that, for over a year now, some of my hard-earned tax money is going to people who are more than capable of working but refuse to because they’re either too scared or lazy. If you’re that scared, get a work-from-home job or start your own business. If you’re lazy, you don’t deserve anything. Hopefully after September, enough will be enough.

  15. Makes me wonder.. After we spent so much political effort to restrict immigration.. Maybe this the result? A shortage of the immigrant labor that was willing to take poor paying jobs..

  16. Honestly if business and companies cant start employees off at a livable wage they shouldn't be in business we all get work your way up the business ladder but people need a reason to keep throwing their lives away into these businesses if that's the case some person never get past that 10 15 an hour range and that's not because they dont try some spend literaly decades and get nothing barely getting by while the cost of living goes up and they keep trying to get away with paying people nothing, like really? using prisoners because they don't want to increase wages that's clearly shooting in the face of the public, big businesses hurting like this it's well deserved you get what you give and in this case it's next to nothing.

  17. Love how companies brag about 12 and 15/he now. Lol should’ve been paying that years ago. I wouldn’t want to work at McDonald’s or any of these other shitty services jobs for 12 or 15 anyway.

  18. If my local restaurants will pay $25 an hour to wait tables, I'll happily apply. And you better believe a Red Lobster or Olive Garden can pay out $500 an hour to 20 employees (that's still $25/hr) and still make a great profit. There's no excuse for paying $3/hr to waiters and waitresses anymore.

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