Debate over masks in schools heats up as pediatric COVID cases surge l GMA

The U.S. Department of Education has launched a civil rights investigation into five states where Republican governors have made it illegal for school districts to require students to wear masks.

#ABCNews #COVID19 #MaskMandates #CivilRights #


Author: avnblogfeed


25 thoughts on “Debate over masks in schools heats up as pediatric COVID cases surge l GMA

  1. Of course thiers a increase, the state want that kid money and rather risk others peoples children for that check. If you care about the kids,shut down the school!🗣👎👎💯

  2. If you could give Catholic teachers a pass why not give everyone else a pass ? How come they're not pushing the Jewish community to take it their kids are in school and the teachers are working without a vaccine your religions believe should not matter in this matter .

  3. Clear thinking parents have no problem deciding what's best for their child… More kids die from ABUSE, SUICIDE, & NEGLECT than COVID & VARIENTS. The COVID-19 Mortality rate for children 18 years & younger in America is 0.00% – 0.24% with 7 states reporting NO DEATHS.

  4. Id rather home school my kids then tell them to wear a mask in school for many hours, I dont have kids but if I had kids I would rather home school them

  5. Why do doctors use masks in all operating rooms , because they stop germs from entering the human body. WOW . who would have known that. SMART people with brains and common sense.

  6. #Covid_vaccine is a resistance of covid virus to create new variant, it only able to hide the symptoms after get infected, at the same time to enhance your immunity system to against the virus temporarily, "against the virus not eliminated", currently the opportunity to the death of having vaccine injection is less due to it's ineffectiveness since vaccine maker has been modified it to be safe. covid vaccine has the structure of HIV virus same as covid virus, it will permanently stay at human body. Vaccine manufacturer can be sued now after FDA fully approve those vaccine?, this is great liberty status evo. A lot of people death or having long term adverse reaction in vaccination before, and the government still keep hiding the truth..''".`…`

  7. A mask is a malicious directive. Why the technocracy has a new indoctrination project. Presenting psychopathy as a harmless disorder like ADD or aspergers.

  8. ABC news media is an investor in Pfizer. This is a conflict of interest. Kraft foods, yahoo mail, google, many airlines, many universities are all investors in Pfizer..thus, will push propaganda accordingly. This is illegal to do.

  9. You've already used that S-word.
    "Cases spike!"
    "Cases soar!"
    "Cases swarm!"
    "Cases slam!"
    "Cases swallow!"
    "Cases surge!"
    Boogey boogey boogey!

  10. That Arne Duncan at the end. What cornball attempt to demonize people who don't want to wear a sweaty face diaper. He really compared people who refuse to submit, to suicide bombers at Kabul? I see why they named it abc news lol.

  11. parents protest against children being required to wear masks, and when they stop requiring masks as long as the children have been vaccinated, then the anti-vaxxers will start a protest.

    at this rate, were all doomed

  12. Hospitals are empty. Media monarchs make too much money to have any contact with the world – servant's job. They don't know people have daily access to such facts.

  13. “The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don’t, then the country is safe.”
    —Monika Wisniewska

  14. "THE VIRUS" is not killing people, the "LACK OF AN EARLY IN-HOME TREATMENT" is responsible for the vast majority of deaths and hospitalizations. Governments, the medical profession and mass media's covering up of the effectiveness of a proven and inexpensive prescription of IVM in treating "THE VIRUS" early on and in-home is clearly criminal and unethical.

    Think about it….. the medical profession is telling patients with "THE VIRUS" to just stay home and when your lips turn blue and you are hacking up hairballs, then come to the hospital for some treatment and medication, until then, you are on your own. Most Americans will look back on this Orwellian moment in history and wonder why we were so gullible…..

    IVM was approved for use in humans in 1989 and has been used widely to treat parasites, as well as "off label treatments" for rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus with minimal side effects in all cases. IVM is also well known for it's antiviral properties and has now been proven to effectively to treat "THE VIRUS".

    IVM is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. In 2018 IVM was the 420th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than one hundred thousand prescriptions. IVM was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for its used in preventing River Blindness in humans. Additionally, IVM is widely used to prevent parasites in animals.

    No matter what your stance on the vaccine or your political persuasion, every American (vaccinated, un-vaccinated, or previously infected) should have a prescription of IVM on the shelf and ready to use at the first sign of infection or re-infection. Taking IVM early on in-home will significantly reduce severity of the disease, reduce hospitalizations and reduce mortality for the majority of patients. IVM should have a significant role in treating "THE VIRUS" disease early on, especially now that so many folks are becoming infected after being vaccinated, i.e. the breakthrough infections.

  15. Efficacy of Pfizer DROPS TO 16% after just 6 MONTHS!!

    Nobody in govt is telling people that vaccine efficacy is nose diving. Israel reports vaccine efficacy against symptomatic infection is only 16% for people having second dose in January. For people that received 2nd dose in April the efficacy was still 79% … but Feb-April jabbed will drop to 16% (or less) in the next two months. The vax rate peaked in April in US.

    That is why so many pundits predict a delta wave andi why "boosters" are rolling out now (isn't that still a shot? aren't they all shots? two jabs and a booster .. is three shots).

    Data from Israel has been predictive of widespread effect since Israel is the "canary in the  coal mine" having vaccinated many people early all with Pfizer. Will it continue to decrease below 16%? Probably?

    The drop in efficacy unfortunately coincides in time with the CDC's  decision of  tracking only breakthrough case leading to hospitalization or death. 

    From CDC website, "As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from publicly reporting the passive surveillance of all vaccine breakthrough cases on the website to focus on hospitalized or fatal vaccine breakthrough cases due to any cause. This shift helped maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance."

    This will also prevent an accurate picture of efficacy since nonhospitalized breakthrough cases aren't being counted.

    Shouldn't we know that two jabs is good for only 6 mos?

    Should we "jab" children for 6 months of protection they don't need in exchange for a lifetime of unknown side effects? 


    The efficacy is dropping seemingly due to antibody levels dropping and rise of variants.

    The problem with vaccines having just one binding site (such as the spike protein for Pfizer and Moderna) is that a variant need only escape by mutating that one feature (like Delta has). 

    Vaccines with just one target site will likely be evaded by an existing variant or new variants due to the large population of vaxed (increasing opportunities for mutation) with waning efficacy. 

    The current strategy requires that people have a robust amount of antibodies ready to battle coronavirus af all times. Boosters are being rolled out to  raise antibody levels again.

    This strategy is not how our immune system works which may be problematic. Our immune systems do not have large amounts of antibodies at all timea since antibodies are produced only in response to presence of a previously identified pathogen.

    The problem with continuously maintaining elevated antibody levels is the possibility of  antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). ADE helps viruses enter host cells by "hijacking" a non-neutralizing antibody (enhancing antibody).. The large amount of antibodies primes the vaxed for potential ADE.

    Recent mathemtical study of possible interaction between vaccine and Delta suggests that Delta has "strikingly higher affinity for enhancing antibodies while the neutralizing antibodies had less affinity (less effective) to the spike protein.

    Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination?

    From study .. enhancing antibodies have a higher affinity for Delta variants than for original (Wuhan/D614G NTDs). Enhancing antibodies reinforce the binding of the spike trimer to the host cell membrane by clamping the NTD to lipid raft microdomains. This stabilizing mechanism may facilitate the conformational change that induces the demasking of the receptor binding domain. As the NTD is also targeted by neutralizing antibodies, our data suggest that the balance between neutralizing and facilitating antibodies in vaccinated individuals is in favor of neutralization for the original Wuhan/D614G strain. 

    However, in the case of the Delta variant, neutralizing antibodies have a decreased affinity for the spike protein, whereas facilitating antibodies display a strikingly increased affinity. Thus, ADE may be a concern for people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors). Under these circumstances, second generation vaccines with spike protein formulations lacking structurally-conserved ADE-related epitopes should be considered."

    Should we boost with the same formula for the original strain … even though Delta is on the rise? No.

     Should we jab children with the original formulation? No.

    We need to determine if waning efficacy is due to ADE. 

    There are already at least 23 variants of interest and the multiplicity of variants (and rise of new variants) makes ADE even more likely

  16. If the department of education worried more about curriculum and teachers teaching usable subject matter we'd all be in a better place.

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