ABC News Prime: Staggering lives lost due to COVID; Capitol riot investigation; America’s landlords

#Biden #covid19 #capitol

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33 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Staggering lives lost due to COVID; Capitol riot investigation; America’s landlords

  1. The cryptocurrency market leader set a new lifetime high of $51,348 early Wednesday, having penetrated the psychological level of $50,000 on Tuesday for the first time, I already started investing with Mr Luiz and I guess y’all should act..

  2. The thing is that the Democrats are the real enemy within this country.
    They have committed massive crimes against this country and they are
    doing anything they can to prevent the people of this country from
    finding out. They would do anything to include dressing up actors as
    Trump supporters and paying them to storm the Capitol. They would go
    so far as to pay off the Vice President to turn against Trump and
    against the people of this country. They would go as far as to take a
    bribe from the leaders of China to sell our country. They go so far as
    to steal from this country and then pretend to help us look for it or to
    promise to send stimulus checks to help out the American people in such
    troubling times when it was them that caused these times. They have
    intentionally destroyed our economy. They are continually feeding into
    this false virus to bring the American people under their control. They
    want the American people to believe it is Trump or anyone else other
    than them. FALSE. We the American people know they are lying. We know
    all that they have done. We know that Trump did what a President should
    in calling their bluff and bringing light to what they are doing. They
    are just angry that we found out. Now what, because the American people
    are going to push back whether it is Trump who is President or Biden or
    the next person. We know who to look at now for the crimes being
    committed against us. The jig is up and yet they keep trying to cover
    their lies such as with a second wave of a mutated virus. They try to
    cover up with an Impeachment trial that we all know is a parody. They
    are being ridiculous. They are like children trying to hide their mess
    up. It will never be the same again. The Democrats will never have the
    measure of control again. Things cannot go back once our eyes have been opened
    and more will wake up and we will start pushing back. We will someday
    soon fire them all. Hopefully they all go to jail and we will dance in
    the streets when they do. All the crimes they committed against our
    children, our people, our freedom. We see the way and we will not stop.
    Their wicked dance has played out and now it's time for them to exit
    stage left. No one believes in them any more. Biden signs Executive
    Orders and they are just fire tinder because they are not being
    registered. Nothing the Democrats will do from here will be registered.
    It is as if they are now dust in the wind. They Do Not Have Power Over
    Us Any Longer. It is done. Everything thing they do or sign is inert.
    They are just tangling their own threads upon themselves tighter and
    tighter like a binding. We bind them in Jesus Name from doing any more
    harm against our children against the American people against anyone
    else in this world and against our Freedom. We bind them in this world
    and the next they are no longer able to do harm. We have put a stop to
    them. Trump will come back and reverse everything
    back to the origin of our Constitution. Every enemy, foreign, and domestic, and
    biological, is done, wrapped up and cast away in Jesus Name never to
    return. This Impeachment Trial will fizzle out and Trump will be free to
    go on helping this country or God's Will Be Done whatever that may be
    if we need a new leader then fine as long as that person is true and
    safe and has a heart for the citizens of this country. The children and
    victims will All Be Found and set Free! They will have medical
    treatment and treatment for their trauma. But the Democrats and all
    those all over the world who are committing evil acts against people
    are now bound from doing harm and will find Justice before a Higher
    Power. They will be judged and held accountable for what they have done.
    Their acts will be broadcast all over the world and in such a way that
    even those of this country who are asleep will see the truth and be
    forgiven and forgive those close to them so that broken bonds will be
    renewed and strengthened!!! This virus will become inert and fall like
    ashes to the ground, never to harm us again. The sanctions regarding the
    virus, the testing, the vaccines will STOP and never again resurface.
    The bounds around the people of this world will fall away and the good
    people of this world will be redeemed. We are FREE once again right now.
    I declare this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ our healer our
    Redeemer. It will all fall down this Citadel of evil and these Pharaohs
    who have so many held captive literally and figuratively in all the ways
    they have found to take our rights, our freedoms, our ability to seek
    happiness and Justice. Right now in Jesus Name. God save us as you have
    promised years ago. Many have worked hard to do the research and take
    the steps necessary to document and find the evidence of all the crimes
    against us. God bless their hearts for all they have done. God bless
    Trump for all he has done. Thank you that he is alive despite all the
    attempts at his life and the lives of his family and those protecting
    him. God bless those protecting him for all they do. God bless all those
    who have been in operation for the people of the United States of
    America for our freedom. It is done and done in Jesus Name. We thank you
    Lord for all you do and the protections you place over us as this has
    all occurred. Please bless the victims/survivors and help them heal from
    the horrors they have suffered. Please bless the families for all they
    have gone through and their grief. I know it is done right now and that
    my Lord will bind them and carry out this renewal in our country. He is
    faithful. Thank you for our military who has been faithful to us.
    Thank you for their eyes that they were able to see through the lies to save
    us. Thank you for the courage of them all. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
    Prayer Warriors!!! Cast your prayers in front of them now!! Do not stand for
    this any longer! Declare your freedom, bind them up, cast out the
    wickedness spiritually from your countries, your states, and
    communities. Do this anywhere you can make them have to face the Name of
    Jesus everywhere they go until they can no longer function. Stand up
    and declare them and their works inert. Spread the word for other
    believers to cast prayer everywhere in front of their faces. We have
    seen and we cannot unsee. They are done. Remind them who WE ARE.

  3. Omg Tesla are still hurting the earth the only different is that a gas car make the bad stuff but for tells unless you are using Solar panels the Electricity needed to power the Tesla is from a power plant and that make bad stuff that hose into the earth. So stop lying tesla

  4. I redact, Nothing! ..I may not like it, but If, for real, oh well//oh hells, bells!👍🏼🥰💕💕 I did it my Way, thus far, and have no plans yo change//..much. But, this guy, Dr Mtzger., (sp!), s, gotta go, away! 🥲🙄.,

  5. The cherished tradition of American NFL Cheerleading MUST be preserved at ANY cost. More than doctors, nurses, firemen, food service workers, THEY are probably the most ESSENTIAL WORKERS of all. Just watch what happens if we lost our cheerleaders. Society itself would crumble. CRUMBLE, I SAY!!!!

  6. Staggering misinformation regarding the actual number of Covid deaths has been disseminated by the government and fake news organizations. Massive numbers of cases where persons actually died of other co-morbidities have been falsely labeled as "covid" deaths, and I suspect that many hospitals get greater reimbursement for this.

  7. Americans are A-OK with Democrats doing whatever they need to do with Republican obstruction. Get with the program or get left in the past.

  8. Trump must be jailed away, or this nightmare will never end..the virus can be defeated, but the crazy can not…

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