ABC News Prime: Race to Evacuate Kabul; Pres. Biden Interview; Capitol bomb scare

#ABCNews #Afghanistan #Biden #CaptiolBombScare #ABCNewsLive #LinseyDavis

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39 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Race to Evacuate Kabul; Pres. Biden Interview; Capitol bomb scare

  1. Salutations à tous ceux qui liront ce témoignage, je suis lisa jazmine, je suis ici pour témoigner d'un grand homme qui a pu me guérir définitivement de la maladie du VIH juste avec sa phytothérapie, je suis séropositif depuis 3 ans avant de rencontrer le Dr sage Courriel sur Internet sur la façon dont il utilise sa phytothérapie pour traiter et guérir les patients de différents virus, alors je l'ai contacté et je lui ai expliqué mon problème, j'ai suivi les instructions qu'il m'a données et il m'a exhorté à ayez foi en ses paroles qu'il allait rétablir ma santé, après quelques jours, le Dr wise m'a envoyé des médicaments qu'il m'a prescrits sur la façon de prendre pendant 28 jours, pour faire court, j'ai été confirmé Négatif de mon récent test à l'hôpital, à peine 28 jours de traitement, le Dr wise a pu me rendre en bonne santé et voir des raisons de revivre, bien que la science dise qu'il n'y a pas de remède, je crois que Dieu a envoyé ce grand homme pour sauver les gens, vous pouvez tous le contacter pour son médicament, h Nous avons actuellement traité des maladies comme l'HERPÈS, le CANCER, les MALADIES DU SANG, le DIABÈTE, le VIH, la TYPHODE et bien d'autres, vous pouvez contacter cet homme sur ou l'ajouter sur WhatsApp +2349063191711, que Dieu vous bénisse !

  2. Is it true ABC heavily edited Biden's interview with Stephanopolos as he frequently forgot important details where his son served and confused Afghanistan with Iraq and Libya ???

  3. Biden should be in a nursing home. It is embarrassing that people voted for a senile old man that does not know how to run the country. Trump may be uncouth, but he certainly knew how to be an executive and run the country well,

  4. joe must be tried for Treason. The raw videos of innocent civilians being slaughtered in the streets. Your media is not showing you the horrors happening. They knew this all along!! This was done on purpose. You NEVER remove the military first and leave everything behind!! This was planned by the current administration. Weak men create hard times. joe is dealing with terrorists. Wake up ! The media has been lying to you for 5 years now. When will you wake up? This is the WORST administration in US history.

  5. On taxes, nearly everything that is said is wrong. The lower corporate tax rate isn't a loophole or a rebate, it's a lower rate. When salaries are reduced, more money is left in the company to invest. Surely, that's a good thing. This presentation is therefore biased and based on the false belief that more taxes paid beats more investments made. Rubbish.

  6. There is a case to be made that another vaccine booster isn't the way to go and that instead it's an exposure to the virus that would maintain protection throughout the epidemic. People who had two shots will generally not be sick when exposed to the virus. When they do, the virus combines with the effects of the vaccine to add protection. This is how many vaccines work. It means that people who had two shots shouldn't wear a mask unless they are at special risk. The challenge is getting people to have their two shots. This also means that fully vaccinated teachers who are exposed daily to the virus are the most projected from the disease.

  7. It's pretty ghastly that the US is unable to get their nationals out of Afghanistan. There isn't even a deal with the Britons to let Americans enter from their side of the airport. This is laughably strange. Biden doesn't make any sense trying to explain it's all the fault of Trump's commitment to leave. Why did he not plan for a NATO peace keeping mission to replace the troops? Why didn't he work with the Talibans to move out in an orderly fashion?

  8. Joe Biden- "Don't worry, we have assembled the best election fraud team in history". That's what really happened, America did not vote for Biden.

  9. The federal government should not invest millions of $ for a few hundreds of thousands of local workers in order to bring these people from Afghanistan to USA and integrate them. Everyone in Afghanistan is in danger, regardless of whether they have worked with USA and the West or not. because the Taliban doesn't respect human rights. My suggestion is to get as many people as possible to a third country where life is cheap. Where you can organize a lot with the dollar as a currency. For example, with a million $ in India or Uzbakstan you can organize many projects for refugees than in USA or Germany. As an Afghan, I find this type of evacuation simply efficient enough. This means that USA can evacuate many people from my country, Afghanistan, with little money. What has to be done during this time. It is not a solution that few people get out of the country. And the other people in Afghanistan will be handed over to the Taliban as worthless . This type of evacution is just degrading of millions afghans plus superior a few hundreds . Shame on the this type of human rights .

  10. Joi is a coward president to be honest, bloodshed has been from 15/20 years… honestly salute to the us Marines but withdrawal troops frm afgan will be the biggest mistakes for the us and world.

  11. Who's running the show??? President in cognitive decline, woke General Miley worried about white rage and affirmative action pick General Loyd Austin!

  12. This news is a joke. This president is a joke. His entire administration is a joke. Creep child sniffing uncle Joe said in the Stephanopoulos interview, "no one is getting killed right now" while people are falling off planes. Lying manipulative disgraceful idiots are in positions in this country that they were NEVER QUALIFIED FOR!

  13. Joke Biden is personally responsible for crimes against humanity to the tune of hundreds of thousands of people from Afghanistan to the US border and Central Americans 🧐 Biden is criminally negligent and should be tried for his crimes 🧐

  14. if you know the taliban would take over, as professionals and top tier military personnel, you SHOULD have had a set of decisions set up JUST for the possibility of quick take over. Because an eventual take over can only be either quick, or gradual. Seems like only one of those possibilities was planned for. What a horrendous oversight by such highly esteemed people with great power. Trash

  15. i cant believe that biden couldnt tell that the afghan military didnt have the spine to fight BEFORE he decided to pull out. From what I hear, its not the afghans being weak, its their leaders. could our government not have seen that weakness in them, to know to evacuate efficiently?? why did the US take on such a protective role to begin with???? isnt it obvious it wouldve ended this way, if the US took over BECAUSE afghans couldnt take care of themselves??? come on…

  16. What a boob that Biden character is,He’s got enough bucks in his pocket ,what a liar that was installed to try to direct us ,he is a mask wearing fool that shows he is truly sick.

  17. Biased panels. No real journalists present. You don't know Biden after 47 yrs of lies, plagerizing, warmongering, pay2play & corruption? He had options! Corp SJW Activists & Liberal Corp Media & Big Tech Marxists coordinated with the DNC to install Biden a man with brain aneurysms/Brain surgeries/falls & this horribly dishonest, weak, reckless Admin! You hold responsibility for the horrible policies & actions of the last 7 months by this Admin. Biden is in rapid mental decline per Obama/Trump WH doctor since Biden was campaigning & you all have covered it up

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