Introducing Project Eagle’s NEW Engine!!! (100% Billet)

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Today we made a trip up to Proline Racing to check out the craziest engine we’ve ever seen or owned! This Proline Hemi will be powering Eagle to some INSANE speeds! We can’t wait to get it done and hear it rip!

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Author: avnblogfeed


32 thoughts on “Introducing Project Eagle’s NEW Engine!!! (100% Billet)

  1. This team doesn't have the mental capacity or skills to run these high proformance motors or do the proper maintenance.
    They killed the SM motor because of poor maintenance.
    They are parts changers, but thats about it.

  2. Did I not watch a video a few days ago of Steve pulling the heads off an SMX with the intake still on it and saying he designed them that way ? I'm pretty sure cleets SMX was already capable of what they are so amazed about in this video lol. Super nice racing hemi engine though. A work of art for sure.

  3. I realize what I'm about to say I'm probably about to get trashed because folks will take it the wrong way. I love George to death and I think he's hilarious I'm glad he's with Cletus and in so much of the content. This is literally the most expensive an nicest engine cleet an crew has ever had. Im sure he set this "workshop" up to give himself an the team some experience with this engine and you can even see the seriousness on his face as well as zack and jimmy. He wants everyone to learn some things about the new engine and he is extremely nervous as well bc he doesn't want any accidents to happen especially at the amount this thing cost. He even says directly to George an the guys hey, no messing around or jokes right now. Id be the exact same way myself. Just the look on his face and Zach and Jimmy's as well they are being very cautious and trying to soak up all the knowledge they can get. But George is constantly laughing and joking an just didn't take this as seriously as cleet or the others. It honestly was getting on my nerves so much. Cleetus and crew have tons of fun and normally laughing and playing around is the norm. This is not one of those days. He just couldn't help himself, i heard him saying hemi-brothers to the point that i was over it. Ol cleet never asks for much but I feel that he wanted everyone on their best behavior and zoned in on what they were doing and being taught. No guys im not saying i hate George or he should be fired or anything like that. Im saying that as much as cleet does for his team and makes sure that money or not they are taken care of, and makes sure they are apart of anything that takes place, asking for seriousness once should have been respected an taken seriously. That is all. Theres a time and place for everything, but George didn't seem to care at all and just kept on an on like its a day in the park or something.

  4. I realize what I'm about to say I'm probably about to get trashed because folks will take it the wrong way. I love George to death and I think he's hilarious I'm glad he's with Cletus and in so much of the content. This is literally the most expensive an nicest engine cleet an crew has ever had. Im sure he set this "workshop" up to give himself an the team some experience with this engine and you can even see the seriousness on his face as well as zack and jimmy. He wants everyone to learn some things about the new engine and he is extremely nervous as well bc he doesn't want any accidents to happen especially at the amount this thing cost. He even says directly to George an the guys hey, no messing around or jokes right now. Id be the exact same way myself. Just the look on his face and Zach and Jimmy's as well they are being very cautious and trying to soak up all the knowledge they can get. But George is constantly laughing and joking an just didn't take this as seriously as cleet or the others. It honestly was getting on my nerves so much. Cleetus and crew have tons of fun and normally laughing and playing around is the norm. This is not one of those days. He just couldn't help himself, i heard him saying hemi-brothers to the point that i was over it. Ol cleet never asks for much but I feel that he wanted everyone on their best behavior and zoned in on what they were doing and being taught. No guys im not saying i hate George or he should be fired or anything like that. Im saying that as much as cleet does for his team and makes sure that money or not they are taken care of, and makes sure they are apart of anything that takes place, asking for seriousness once should have been respected an taken seriously. That is all. Theres a time and place for everything, but George didn't seem to care at all and just kept on an on like its a day in the park or something.

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