Tag: nissan skyline
1000HP R32 Nissan Skyline GTR!
1000hp to all four wheels in an R32 Nissan Skyline GT-R is nothing to take lightly, especially when you enter into competition at the track…
BRAND NEW 1,000 Horsepower GTR Goes 8’s!
Maatouks beautiful blue GT-R is fresh out of the shop and already into the 8’s!? Incredible! Not only that, but this thing sounds absolutely amazing…
This Nissan Skyline has a fat tire and some big horsepower numbers, over 600 to be exact! HWY JET is a rear wheel drive, big…
The Grand Tour Porsche 918 Killer REVEALED!
Remember the Nissan Patrol you saw on The Grand Tour? Yes, the one that absolutely DESTROYED the Porsche 918 with Richard Hammond behind the wheel…
Skyline GT-R TAKES OFF – No Wheelie Bars ALLOWED!
What happens when you race a light-weight, 1500+hp GTR in a class that doesn’t allow wheelie bars? YOU WHEELIE! This driver found out quick, but…
2,000hp Nissan Patrol – 205 MPH RECORD!
The record breaking team at AAP is back, and this time with a Patrol?! Can you imagine taking this SUV 205mph in a HALF MILE?!…