‘We were bewildered just like everybody else’ reporting live on 9/11: Gibson | ABC News

Martha Raddatz, Pierre Thomas and Charlie Gibson join George Stephanopoulos on “This Week” to reflect on 9/11 as the 20th anniversary approaches.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #911 #20thAnniversary


Author: avnblogfeed


42 thoughts on “‘We were bewildered just like everybody else’ reporting live on 9/11: Gibson | ABC News

  1. News anchors from 2001 seemed quite different than the douchebag activists who call themselves reporters today. Their bias is still obvious when compared to Concrite, but at least they pretended to be unbiased.

  2. Whoever set demolition devices in WTC-7 had to have the consent of the CIA and US Secret Service who were tenants in that building. Inside Job!

  3. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NCSTAR 1A Executive Summary states "This was the first known instance of the total collapse of a tall building primarily due to fires" about WTC-7. According to this report "word for word"…"However, the reader should keep in mind that the building and the records kept within it were destroyed, and the remains of all the WTC building were disposed of before congressional action and funding was available for this Investigation to begin. As a result, there are some facts that could not be discerned, and thus there are uncertainties in this accounting." They did not do a forensic examination…WHY because of funding?? So, the richest country in the world with a sky high emergency budget following 9/11 can't afford a forensic examination with bomb sniffing dogs to sniff out potential explosive residues? They were carting tons of evidence off in dump trucks while the masses were still in a state of shock following the 9/11 attack so very few questioned it at the time.

  4. What a bunch of fake mouthpiece with straight face! How conveniently every single one of them didn’t even bring out the question of how involved our government was… anyone with a 4th grade science would know that there were literately hundreds of holes in bush’s false narratives and how many different ways his administration blocked a real investigation! I mean what about building 7? First three buildings ever in human history before and after to free fall caused by the fire? Come on… wake the hell up

  5. So all the babies born afghanistan 20 years ago have joined the taliban and the usa was there to witness it that's too bad and I wonder who will get the blame for that so no one can stop those people on that side of the earth from violating women in that fashion the way women are murdering their husbands and proud of it because the husband had sex with men and with children in 20 years that could not be corrected why wasn't the church involved and russia wants no involvement of the USA WHY IN THE F DO WE HAVE TO LISTEN TO RUSSIA THATS CRAZY no embassy in afghanistan for the USA wow that just goes to show that we need to hire better people to run the USA its going to take a lot to fix that and what can it mean for the USA it means TRUST IN THE LORD OUR GOD BLESS THE ENTIRE WORLD y'all Not just the food you eat everyday

  6. ABC is Proving to be a good ally for the administration to build up of 9/11 and the heroic salvation that this bogus administration and making a hero out of this malfeasance in the White House

  7. On 9/11 I had the TV on while speeding through housework on that gorgeous crystal blue day, I remember seeing the coverage and going cold and making some sound that made my kids come running. I couldn't let go of them for a long bit. Then I switched to PBS which blessedly played Sesame street all day and went out to tell my neighbors husband as he was packing the car to take wife to airport. He said I was nuts. Came in and briefly switched to news and found air space was now closed at the same time heard 3 fighters grating the sky overhead . Ellington field was close enough. I called the wife on the phone and got the same derisive response with "which station???" Told her, anything but PBS. Later she was fuming about not being able to get a flight that day and would be late for the wedding if drove. I was astounded. I was to work on the west side of Houston and was terrified to leave my kids because if something happened I might not be able to get home, But if something happened and I hid at home what kind of nurse would that make me?? I wound up packing bags for the kids, a bag for me and going to work where I saw a different terror in the faces of my foreign born coworkers… what if someone from my country did that?? Will my family be safe from retribution? Do I hide or keep coming to work? Do you still accept me? Ultimately, we got through the shift, got to the parking lot in silence save the fighter jets circling distantly. Days passed before I stopped shaking, feeling ice cold, yet the sound of fighter jets in formation going up and down from Ellington in rotation woke me straight into terror the rest of the month.

  8. Things are festering here. We have male chauvinist, white supremists, division, a lack of integrity and greed. Maybe we should clean our own house first? It is almost arrogant to awesome that when it comes to righting the wrongs of the world that only we can fix it. There are other countries who should share in the process.

  9. If Taliban can use propaganda to brainwashing people then US can broadcast the truths, freedom of speech, democracy around the world and build allies to. It's a much better way to win compare to wars

  10. It was Vietnam all over again. You can’t change these countries unless the people want true change. The government just handed over 4 billion in American weapons. I’m glad Biden pulled out! It was something needed doing.

  11. Charles Gibson, couldn't, "never imagine a plane being used as a weapon, to attack a building"?? How about a 'ship'? Is he NOT aware, of WWll, and the Japanese Imperial Navy's, 'Kamikazes' attacks??? Not really too hard to conceive, the transition from ships, to 'buildings'!! America's longest war, and what was accomplished? ——-NOTHING!! ALL THOSE MILITARY PERSONALE, 'DIED' FOR NOTHING, PERIOD!!!! The Taliban, behind the the 9/11, attack's? Wasn't it "Asama Bin Laden" who was behind the event, after all? FREEDOM? Was our 'freedom', really ever an issue? Are any of 'us', more "freer', presently? Now we have to 'fear', and possibly 'endure', our 'own' homegrown, war at home (the 'REAL' issue, at hand), and possibly an astronomical loss, of United Statesman's , lives!! And it 'IS' coming!!!!

  12. At 3:40…. I thought it was Trump who got this all in motion. I remember Trump setting up the withdrawal of our troops. I remember Trump starting this catastrophe. Trump set this debacle up. I don't know if Biden could have done any thing different, except get out the U.S. civilians, the Afgan helpers and families, our equipment ( and weapons), and then our military out. It was ridiculously, and embarrassingly chaotic. And now too many lives will be lost who shouldn't be.
    Remember, This is yet another Trump mess that everyone else gets to clean up/pay for.

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