UN to rule on allegations of genocide in Ukraine

Yale Law professor Harold Koh says if the International Court of Justice rules that Russia has committed genocide in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin would be branded an “outlaw.”

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Author: avnblogfeed


49 thoughts on “UN to rule on allegations of genocide in Ukraine

  1. Human must fight for peace, human right, love, and freedom not for a guy.
    Putin is attacking orphanages, schools, ambulance, apartments, theaters, and hospitals.
    Putin is trying to use nuclear weapon and chemical weapons if his strategy goes out of plan.
    Putin is restraining anti-war protesters who want peace in russia.
    Why do they have to be killed?
    Only Kremlin wants war. So, Let Putin go Ukraine by himself. Dont sitting in chair.
    Pray for Ukraine.

  2. Maybe they should also rule on the genoicide committed in the name of public health over the last two years worldwide, which they cheered on. It seems hypocrisy is the world's greatest flaw: do onto others what you don t want done to you. Right now there should be mediation to halt bloodshed, but once again rather than looking for a peaceful solution they bang the war drum fuelling continued fighting as all nato interference will do is prolong the war and endanger more and more of Ukraine s human shields.


  4. Way too slow! Interpol should have issued arrest warrants many years ago for Putin's murders and attempted murders in Europe. March 2022 and still dead silence from Interpol. Putin has no legitimate claim to diplomatic immunity because he is not legitimate head of state or any representative.

  5. Would this man defend Iraq against the US and its war crimes? How about Syria? Libya? This guy should talk to Chelsea Manning about the US firing on civilians including reporters.

  6. You hear a lot recently about Russian Oligarchs but it's important to know where they came from. It began when Ronald Reagan opened the way for Billy Graham to go to pre-glasnost Russia to perform a gospel mission during the mid-1980s and there was a religious revival in the USSR. Graham's pet project was to convince the USSR to allow its Jewish populations to emigrate to Israel. The Zionist lobby in the USA and Western Europe wholeheartedly endorsed this project and thousands of "jews" emigrated to the USA and the West with the idea they would emigrate to Israel. Pat Boone had an infomercial that ran from midnight to 6 AM on Fox affiliates and this campaign collected millions of dollars from the US evangelical community.

    Many of the families that were allowed to emigrate to the West weren't even jews. The Soviet KGB/OGPU stocked the emigre population with agents sent to the West to set up industrial espionage and money laundering schemes with the goal of modernizing Soviet industry and allowing it to catch up with the west. The evangelical community didn't object because they made millions siphoning from the resettlement donations. The problem is they have become debased by decades of Kremlin propaganda that paints these kleptocrat oligarch criminals as Christian Knights and their ministries have become Russian propaganda outlets. Once in the West, the emigres got in contact with ex-patriot family members who were already in the mafia. The message was you cooperate or your mother, brother, father, or cousins get it! The Russian mafia didn't resist because in return for their cooperation they were allowed access to large amounts of money and they were allowed to flood the USSR with counterfeit and black-market goods. But what was INFINITELY MORE IMPORTANT was that the KGB/OGPU now had access to Western bank accounts and lines of credit through the Russian mafia!

    Their favorite sources of financing were German and Swiss banks. The Swiss and West German banking authorities weren't dumb, they knew what was going on but the return on investment was so far beyond usury that they couldn't resist! The problem with the USSR's espionage and money laundering scheme is that it didn't achieve its primary objective. The USSR needed money right away so they compromised on their goal of stealing Western technology in return for short-term profits from money laundering. Party members who used to rely on their party membership, ration cards, and a pension plan were now dazzled by golf courses, resorts, hotels, casinos, and millionaire investors. The problem was these Russian operatives wasted huge amounts of money on poor investments, embezzled on a massive scale, and became too used to fine living.

    This is where Donald Trump entered the scene in the mid-1980s with his purchase of the Trump Casino in NJ. The economy was sour and Trump couldn't get domestic loans after his bankruptcies. So his labor contacts put him in contact with the Russian mafia. The Russians were perfect partners because he could wine and dine them and they allowed him unlimited access to European lines of credit that were beyond the scope of US regulations. This is why Eric Trump was quoted as saying his father's resorts and golf courses were paid for by Russian money and why Dmitri Rybolev saved Trump from declaring bankruptcy for the 4th time in 2008. The Russian investors gained credibility from their association with Trump and they now had a steady stream of laundered money from Trump investments. This access to Russian money allowed Trump's hotels, resorts, and golf courses to boom! However, the game changed in 1989/1990. With the fall of communism, Moscow couldn't retrieve its investment in Western interests. They also no longer paid tribute to their masters in Moscow. Worse yet they seized huge parts of the Russian economic infrastructure since there was no plan for the transfer of ownership of state-run industries. This is where the term oligarch came into existence. The oligarchs have very profitable crime rings in the West and they have massively undervalued raw material interests in Russia. Currently, 181 oligarchs control 40% of the wealth in Russia, 90% of the property and 50% of Russian have a median income below $800. In comparison, the median income of Indians is $1,000. This means that only 10% of the Russian population has a median income above $800 and nowhere near as much as the oligarchs. Oligarchs have become so ingrained in the West that politicians protect them and the Russians can't remove them without severing major arteries in their economies.

    These criminal networks are currently funding white supremacist groups in the West and they are being directed by the Russian military and funded by Russian crime rings. One of their primary outlets to fund white supremacist groups is through the National Rifle Association. The Kremlin is pumping a lot of money into the NRA to support GOP candidates and fund white supremacist movements in the guise of 2nd amendment advocacy. Maria Butina is a former KGB/OGPU agent that was arrested and convicted in 2018 of money laundering for Russia with her boyfriend an NRA official. This is what Steve Bannon has been doing in Europe after being fired by Trump. This funding is being used to train, equip, and supply "fine people" like the Charlottesville neo-Nazis who chanted "Jews Will Not Replace Us" and Trumpite mass shooters like Patric Crusius and Robert Bowers. The GOP wants a quick end to sanctions because they need oligarch campaign donations and they still need Putin's propagandists to spread campaign disinformation this fall. This is why so many GOP pundits are in lockstep with Putin.

  7. Ukraine should capitulate and disclose what have been researched in these biolabs by the US. Why there was 26 labs just in Ukraine? And while at it learn where else such laboratories exist?

  8. ABC " What an honor and pleasure it is to have you here with us today", and she didn't even spit her bubblegum when she said that. ABC are not engaged in trying to understand the crime.

  9. Lol.. how about genocide isreal toward Palestinien’s? Oh hold on they not white peoples 😂😂🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  10. Having listened to these lies, I would like you to think this through. So Canada invites China into their Country with open arms, then place nuclear war heads facing D.C, and have 11 Bio Labs with the intention to use against the American people. How would this Bilderberg Press report this war then ??? Joining the Dots, is only achieved by reading books. Why can,t Ukraine be neutral ? Think about this….

  11. So.. the war crimes he was attempting to be charged with in 2014 haven’t stuck yet? So much for trying to get these to stick, 2030?

  12. WW2 like war being started to hide WW2 like genocide. Hitler exterminated 12000000 under the guise of a typhus epidemic, and now they are doing it under the guise of a corona virus pandemic. Corona means crown, and a virus attacking the crown/government is some thing exposing government (2Corinthians4:4). Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 can only apply to one place on earth. Research it well to learn who has been behind slaughters for centuries! 1John5:19 is trying to stop Daniel12:4,2:44,45. Hitler was a Catholic and never excommunicated. Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 is orchestrating this assault against humanity, but they are trying to blame it on innocent peoples, Countries and groups. They are responsible for boycotts, civil disobedience, sabotage, and soon to be mass killings. People were rounded up to go to concentration camps because of a supposed typhus epidemic, and were gassed on the way by vehicle exhaust, or later by zyklon B rodent extermination gas with the smell taken out (h#$%@3n)cyanide. *Most of those rounded up were dead with in 70 days of being picked up. Canada shut down a government minister on a Parliamentary broadcast when he was asking what the concentration camps they were building were for, then later they circulated that he had been fired a year before the event, now said to be the location of the most covid(corona) cases. Corrupt.
    Revelation mentions that people should leave the Revelation18:4 group if they don't want to receive her plagues. (Hello, if you don't want to receive her plagues!)
    According to Revelation 18 this group wears scarlet(Cardinals), and purple(Bishops). It refers to a city Kingdom (Rome is the only city kingdom in the world), that rules over the Kings of the earth. Where are the Kings? The Roman Empire broke in 2 and from those 2 divisions came 10 Countries. The Pope was the eleventh, but he got rid of 3, and from the 7 he is chosen, and there will be 10 again. 5 Countries on each leg of the Roman Empire. The (cross or X) is on the shields(British flag, same as Roman shield) of the the Empire, and it symbolizes the ten Kingdoms, and the religious beliefs. Through time nations and peoples have not been able to sell their goods to other nations with out this mark. According to official writings no one may buy or sell or say a greeting to any one who has left the cross. The X or cross originates from the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet the tau, which means a mark, both literal and figurative. In The Bible book of Ezekiel 9, God put a tau(mark) on the people who were crying over the loss of wickedness. The mark was not for salvation. Revelation/Apocalypse 13:18 says you won't be able to buy or sell with out the tau(mark) of the beast(Empire). It is 1 of only 2 things that the Bible says gets you condemned, with no chance of repenting and being forgiven. The cross has been used through out history, including the Egyptians called it the ankh, which was a symbol of power. The cross has falsely become associated with the Messiah(Christ), and that is where Xmass, and Christmas comes from. Popes have always had a mitre(triple tiered crown) with 666 on it in Latin (Vicarivs Filli Dei).
    Latin letters have a number associated with it(like a Roman clock), just like Hebrew and Greek. Rome has called for mass destruction and sabotage to stop people from hearing this. Government and Churches working in self interest. The earth belongs to the people collectively. *1John5:19 is getting people to attack the people trying to make you free.(Daniel12:4) Clear your browser history and cache, and YouTube search and viewing history! Please pray for me and you! God for warned about these things happening. Their hate for Acts2:44 runs deep, and that is why Christian nations are committing genocide under the guise of a corona virus, just as Hitler did under the guise of a typhus epidemic, and falsely attacking China saying that they are the ones committing genocide. The last war China fought was WW2, and that was because they were attacked. Try reading your Bible and having a scrap of decency! Some Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 nations have had war every year, in fact there has probably never been a year or probably a month where they were not in a war. Study Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 deeply, as people are putting their life on the line for you! Idols on Ste. Peter's Basilica, show that Rome is a complete fraud (Acts15, Exodus20, Deuteronomy 5). Revelation17,18 is framing innocent people and businesses, and are going to attempt to get people so mad they will kill their perceived enemies. Governments issue vaccine mandates all over the world. Businesses face huge fines if they don't comply, but Revelation17,18 causes sabotage, boycotts, protests, walk outs and people quittng, so as to destroy business. Those trying to Daniel12:4 about 1John5:19. The Pope and the British Royals were found guilty of genocide, by the International Criminal Court, just before this pandemic. Donald J. Trump attacked the International Criminal Court by the US financial system. (corrupt) There were rioting and protests all across Europe just before the pandemic. Italy, the seat of Rome was the first place to long term lock down, fill their Churches with dead bodies and the first to enforce the covid vaccine pass. The Pope had a meeting with mayors and governors from around the world under the guise of environmentalism pre-covid.
    Read Exodus20, Deuteronomy5 and Acts15 and see about the Bible's view of idols, and you will see that it is Revelation/Apocalypse17,18, 1John5:19, 2Corinthians4:4 has caused people to break God's law by using the beast's money. Not NWO Daniel 12:4, but 1John5:19 OWO.* People calling it the NWO, should think, isn't this the same as the genocide and war of WW2, and plague of 1918? Think! Copy and share this information!(video record, record in audio, text, or ? All the things happening are to hide a Hitler like genocide. They are attacking because of information exposing them. ***There is two realities playing out.** 1. A corona virus pandemic and a vaccine to stop its spread. 2. Corona means crown(government) and there is a virus(information exposing/attacking the crown/government) and there is a computer/device anti virus(vaccine)(which is supposed to protect from malicious computer code) and this anti virus deletes information from your view. Trade your digital vaccine pass for a paper one and they lose control! Do it! Think of which reality is really being talked about! UK just passing laws to lock people up indefinitely, with no trial, take your kids, force tests, and send to concentration camps. UK has released tender for businesses to contract cadaver services for millions of human corpses. Mass emergency poison purchase in Australia. Hitler killed with odorless rat poison. Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 ruled the world. Rome was beheading for observing the real Sabbath(not ((Sun)day) "lord's day" lord's day is a clever imposter of the Sabbath.) A Pope struck a coin commemorating chopping off people's heads for observing the Sabbath. On one side of the coin was the Pope's head, and the other side had an Angel with a sword and a pile of heads. Ste Bartholomew's eve massacre. In the Vatican library is the proof of the collaboration of Church and government enslavement. Urgent necessity, to make the Vatican library completely public! Through history the Catholic Austrian Royals ruled Germany and the leader of the exterminations was Catholic Austrian Adolf Hitler. Most exterminations of WW2 were in Catholic Poland. Revelation/Apocalypse17,18 eats it's children. Omicron is a Greek letter like the last letter omega which has the O sound. In the the original Hebrew of the Bible there are two words את untranslated in *all other languages in Genesis1:1and other places. In Revelation it tells you who the את is. It has been hidden in the Greek to deceive you, as the complete Bible was in Hebrew and the Alpha and Omega(first and the last) of Revelation is really the את of Genesis1:1 א(aleph) is the first letter of Hebrew and ת(tau) is the last, and the one represented as את was in the beginning with God. Omicron is a code word for omega. Omicron is information exposing the את being changed to Alpha and Omega.* Determining the future by movies, is pure stupidity. ××Every one needs a 2.5 micron air quality monitor, so you can see when you are being GASSED!xx (Revelation13:15,18:5,*6*.) *How could there be a vaccine for a new variant with out testing, that is not covered by previous jabs?* G7 nations are removing corona restrictions, to regain it by war powers. Who will do the will of God? (*Revelation 18:6*) I've been warning for over two years that Rome/UK would start a war with Russia and China to hide genocide. Roman Catholic Joe Biden stopped the natural gas pipeline in the US and now in Europe. This is Rome's war. China be on guard of forces invading Taiwan, blaming you and attacking from there. Those attacking Russia/China, read Acts2:44,45, Daniel2:44,45, you follow Satan. Gog and Magog are in Turkey, Ezekiel38 not Russia. Mark of beast(MOB) nations hate (Bible Acts2:44,45; 4:32-35). Ukraine sinking their own ships and blowing up their own bridges. NATO has M.O.B. on flag, and goal is war on Acts2:44. Pompeo says Rome planned Ukraine war for 2017. Britian's Boris Johnson said, the pandemic is not working, so plan A, war. Roman Christian militias killing in Ukraine. Putin wanted to talk before this happened. Think! Just like Rome's WW2. India is a Constitutionally controlled monarchy of Britain((UK)propaganda). Germany forbidden to cause genocide because of WW2 extermination, so now they turn their military over to NATO to do it. Russian news channels are being blocked in the West, to hide the truth. Free? No, duped. ;(??(??

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