Transgender student athletes on their fight to compete as themselves | Nightline

A new Hulu documentary looks intimately at the lives of trans student-athletes. Eight states have passed laws restricting trans athletes from playing on teams consistent with their gender identity.



#Nightline #Transgender #StudentAthletes #Sports #Documentary #Trans GenderIdentity #LGBTQ


Author: avnblogfeed


38 thoughts on “Transgender student athletes on their fight to compete as themselves | Nightline

  1. I really don't understand the argument. I'm pretty sure everybody is okay with a Trans Division/League. What we are not okay with is: Born Males with clear advantages competing against females. Why is this so difficult to understand?

  2. Transgender women shall not compete against women who are biologically born female. It is unjust and unfair. The male body and muscle is naturally boosted with testosterone over 20 30 odd years on top the athletic training. No amount of hard training for biological women can match up to that of the transgender women who are athletically trained and only changed their gender in their later lives.
    This woke culture is disgustingly hypocritical. So forgiving for their mistake and privileges yet so harsh and demanding for others! I am politically democratic but this is such BS.

  3. Honestly no offense to anyone. I see both sides to many things, but this doesn't seem logical what-so-ever. No one should dehumanize other human beings for living their lives the way they want by any means; especially if they aren't doing harm to others. With that said, putting "fairness aside," is one of the leading problems we see often. Is it right to stop he/she from participating in sports? Flat out "NO." To be "fair" is it right to force other people to conform to the certain choices you or others chose to live with? Definitely "NO." To be "fair" is to consider the situation, determine what needs to be done and if it can benefit everyone participating. I would think it is best to create a sports group specifically for transgenders. Problem solved.

    They wanna be who they wanna be fine, but don't force your way into an unfair situation just because you want to be special. Everyone is special in their own way, but not special enough to strip others of their opportunity to participate in a fair game, occupation, etc. I think situations like this takes it to far sometimes just to make people feel included when they themselves exclude many people for the same reasons. You know what makes a person special? Someone that is fighting a disease that they didn't choose to have and doing everything in their power to make the best of it. A person whom has a disability that they didn't choose to have and yet changes the world for the betterment of humanity, "Steven Hawkins" to name one. Those people deserve to be recognized, but not someone who wants to alter their outer appearance to match their inner self. Kudos to you, but its still a choice "you" chose to make. Learn to live with your choices like the rest of us. Not condoning any discriminatory behavior towards anyone because I don't believe in that kind of choice of action.

    Take your steps in creating a group for transgenders. What did women do? Women fought for their places in the world. They fought to be apart of sports and occupations. Sports wise, they have their own place in the sport that allows them to have fair matches with the same biological genders. There is a reason why men don't have women participating in the same sport as men. Do you think boxing matches would be a big hit if you had a male fighting a woman? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Would it be fair to have an all men's football team going against an all woman's team? ABSOLUTELY NOT! That is why they are separate. Lets just use another example. A man wearing a wig, tucks his junk, and stuffs a sports bra under his singlet. Goes into a match pretending to be a woman (for whatever reason, lets just say people are dumb not to notice the difference between knowing what a man and a woman look like). Goes into a woman's wrestling league and wins the entire tournament with ease. Because the gentleman does not use the term "transgender," does that still consider the match fair? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

    That is because scientifically and biologically the differences in the human anatomy are to great of a difference when considering muscle mass, bone structure and hormones. I get it, you don't feel like you should of been the gender you were given. For some reason, the universe decided to give you what you have, but its what you have. No matter the means of attempting to alter that image, the fact is you will always be just that because it is in your creation as a human being to be just that. Taking testosterone as a woman means you have to continuously take testosterone to be a man. Vise versa when men have to take estrogen to be a woman. If either stops taking those hormones to be whom they chose to be, then the body naturally rejects any alteration done on the body to revert back to its normal homeostasis. Which mean you turn back to what you were at birth.

    Again, no offense to anyone, but it doesn't seem logical what-so-ever. No one should dehumanize other human beings for living their lives the way they want by any means; especially if they aren't doing harm to others. "TREAT THOSE THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED" (Respect is given before it is earned)

  4. Here’s an idea:

    Because it could be unfair for a MTF transgender to compete in woman sports, why not have trans sports teams…. I mean ppl need to look at it both sides…. N the ppl in question should have an understanding about it (n I’m referring to the athletic settings)

  5. Often people never quite realize that the wounding process is the natural result of serving self/Satan, instead of serving God the Creator. When we recognize the clear relationship between self and Satan, then we are beginning the thinking process that can lead to turning our life around. Satan always begins his deceptive suggestions by magnifying your own right to do what you please. Very few people would ever say, “I’m serving Satan.” They say, “I’m doing what I want to do.” Satan laughs at his slick ability to fool the human race.

  6. One solution to the argument that trans girls have an unfair advantage is to let them have gender-affirming healthcare. Puberty blockers and hormones will certainly help keep the playing fields level. But transphobes don’t want that. They don’t want trans people playing sports OR receiving gender-affirming medical support; it’s quite the catch-22.

  7. Themselves??? Really??? LOL Of course the truth always upsets the trans activists. It's not possible to change sex/gender because it is binary and immutable. All that these people can change is their "gender identity" which is just which sex/gender stereotypes that they conform to. E.g. Wearing dresses, having short hair, masculine demeanor etc. You chose to wear a dress or makeup but you can't choose to be, nor not be, a male/man/female/woman.

  8. Easy solution. End all the different leagues. Make all humans compete in 1 league per sport…..let’s see if that’s fair to women. It will also end all the “fair salary” debates.

  9. It's simple:
    No matter how many surgeries or hormones are taken the reproduction factor will never be naturally there. In another words: Boy are Boys | Girl are Girls

  10. any biological man who is willing to participare in women sport is a sick man. imagine a man boxing a woman that's a man beating up a woman, is that oky now? in my country that's called an abuse a serious offence.

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