Tornados, coronavirus nurses hailed, Easter Sunday: The Week in Pictures

A look at the week’s top photos from around the globe.


Author: avnblogfeed


24 thoughts on “Tornados, coronavirus nurses hailed, Easter Sunday: The Week in Pictures

  1. There were one trillion Coronavirus in the air,
    There were one trillion Coronavirus in the air,
    There were one trillion Coronavirus, one trillion Coronavirus,
    one trillion Coronavirus in the air.
    And the RAF from England shot 1 down,
    And the RAF from England shot 1 down,
    And the RAF from England, RAF from England,
    The RAF from England shot 1 down.

  2. Tornadoes during a pandemic… now that the news can reach every part of Earth faster than ever, what I have noticed is we as a species being hit by natural disasters more frequently… one after another or several at once… guess Earth is so disappointed in humans, just after those bush fires in Amazon and Australia, Earth is literally taking her revenge on us…

  3. I would like if someone out there in the news media would take the initiative and give the definition of flattening the curb in the health sector of the Coronavirus the definition is that the health system does not collapse that's what it means a lot of people would look at it in a different form so please media if you're going to say flatten a curb Governor's were flattened occur tell them what it means you're saying we don't want our health system to collapse another words have so many people in the hospital that we can't even tend to him at all

  4. Why not find another way to build homes out in those Tornado heavy states??? Obviously wooden homes are not ideal. Wtf!

  5. Stay strong, America! Taiwan is sending more masks to the health workers in the states! You guys can get through this because American people are resilient!

  6. Hoping all the self-selecting Trumptards contract COVID-19 and spread it to their families. 💯

  7. Not all lives are the same so my question is where does intelligence live today? There is this man let's call him Weathermaker, Weathermaker got up this morning got on his electric bike and went to the park. Next to the river, he found two trees at the right distance apart pulled his hammock out of his backpack then took out his laptop laid back in his hammock and went to work. He thought about taking out his fly rod but changed his mind after remembering that his girlfriend was waiting for him back home. Weathermaker is an amateur writer that is always asking himself where is the best reality showing up today? When he gets home he begins to talk to his girlfriend who he calls Sillyputty, he is not married. He met Sillyputty at the Amazon store she cost him $600 and looks just like Selena Gomez. There is just one problem just like the President of the United States he is living in an alternative reality. He takes a picture of Sillyputty so he can talk to her on his big-screen TV. Weathermaker also has a 3-D projector to go with his 3-D glasses at night his girlfriends really love him. To get Sillyputty to look like Selena Gomez he has to clip one of Selena's videos bring up a software program called aftereffects on his computer do some rotoscoping on her face and then attach her face to Sillyputty's body. While Weathermaker was down by the river he wrote a short script or sitcom to make him laugh when he got home. Needless to say, Selena Gomez is one horny bitch. There is another program on the Internet he found to make her lips move so Selena can read her script and make his coffee. He also has a maid living in his apartment named Alexa she usually makes his coffee for him, he found her at the Amazon store as well. When he is done laughing he turns his big-screen computer TV to YouTube to the watch the news. He thinks it's sad that people will vote to have their guns so a good guy can kill a bad guy it is also sad that in these days that people have become poisonous to the touch because of something called the coronavirus. People have their President to fake news what's wrong with living in alternative realities to the mind. Why is life so miserable he asks himself, why do people need to shake hands to be happy he asks Sillyputty. Our children today are killing God and the pity of Jesus out of their minds is touching people really that important anymore?… Homeless guy

  8. What does Trumps first wife, second wife, third wife and a Tornado have in common

    They'll take a house when they leave

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