The push to reopen schools and states dropping mask mandates

ABC medical expert Dr. Jay Bhatt weighs in on Royal Caribbean’s vaccinated-only cruise this summer.

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Author: avnblogfeed


32 thoughts on “The push to reopen schools and states dropping mask mandates

  1. Hello this is Normal, uh no I’m not back in the office, who told you that! Oh the Americans, no don’t listen to them, my cousin covid is still in town! Goodbye! Peace!

  2. All states should be open and should have never closed from an election year smart flu hoax. 16 states open republican governors kick ass, Evil Whitmer sucks ass

  3. Covid has a over 99% survival rate most ppl will be just fine. We have to continue with life it’s been a year we can’t wear mask and social distance forever.

  4. Omg how are so many of you SHEEP? And ABC you look like Nickelodeon posting this absurd crap. Amen to Texas and all other states that show what Country theyre in.

  5. All these people who insist on reopening schools because "mental health" seem to forget that this virus is serious. If the teachers dont get vaccinated, they will be killed by this virus.

  6. Not a real doctor pushing this vaccine! This is the 7th Corona Virus. Let that sink in. We may have all been exposed at one time or another, hence the positives. Pushing a vaccine with new technology. Doctors saying no increase in deaths as a result of Corona virus. They have been categorizing deaths (heart attack, stroke, car accidents, etc) as Corona if you test positive. Let that sink in too.

  7. California & New Youk have proven Lock Downs don't work. Their hospitalization & death rates are both higher than Floridas rates without Lock-downs. The problem of Lock-Down unemployment, depression, home foreclosures, bankrupts, and suicides are ignored by dumb-ass Democrats.

  8. Covid is here to stay get over the idea that it can be stopped or eradicated, it will always mutate. It will be like a flu endemic. Vaccines will always be behind the new mutations

  9. Not everyone can take vaccinated for one reason or another. It shouldn't be forced to be vaccinated to travel. There'll be lots of people not wearing of course those will not be vaccinated. Forced😠

  10. Kids under 18 have a better chance of dying from the flu than coronavirus and there also hasn’t been once confirmed teacher death in which they contracted from a student. Kids don’t transmit to adults really.

  11. I love all American people.

    I love all Saudi people.

    I love BIDEN JOE my uncle.

    I love king Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud my uncle.

    I love Saudi new crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz my brother.

    I love Saudi Prince Matiab bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz my brother.

    I love Saudi Prince waleed bin talal my brother.

    I don't like Eia.
    I don't like Pakistan people.
    01 02 03 04 06 10 14 17 19 23 12 Thief.

  12. Your vax KILLS! Don't take it and seek to know The TRUTH! Seek ye first The Kingdom of our Creator and to know The TRUE Gospel of Yahshua HA MASHIACH! These vax are deadly and toxic! Yet people insist that we take them… SMH 😨 and then people argue and say that we're all entitled to our own opinions LMBO 🤣🤣🤣 no we are NOT! The mask wearing is unnecessary and doesn't do anything to prevent people from getting sick! The ONLY way you will NOT get sick is to put your faith in TMH! NOT in man or science or doctors! But too many people ignore this stuff and believe everything the doctor tells you and what has that done? Has it stopped the spread of this illness? Do your own research people and know that Satan is playing games with you and your mind and your very soul! People will and are doing everything in their power to silence The Truth and it's not a game! These things are serious and REAL! The spiritual warfare is REAL people! Wake up! You're being LIED TO and manipulated and actually being FORCED to comply with the things that are contrary to our Creator! Even the very way that our bodies were created! This jab is going to change your DNA! Don't believe me, I urge you to look into these things for yourself instead of being angry and fighting against the TRUTH! The TRUTH WILL set you free! Even the churches and religions are ALL corrupted and ALL are set up on the precepts and doctrines of men and not the precepts and law's of TMH! Money IS the root of all EVIL indeed! Seek TMH God Almighty of Abraham and Yits'haq and Ya'aqob of Isra'el! And who are the TRUE Israelites? ALL of this stuff is so VERY important to know! And the TRUE Israelites and people of THE MOST HIGH are us so called African Americans! You cannot be BOTH African and American 😂😂😂 think about these things and if you disagree, it's fine by me. BUT, APTTMH YHWH of HOST'S! The TRUTH is The Truth and the LIES ARE and will continue to be exposed regardless of my comments being removed or ignored or those who tell The Truth are killed in order to keep the LIAR'S from being exposed! And ALL who do such things will have to answer to THE MOST HIGH! And HIS Wrath will be upon you! Stop the HATRED and oppression and LIES if you don't want to be destroyed by THE MOST HIGH YHWH our Elohim and TRUE Creator! It is what it is and these things CAN'T be debated! ALL will KNOW and confess that which is TRUE and WILL confess that we ARE HEBREW ISRAELITE'S and we are NOT the people who you think you have a right to call us! Nobody has a right to FORCE anything on ANYONE!!! Love God with ALL of your heart and mind and soul and do Good to each other and love each other as you want to be loved and treated by other's! THIS is ALL that matters to our Creator and that we are obedient to HIM! I don't say these things for attention or gain or power or payment. But I say them because I stand up for The Truth and what's RIGHT and Good!!! Also out of love for all who might not know about these things yet, not to attack anyone or disrespect or hurt anyone but to be honest and do what's right! It's NOT a loving thing to LIE to anyone right?!! So, all I ask is for people to do their own research for yourselves so that you can KNOW what is TRUE and REAL and GOOD and RIGHTEOUS and LOVING and JUST and ALSO to know ALL of the opposite of these things. Your peace of mind depends on it, your life and even your salvation depends on it! Wake up and stop accepting the LIES and CONFUSION and LAWLESSNESS and doctrines of men and wickednesses that Satan and his minions and children are forcing on you and the majority of the world! I hope that TMH will use my words here to touch the hearts and minds of ALL of you who want The Truth and want Justice and goodness to be with you 💓🔥💪🏾🐑 Shalom my friends!

  13. Stupid ass country 🤦‍♀️ virus out of control not enough vaccines people still sick still dying still getting infected yeah lets go and remove mask requirements and send the kids to school like guinea pigs

  14. I wouldn't get a shot not fully covered for mutated virus and all those want schools open should be shot throwing lives into virus see if they die or they emune to it shot just kill you

  15. The Democrats have used and continue to use covid to have control over the people of America. They are power hungry, and only care about having power. They don't give a damn about America or it's people. They enjoy having their feet on America's neck. Disgusting!

  16. I am sorry… School shouldn't open until we realize kids are dirty!!!!
    We need 15 students max for college, 6th grade to 12th 10 student, prep school to 5th grade 5 kids max. Prep school to 12th, core classes teachers rotate to kids classes

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