Texas’ controversial abortion ban takes effect l GMA

The Supreme Court will be moving forward with a controversial ban on most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy that’s set to take effect on Sept. 1.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/3yzpGYK

#ABCNews #Texas #TexasAbortionBan #SCOTUS


Author: avnblogfeed


48 thoughts on “Texas’ controversial abortion ban takes effect l GMA

  1. I say let Texas become it's own country or give it back to Mexico!!!
    Texas refuses to share its energy, that killed hundreds during a freak cold & hot snap. Texas has not upgraded its power grid in years.
    Now in a supposedly civilized nation everyone can open carry firearms. To heck with freedom of speech or a woman's right to choose.
    Rape victims usually don't realize they are pregnant in 6 weeks. Most rapes are by someone the woman knows and is embargoed as well as degraded. Rich people will fly north. Poor are stuck.
    WHERE IS THE BOUNTY ON RAPIST? I say send out a fleet of trucks passing out Birth Test Kits, Condoms, Diaphragms, & Gels to everyone from 12 to 112 years old. Add a doctor a few times a week for the Pill, Birth Control Implants, and offer FREE BUS TICKETS NORTH FOR THE POOR!!!
    12 weeks is the soonest a woman can make arrangements to terminate. It is their body, rape is awful & embarrassing. Relatives,, friends, neighbors, & strangers will blame the rape victims.
    Rapist will get away with horrid crimes. The child will live an unwanted life!
    Artificial wombs are viable, I say remove the unwanted fetus and let the psycho right to lifers raise the child, retarded, malnutrition, and sometimes ugly as the father. Raise it on your dime, the States dime, or a churches dime!!!
    Let woman choose!!!

  2. Are there good child care programs and excellent financial aid provided to struggling mothers by the state of TX.
    If the answer is no, then what the heck are these R men doing all day!

  3. Texas is also petitioning to remove The Indigenous Child Act to kidnap our babies with the help of State police, local police, and Child Protective Services. The only one they are missing is the churches. Seeing how they made the phrase "Kill the Indian save the man". This is the Millennial Scoop and this is not a drill.

  4. If a woman doesn't know she is pregnant after 3 or 4 weeks. She doesn't know her body. If you can see and hear a heartbeat; there is life🧬. God blessed women to give birth; not to think they are God and decide when babies in the womb can live or die.

    Make no mistake, serious judgement will come against women that kill babies living in their wombs because of selfishness.

    Thus, for husbands, finances, boyfriends and doctors who go along with this abomination against innocent little babies that can't speak for themselves.. l will repeat! God/Jesus knows and sees all. Hence, those that commit these atrocities will not escape his wrath and fury…. It will be extremely bad ‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥

  5. It's funny to hear the baby killing left say my body my choice but try to force vaccines and mask sorry demonkkkrat socialist dictators my body my choice little babys body little babys choice not yours.

  6. Now that innocent babies are going to be a lot safer from the abortion doctors lets make sure the metal coat hangers are only used for heavy coats and regular clothing. I think some of the women out there that are pro choice are crazy radical feminist man haters and they are venting right now. I am not venting. I am really happy that the innocent little ones are going to be safer. We need abortion stopped in all states. I hope the PRO LIFE movement gets stronger and stronger against the evil (pro choice movement). THANK YOU TEXAS.

  7. What kind of sick people would want to murder their own children anyway? No matter how you look at abortion a child was alive and got killed, so abortion is murder.

  8. These are the top 10 companies in texas, boycott accordingly:

    Foxconn Assembly LLC, Houston TX
    Pizza Hut
    Keller Williams Realty
    Carlson Restaurants
    Electronic Data Systems
    American Airlines
    Livestock Investors
    Tenet Healthcare

  9. Mandatory BC for all sexually active under 21 years.

    Or you know, quit screwing like rabbits. Hmm, but maybe the govt is to blame since it incentivises having as many kids as possible 🤔

    Either way, the root of the issue is still to be addressed. In the meantime, mandatory birth control for all under the age of 21.

  10. May the great flood of the days of Noah come down and sweep all of us off the earth…deciding the faith of a poor innocent defenseless baby before he or she is even born…then you go out in public saying other babies are cute…hypocrisy. Exodus 26. This is why the earth is opening its mouth …it has had to many innocent blood shed…what exactly are we looking for??? Why all this crap…what happened to living a simple God fearing life??? If our ancestors made such decisions would we be here right now…we will all be gone one day…why not stop death rather if you really must …why stop living…unbelievable…blood stain everywhere….may the great flood of the days of Noah come and sweep humanity off the surface of earth. The earth is still as it was created …the people in it are destroying it. Hypocrisy overload.

  11. They say boycott Texas!!!! This coming from States that are forcing their citizens to wear masks and take shots and segregating their citizens like they used to do because of skin color.🤦 I do believe it is your body your choice, but you can't have both ways progressives. Because then your just a flat out hypocrite and even worst a fascist.🤦🤦

  12. If you are banning abortion and depriving women's right whether to bring and raise child in this world, then you should shut down the animal breeding/petting ,meat/veal/eggs and biotechnologies/ genetics studies industries..Cause you are playing god and slaughtering with somebody's else children's lives in those cases too!..And also, support anti vaxers and put a ban on covid vaccine too..Cause covid virus has lives and women are not allowed to decide whether to eliminate another live that is flourishing in their body! 😂

  13. Imagine if all thise women holding their signs were violated and impregnated against their will. I doubt they'd be holding those signs anymore. Most of them will just commit suicide. Yay, pro. Life…. Yawns…

  14. YO, Biden! Remember this Scripture, FAKE CATHOLIC! MATT 10:28 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body (Man)but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One (GOD) who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
    Who do you really serve?

  15. Having sex and then having a baby is natural at the end of the day. You debauched women and men who agree with abortion are really just clowns who have absolutely no self control and because of your own lack of you want the government system to bail you out when you act wild and then get pregnant. You make up all these exaggerative speeches about "your rights" etc but really you're the problems and you want this system to fit your own degraded mentalities.

  16. Rape abortions are sub 5% of all abortions (300 000 per year) and incest is sub to 2% if a woman don want to have a baby they shouldnt be having sex and if they wsnt o have it use protection are like thousends of ways to avoid a pregnancy without killing tha baby.

  17. sorry, tell me how this works
    Bacteria is life on Mars, but a heartbeat isn't life on Earth? Weird.
    “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” -Mother Teresa

  18. I am so happy. I hope the little babies are now safer from all those mean instrument welding abortion doctors. Save the babies. GOD BLESS TEXAS. Ladies please be good to your babies and please stay away from abortions doctors. Be safe everyone.

  19. Does anyone know what percentage of those that survived abortions or who found out their parents were considering aborting them were disappointed for it to not be successful or that their parents didn't go ahead with the abortions? The right for all to live unfortunately is not as important today it seems but only for one to choose the right for another to have the opportunity to live.

  20. Wait a couple decades when the planet's population reaches 10 bill. I predict they will be handing out abortions for free by then. Edit: and euthanasia.

  21. People literally die on the streets because they can't afford healthcare, yet conservative / religious groups are trying their best to be righteous in their crusade to 'preserve life'.
    It's horrifyingly amusing.

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