Sri Lanka in turmoil as president flees nation amid mass protests l ABCNL

ABC News’ Maggie Rulli reports on protesting that has occurred in Sri Lanka as frustration about their economic situation has caused tensions to boil over.

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44 thoughts on “Sri Lanka in turmoil as president flees nation amid mass protests l ABCNL

  1. The problem with you is that when it happens some where else it is just news. But when food crises will hit your home or mine then we will grieve over it, when food shortages will hit your children & home then you will be willing to act & will take responsibility to get food, instead of outsourcing the problem to god or this or that. Currently we live in a perception that it can always happen to someone else but not me. When real food shortages will prevail all your money, all your education, all your wealth will mean nothing.
    Right now the entire world is heading towards a global famine, some countries already have. We all are at the brink of a disaster.
    We need to understand we cannot eat buildings, we cannot it information technology, we cannot eat computers and mobile. We eat food. And food is only possible as long as the organisms in the soil are alive, which are at the verge of extinction. If they all die the food on yours and mine plates die as well including you and me.

    Agricultural soil on the planet could last for another 50 harvest more.
    Alive soil is the foundation of the groundwater water, food & the cleanair . In the next few years there would be serious questions about these aspects as alive soil is the second biggest carbon soak on the planet and the biggest rain water soak, and the reason we have food on our plates. Dead soil can neither soak carbon nor soak rain water neither can it produce food.

    Without necessary organic strength in the Agricultural soil, whatever you grow is getting weaker and weaker, and human beings are getting weaker and weaker. Not in terms of muscular strength and muscular weakness, the very system is loosing it.

    Handful of alive soil contains 8 to 10 billion micro-organisms. That is how alive it is.
    Their food is organic content, which comes through plant litter & animal waste.
    There are no animals on the land, there are no trees and plants on the land, land will die, because organisms have nothing to eat, they need organic material to consume. There is no substitute for organic material, which are trees and animal. There are zillions of organisms living in the first 15 to 20 inches of top soil they are fundamental to all life on the planet including you and me. But right now as per UNFAO they are dying at an unimaginable pace, 27,000 species of microorganisms are going extinct per year. At this rate in the next few years we would reach a place, where we would not be able to grow anything on our lands.

    54% of the world’s land is farm land, another 18 to 20% is under partial farming. So nearly 70% of the world land’s is farm land, and 4.2% is urban land.
    Essentially, 71% of it is plouged and 4% is paved, this has reduced the photosynthesis process of sequestering carbon print in the sky. Last 1000 years photosynthesis as come down by 85%. Ploughed lands releases more carbon into the atmosphere, accounts to 40% of global warming(unknown & unheard by urban people). Instead if there is green cover on farm lands there would be more carbon sequestering happening from the atmosphere.
    Urban lands there nothing much we can do, we can make it little greener, but lets be practical we cannot replace buildings with green cover.
    Agricultural land needs fixing, this is a piece of land where human hand is tending on a daily basis. The real fixing is agricultural lands.
    What is it that we can do, to put some food there, for the micro-organisms which is the fundamental of all life including you and me. Putting food there means organic content should rise, whos only source is trees litter and animal waste. If you look this across the world, Not a single nation has a minimum of 3% – not even a single nation. So why can’t we set this objective, all other issues are there we can continue to attend those things but the most important thing is we as a generation of people keep the soil alive, for future generations. If you take away all the organic content from the soil, it becomes sand. Desertification of soil is not just another problem it is the problem. It is the death and murder of the soil.

    We are also in that cusp of time, if we act now in the next 10 to 15 years of time we can make a significant turn around. But if we allow this to go for another 30 to 40 years then it would not be possible, because the soil biodiversity loss would have reached such a place even if you want to regenerate soil, it would not happen.

    Governments cannot take long terms steps without people's will and people are busy asking for trinkets and knickknacks, oh give me rebate in the gas prices, give me this give me that. All other important issues matter, but we need to be alive to handle all other issues. Not even in a single nation in the world 60% of the population has ever stood up and expressed for the long term well being of themselves & their children.

    Send a letter or email to the leaders of your country to express your care for soil and request to enact policies that restore and safeguard soil. To insure food, water and clean atmosphere for yourself and your children. Only keeping money insured for your loved one's will not help in anyway when serious food, water and ecological crises prevail.
    In a democracy the only currency is numbers, if the numbers are there every government will move.

    In United states in last 12 years 50% of FARMERS have not seen a single dollar of profit. Whole families shooting themselves up because they have no money & banks are coming & taking the land. This is the reality of MOST NATIONS & root cause is SOIL DESERTIFICATION.
    In the last 25 years over half a million farmers have committed suicides across the world. This is not one nations problem, this is a global problem. Farming community has the highest amount of suicides in united states, because more than 50% of US top soil is gone. They have heavily used things on soil, now how much you put nothing will come, every year usage of insecticides and fertilizers is going up and the cost is going up endlessly. This is not one nations problem, this is a global problem.
    We have reached a place, farming is something nobody wants to do. As per a survey in a nation where 63% of people are in farming, not even 2% wants their children to become farmers. Everyone wants to pile in the cities because it is not lucrative , it is heart breaking. Unless we make this way a farmer will earn if not more at-least as much an engineer, a doctor or a lawyer or whatever other profession, which drives people to cities. If we don’t do this food security of the world will suffer immensely. Root cause is that agricultural soil has gone through such heavy depletion in the last 40 years as I mentioned above that as per UNFAO 27000 soil species, not organisms but Species in the soil is going extinct per year, if we continue will this pace, in the coming years nothing could be grown on agricultural lands.

    Desertification is the biggest problem on the planet right now, nobody is talking about it as there is no money in it. People are talking about fossil fuels, automobiles, coal and other ones. Because if you knock industry it spills dollars. To revitalize deserted agricultural soil you cannot knock anybody, you will have to spend your life to make it happen.
    In the known UNIVERSE there are only two sources of organic content, PLANT LIFE & ANIMAL LIFE
    There is simply no other way
    If we do not bring back plant life and animal life back on the farm, land or soil will die in the next 25 to 40 years time. This is a global problem.

    Two nations in Africa are going into severe Hunger, a FAMINE situation right now simply because there is war somewhere else
    It is expected that in the next six months 350,000 children will die in these two countries because there is no food to eat.

    When famines happen, the first to die is always children and older people others will die slowly.
    This year about six nations will go into famine conditions.
    The trees must come back on FARM LANDS, there is way to make farming very lucrative and profitable and also enrich the soil by what is called as TREE BASED AGRICULTURE.
    YOU CAN GROW ALMOST EVERY CROP WITH TREES IN BETWEEN, There is a scientific way of doing it

    Agricultural soil across the world, the depletion is so heavy in most countries 50% of the top soil is already gone in the last 100 years

    The level of micro nutrients you would get from your food in early 20th century to what you are getting now has dropped 90%

    The microbial life in the first 12 to 15 inches of top soil is the basis of our existence
    Open soil ripped open by plouging, open to sun light is the basis of destruction of the microbial life. Focus should be on agriculture. Focus should be on seeing that Agricultural Land is under shade as much as possible some kind of shade grasses herbs bushes trees.

    As hunger takes over people to terrible things, parents have chopped of the limbs of their children and eaten the limbs because they didn’t want to kill the children. Lets not take humanity into that direction again.
    If agricultural soil is not rejuvenated and revitalized then SAND is what you and I would be eating and so will your and mine children will.
    Depleted Soil will not quench the fire of hunger and unquenched hunger can burn the very world.

    *You don't need to believe all this, just go and sit on a ploughed agricultural land which is ripped open under the sun without any green cover, touch the soil and see do see any amount of humus left in it, this is real destruction, destruction of humus in the soil is the destruction of humans. You will yourself understand and experience the disaster we are walking in.*

    *ACT NOW*
    We all are partners in this destruction, only when we are become partners in the solution we can turn this around, or if we walk into this disaster which would be a global famine like situation most of us will not walk out of it.

    #SaveSoil #UNCCD #UNFAO

  2. This is what happens when you let the World Economic Forum run your country, thankfully Sri Lankans woke up before it was absolutely too late.

  3. In the name of security reasons, the Srilankan government was buzy killing Indian Tamil fishermen while they were fishing. The curse has hit the Sri Lankan's back, now provide security to yourself from this protestors and your fallen economy.

  4. Is it un uprising or an insurrection NBC?? Are they like you said peaceful protesters? Is this brave or should these people be held in cages without trial? Just curious if these people have the right to be angry at the government for not being honest and not caring to hear the people??

  5. Pay attention Americans Democracies always fail, and the United States has survived as long as it has because we are a constitutional republic, which despite what media tells you is very different from a democracy, yes there are similarities but they are very very different.

  6. One political family has ruined the future of entire county out of greed. But people are the power, together we will overcome any greed and corruption. The Rajapaksa's nothing but cowards. This the revolution lead by the people. Times are tough, but hearts and love is strong. Love beats evil.

  7. If only us Americans had the balls to get off our iPhones and do the same. I’m not talking about some fake January 6 bullshit. Most of us can’t even afford the food prices gas prices which are only going to get worse housing anything. Why are our Americans so soft?

  8. This is exactly where Obama the Elites and globalist intend to bring America too, but GOD is in control one down many more to follow the Domino effect

  9. these people are all criminals and should be imprisoned! This is an insurrection! No matter how evil a government is, storming the capitol is even more evil. This is almost as bad as January 6th, the worst day in world history.

  10. If you push people to the point that even if they work all day and night it isn't enough, and they are still watching their children go hungry, they are right to come and to rip your arms off and eat your cake.
    Their traitor president should be sent back naked. Negligence or malice, there is no excuse for such failure and corruption.

  11. I still think they have a bright future. This needs to happen when the wealthy are cheating the system while the poor suffers. 🇺🇸 needs to take notes

  12. Wow not that’s a true in surrection
    What that lady said. Kings living in luxury a palace like that for 1 family while all the ppl live under severe pressure. So sad the disparity

  13. That is what needs to happen here we need to demand Biden and his cabinet step down. We need to start making citizen arrest to all those that are in office and are not American first! We need to get them out of office before we don’t have a country! I’m not saying we need to storm the White House. Only that we need to demand they step down!!!

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