Sen. Mark Warner: Putin has ‘totally miscalculated’

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Mark Warner about the impact of the West’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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32 thoughts on “Sen. Mark Warner: Putin has ‘totally miscalculated’

  1. Don’t underestimate Putin. He hasn’t underestimated the Ukraine resistance. He will have expected it. . He hasn’t started yet! The US are afraid of direct conflict, as is NATO.

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  3. In 39 the Soviet army looked invincible. But the war with Finland revealed they were poorly trained and led. It took 2 long bloody years to fix the leadership problem. But they could blame Stalin for the Purges, what's their excuse today. And Putin doesn't have that kind of time.

  4. This argument only makes sense if you think Russia aims to improve its strategic position in the old architecture. That's false. This is Russia's BREAK with the West entirely and it's pivot to the Global South. And China is welcoming it with open arms. Say hello to $12/gal gasoline in America, and the begin of the end of the US Dollar.

  5. ▪️ Special military operation in Ukraine: Russia is literally a day ahead of Kyiv and the West!
    The Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with the NATO command, were preparing to launch an attack on the Donbass first.
    The military-technical superiority of the Ukrainian army trained by NATO over the corps of the People's Militia of the DPR and LPR would allow them to be captured with numerous casualties among the military and civilians.
    Moscow preempted the plans of Kyiv and the West literally by a day, which allowed it to partially seize the strategic initiative.
    Approximately a week before the start of the Russian special operation, DPR official Eduard Basurin reported on the map of the attack on Donbass, which was stolen from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It was clearly laid out there when long-range artillery strikes would be delivered, when MLRS, when by aviation, then strikes by the operational tactical group (OTG), respectively "North", "South" and "East".
    OTG "Vostok" acted on the dissection of Donetsk and Lugansk. They were given three days to reach the border, and the OTG "South" would act together with the "Aidar", and they would play the role of a detachment. In the north, where Luhansk, they acted under the cover of the "Right Sector", they were supposed to meet in the Komsomolsk region south of Donetsk and cut off the LDNR from the border with Russia. And within two days it was planned to start cleaning. Moreover, Donetsk, Lugansk and several other cities were not taken, but simply surrounded and blocked, that is, a blockade was envisaged according to the Leningrad principle.
    On the eve of the Ukrainian operation in the Donbass, the Americans transferred about 5,000 troops to Poland, called, together with the Polish army, to block the Kaliningrad grouping of the Russian army.
    The second grouping is a thousand soldiers of the Stryker brigade (armored vehicles) in Romania. This group blocked Transnistria so that they would not come to Odessa through the South. And plus to all this, the plan that Basurin showed.
    It was all a single set of actions that were to begin either on February 24 or 25. In fact, we were ahead of the Ukrainians by a day or two. Why such hysteria? Because everything was ready and then all of a sudden, one day earlier, we began to actively act.
    On February 24, the Russian army began “strike on airfields and runways to prevent the landing of transport planes with weapons from the United States and other countries. In addition, they disabled air defense systems, in particular, they disabled the three hundred S-300, which was based in Kramatorsk, and covered the command posts and headquarters of the Vostok OTG. They have old three hundred aircraft with a range of 75 km, but in principle there was a possibility that they could easily shoot down any of our passenger planes at the border. They put out of action radar stations, anti-aircraft missile divisions, including the 300th Bukovsky ones, and struck at a number of airfields.

    So, if the Russian army had not come to the aid of the Donbass, everything could have turned out quite differently … The Third World War whistled over us …

  6. America is trying to stay out of the fight military unless it's absolutely necessary. Putin knows this and is taking full advantage of it. If it spills over into NATO countries, all bets are off the table. Pushing a madman into a corner is ill advised.

  7. Putin and his army have to face war crime for killing people of Ukraine, from baby's, girls boys, weman, and civilian's, old people's: etc Putin is a son of Satan he drank from the blood of Ukraine people. This man is not a human being his from a different world. Maybe an aliens from out of space which space I don't know. He have to face a war crime for murderer the people of Ukraine.go Ukraine

  8. This is why you never elect lunatic leaders who are stuck in their past life. What Putin is doing is no different than Trump's MAGA movement, they're both based on destroying the current status quo of democracy, then rebuilding it based on an earlier period as a complete authoritarian nation with them on top of it. This is why China is having a hard time dealing with this crisis right now, because they have a similar goal for Taiwan too. So to pretend they care about democracy then take a 180 to attack Taiwan will put them in a far worst standing than Russia.

  9. like the u.s./allies miscalculated in iraq, syria, afghan, (vietnam too)… not to mention the invasion of iraq based on lies, etc.?

  10. Haha. No. It is YOU who is CLUELESS.
    Remember, this started as a PEACE ENFORCEMENT and it will end as a PEACE ENFORCEMENT. However, it will be enforced by a new, still not visible, European bloc that will make NATO irrelevant and push it out as the middleman. Exactly the desired outcome. You people and the western media is sooooo delusional. Btw, I'm Canadian. You guys are sooo short sighted. Lol.

  11. China is analyzing the aggression. Risk reward is being calculated. Watch out Taiwan. These autocrats has no morale ground. They are vent on WAR.

  12. Those minions of the Money Master tried to seduce Russia's neighbor. To place military installation next to Russia. Russia knows it. Russia just eliminates it.
    Those minions wash their hand. Poor Ukraine, led by comedian.

  13. Putler relies on intel from people who are afraid of him, and tell him what he wants to hear..
    A certain Adolf had the same problem.

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