Pope makes 1st visit to Iraq

Pope Francis is traveling to Iraq on Friday in the country’s first papal visit. ABC News’ Ian Pannell reports on how, after years of persecution, Christians are cautiously returning to Iraq.

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Author: avnblogfeed


45 thoughts on “Pope makes 1st visit to Iraq

  1. America, which claims freedom and democracy, destroyed Iraq and stole its wealth, boasting that it is the most powerful military force and has satellites that monitor countries, but it has let the terrorists enter and kill the Iraqi people, and there are videos recorded by Iraqi soldiers for American planes transporting the emirs of ISIS, as well as logistical support from parachutes thrown at them from American military aircraft.

  2. What does ABC mean by flourishing for hundreds of years until 20th century? Christians used to dominate the entire middle east and north africa. Muslims have been persecuting Christians in this region since the birth of the prophet Muhammad

  3. Obama/Hillary's handy work ? This mess has alot to do with West getting involved in unnecessary internal issues in mideast… to topple governments & to established so called "democracy" ! Yes, they had dictators maybe , but sometimes it's part of the fabric of that society to keep control & balance. These islamists all rose without any fear to butcher people after Sadaam was taken out !

  4. Gesus isn't the only prophet, there are other just as important I'm american kurdish why protect the christians that he is sending to hell for believing gesus is his son Wich he isn't. There are prophets u wouldn't be here without and God just wants u to believe in them as equal aa gesus that is ligit all he wants!

  5. They just said on tv that Pope is head of FAKE imitation Christianity …which is EXACTLY what the BIBLE really teaches. The lying poopy Pope doesn’t believe what the Bible teaches😏😩

  6. Gooday everyone. I'm here to bring to your notice that the USA government have passed the bill for the covid 19 relief benefits. Which includes
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    Contact agent Dr Brown on his email address for your benefits

  7. On Behalf of ALL OF ISLAM WE WILL NEVER ACCEPT THE ANTI CHRIST DAJJAL SHIRKERS until They STOP worshipping Anti Christ. STOP WEARING SYMBOLS such as Crosses with Dead man, Pentagrams, Eye, or Triangle, or a Triangle with an Eye, or a Cross with a Triangle on the Center, AND GRAVEN IMAGES THAT ARE FORBIDDEN IN DEUTERONOMY Ch. 5 AND EXODUS Ch. 20.


    Wake Up!

  8. Pope Francis never say a word when CCP pull down the churches in China, never condemn the genocides in Xiangjiang but continue make friends with President Xi. He prefers to make friends with devil than the god we believe.

  9. thank you, pope Francis, for blessing us with your visit… not just Christians but for all Iraqis (Muslims, Yazidis, Assyrians,…etc)

    Welcome to the great beautiful broken land of Mesopotamia

  10. Killing in the name of Religion?🛑 Think of the word, Mankind. Is Man kind?👹 Religion kills, if you need more proof, then you're blind.

  11. Lord Jesus, please take care of Catholics in Iraq, let them have peace. Protect them from cruelty by others🙏🙏🙏

  12. Glory to God! Shia Islam & Catholics/Christianity share in faith of ONE GOD CREATOR OF HEAVEN & EARTH. Shia Islam does not support Isis, an extremist group. Al Sistani called on Iraq's people to fight against jihadists. God bless😇

  13. Inshallah I pray to Allah that his massager prophet Muhammd's respect and honer will be discussed and documented so that no one can disrespectfully give it's remarks against The Prophet Muhammd P.B.U.H.

  14. Don't just visit the capital, bring him to the site where it is almost destroyed by uninvited US interventionists and the marauding IS, let him offer his blessings to those lost souls

  15. Much respect for sir Pope Francis. I request him to guide his people to the right path. Because Jesus(peace be upon him) never claimed divinity. He rather said worship Allah who is my lord and your Lord.
    The Allah(God) is only one. Neither he begets nor he is begotten. He does not need to sleep, or eat food. He has power on every thing in the earth 🌎 and skies. There is nothing like him.

  16. Pope – no mask. Sisters – no masks. Much of the crowd – no masks. Hurray!!!!! Leave those face diapers to liberal green… oh, what the hell, people.

  17. Yet the muslims in the west feel they are being discriminated and feeling that there is Islamophobia. They are offended by all things, ashamed of nothing.

  18. 3:10 you can clearly see the extremists attack and kill their own people. To them it doesn’t matter if you’re Muslim or not what matters to them is whether you follow their twisted & corrupt ideology.

  19. When evangelicals claim Christians are being persecuted in America, the safest country in the world for Christians, please show them videos of actual Christian persecution in the middle east.

  20. May God be with Christians around the world especially those facing persecutions of different kinds because of their faith because Christians have no ally, no friend here on earth but God because those that should ordinarily protect Christians do not care America is more likely to retaliate brutally when gays are attacked than when Christians are attacked..

  21. We are so happy to welcome his holiness pope Francis in our country IRAQ thank you so much for coming

  22. Iraq is coming under the rule of Iranian militias that control everything in the country and kill and displace people. These militias are led by Iranian agents

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