NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – May 28th, 2021

Americans hit the road for Memorial Day weekend, CDC releases new guidance for masking at camp, and Senate Republicans block January 6th commission.
Watch “NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt” at 6:30 p.m. ET / 5:30 p.m. CT (or check your local listings).

00:00 Intro
02:01 Holiday Travel Rush
04:30 CDC Camp Mask Guidelines
06:08 GOP Blocks Riot Commission
08:15 Russian Cyberattack
09:59 Motive Behind San Jose Shooting
11:46 Eric Riddick Prison Release
16:12 Historic Transplant Clinic
18:52 Memorial Day: A Personal Look At Arlington National Cemetery

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#NBCNews #MemorialDay #CommissionVote


Author: avnblogfeed


24 thoughts on “NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – May 28th, 2021

  1. Essentia water after good meal. Basically they should enforce this at hospital stays, but they don't. When the body is contaminated, you keep taking a shower, so taking a shower four times a day won't help. While this is one step closer to equality, because we all should be better aware of our better health. There is no reason why we can't walk healthy.

  2. People want to work, they just don't want to work for YOU, probably because you pay peanuts. That's why you have to rely on foreign camp counsellors. Pay better wages and you won't have to wait for employees visas to come back, locals would actually want to work for you.

  3. News broke on May 28 that the remains of 215 children were discovered near a school in Kamloops, BC. But there was no mention of it on Nightly News. Instead, your “Breaking News” was about summer hiring problems(?!). Hundreds of bodies of kids…and not a word of mention. Unreal.

  4. Here the problem with companies today other than low pay. Companies take their sweet time in the hiring process. Can take up to a month with big companies. Temp agencies have killed manufacturing. They do crazy stupid background checks on the most frivolous jobs. People are sick of it.

  5. Greetings and Happy belayed MEMORIAL DAY and upcoming INDEPENDENCE day to all
    Americans. Our excitement, prayers, love, and best wishes go out to all
    the noblemen and women of courage and integrity on the frontlines of
    battle in this indescribably challenging new EPOCH. We fully realize and
    acknowledge that there still is a lot of concern, frustration,
    division, and even animosity over events, expectations, management, and
    or facts surrounding the origin of this COVID-pandemic or crisis. Many
    have duly acknowledged that this crisis has unmasked at best and or
    concealed or shifted at worse, the many long-standing societal,
    familial, and or personal maladies which have plagued our communities
    for far too long. These among other things need to be urgently
    addressed. This unveiling as it seems highlights the ongoing inequality,
    intolerance, greed, corruption, apathy, and or social-spiritual
    blindness stubbornly maintained by many prominent leaders involved in
    government, finance, philanthropy, and education. Not to mention the
    outdated restrictive monopolies feverishly clutching or perverting and
    preventing the fluid transformation of the Criminal Justice, Energy,
    Medicine, and Educational sectors!Hopefully, we can work
    together to avoid the all too typical toxic, divisive, and ideological
    extremes seemingly prepackaged for us by those who exert undue private
    influence in the public arena. While we know that the national debts are
    high and that it is important to keep an eye on wasteful government
    spending, many can hardly understand how much income their
    representatives get paid a year or even much less how they can see it
    fit to go on a vacation in this critical emergency period. We dare say
    that it does appear audacious to do so without first expediting the
    relief for their citizens who have been affected so greatly and on so
    many levels?Compatriots, it is our humble and sincere belief
    that continued relief or direct stimulus funding for our citizens is of
    crucial impertinence and is embarrassingly already delayed and or is
    being abused, misrepresented, or misunderstood for purely political or
    ideological purposes. We believe that the continued CRUCIAL support
    should be immediately issued forth without delay and contingencies from
    those on in Big Pharma, Wallstreet, Frankfurt, the WHO, NIH, CDC,
    Hollywood, or any other private parties! Even experts at the influential
    World Economic Forum have very recently come around and shared similar
    sentiments.We make these statements in good faith and strict
    consultation of the absolute best international, cross-sectional,
    interdisciplinary, and in-depth scientific-analytical entrepreneurs. Our
    thoughts and considerations at this most critical time, also advise us
    that the ongoing COVID RELIEF continue immediately and without further
    delay. We also believe this should come before or in conjunction with
    the continued chain of custody and or forensic investigation of this
    virus originating at the Chinese WUHAN medical facility. This also must
    be done in a fully transparent, trustworthy, professional, and competent
    fashion. We believe BOTH are necessary and that BOTH TRULY are a matter
    of NATIONAL SECURITY collectively for our citizens. Indeed, we proffer
    that BOTH measures or initiatives also best serve our need to likewise
    preserve and protect BOTH our NATIONAL IDENTITY and CIVIL LIBERTIES!
    We should not put our people in the duress situation compromising one for the other.
    Naturally, we encourage all to consider using direct financing to pay off past
    debts and provide for their most crucial immediate or basic needs, but
    that we should also not lose sight or lose focus in the universal
    struggle to protect our God-given INDEPENDENCE, DIGNITY, and LIBERTY by
    further investing in our DREAMS, goals, and yes adventures…This could
    take place in launching or maintaining a new startup, homestead, farm,
    family, future collaborative art or cultural project whether it be in
    one’s own home, office, church, or community center…maybe just with a
    few close friends and neighbors. To quote Gandi.. 'be the change you
    want to see in the world.' Either way, the world should expect AMERICA
    to lead with all the TENACITY, ENERGY, CREATIVITY, and ENTHUSIASM
    values have not only made the so GREAT in the past but also keeps it so
    INSPIRATIONAL in the very real present and hopefully the distant
    future. We always renew our comment to and remember the countless heroes
    who honorable sacrificed their lives for GOD and COUNTRY along with the
    countless immigrants who risked all looking for a better life of
    freedom and opportunity. However, we must come to recognize that RIGHT
    NOW the small flame of fire of LIBERTY burning in the tiny pure hearts
    and minds of countless young children at home and abroad is indeed at
    risk. These children look for an example of LIGHT and HOPE which perhaps
    only America can keep alive and provide for! We close once
    again by thanking those risking their lives daily to help others in
    healthcare, community policing, national defense, and the
    spiritual-mental healthcare counseling capabilities. We would also like
    to thank all of you private citizens who have volunteered to help to
    reach out to others via social media or locally to help educate,
    encourage, and or console those threatened by poverty, depression, or
    substance abuse.Thank you, God Bless, and God Bless the
    All-American Family! Our best intentions, prayers, and Godspeed to all
    involved or who will be RECALLED to get this done…
    The Vr. Rev. Archpriest Nicholas J. Hall+NJH
    Ecumenical Protomysticos, Humble Servant, Undersecretary of the Joint Strategic US-RUS-HELLENIC Panecclesiastical Mission 360,
    Commemorating 30 years of Russian, 200 years of Hellenic, and 246 years of American Independence Promoting Freedom, Friendship, Collaboration and RESPECT
    Published on 1-6-21 in Athens Greece

  6. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.Ask Christ to have mercy

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