More than 100,000 attend anti-war protest in Berlin

Over 100,000 people turned out in Berlin to demonstrate against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and show solidarity with the Ukrainian people.


Author: avnblogfeed


30 thoughts on “More than 100,000 attend anti-war protest in Berlin

  1. who care about protests when the Germans are helping keep Putin afloat with their energy imports? This is utter hypocrisy from the Germans, protesting and going home to their nice warm houses as Ukrainians die

  2. I am completely speechless I have never seen so many people gathered in one spot to protest something unjust like this war. This gives me New Hope for humanity, it shows that we can come together because after all that's all we have is each other.

  3. NATO, u r enjoying toxic fumes from burnt Ukrainian oil depots?
    U r enjoying what 200 of hail radioactive missiles, rockets ,biggest ,bombs each day leave in Europe? Guarantees oncology for u!
    Hurry, right now, Emergency. Threat to NATO, west. Help Ukraine, shield UA sky, give antimissels military tech.
    ptn used 150 biggest bombs today.
    By not ending nazi-putin right now, you (western world) will get tzar hermonuclear weapon. Putin confessed he is into moving to the center of Europe that he wants to own. planet is his imperial. putin is obsessively insisting on "No to the mankind, die all, bitches" ,he has imperia for 22 years in a row,
    1000 bombs… exploded in Ukraine by putin. Monday 200 of biggest radioactive missiles exploded in Ukraine.
    Genocide of Ukraine makes powerful putin feel lk owner-natcistic imperia, it means next he 'll do genocide Germany, genocide England and so on. Putin said he wants to own location in the center of Europe cz he's imperial, loves Nazi.
    Last Thursday we saw video how lady in Kyiv asked rus.invader why he came over with huge ammo to her house and sets up to bomb her hometown, response of that zombie was that she (native Ukrainian) has no right to be on putin's land. putin's only "die,bitch" mindset means "bye entire Europe!" Adios! Please let them know
    russoldiers get no pay from rus, part of them insists they headed for training, then explain murdering million people
    Zelensky gives maximum respect and follows absolutely all rules,laws.
    I'm not sure does nato, GB, USA exist bcz they did not make a sound against putin which signed their destruction..
    peace impossible impossible until u send hitman to putin

  4. All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner!" -JFK

  5. ex nazis supporting extrem nationalism, wondering how come for 'some' EU countries took years and years to get accepted in EU and some like Ukraine with major issues respecting minorities and major issues for borders or land disputes gets accepted in a few days. EU is going back to where it was years ago.

  6. How long will America remain the leader of terrorism controlling the world and its tails from European countries and some servile countries?

  7. Wish I could be there to support these protests. We need to let the “Krimalin” know their war is not winning them any friends.

  8. I am astounded, as is everyone, at the courage of the Ukrainian people. The Russian protestors are also among the bravest people I have ever seen. They are also in danger of losing their freedom and their lives for daring to come out against the totalitarian regime they live under.

  9. IMHO, it is not "anti war". Just like in any football-live, these 100K people are fans of Ukraine regime and shout "your fault, Putin, red-card, get out. Ukraine will win". Is it "anti-war" in German belief? seriously.

  10. Wow these people are actually making a huge sacrifice, taking time out of there day to stand up to Russia form the safety of their country

  11. No one was protesting when Ukrainian army was bombing Ukrainians in russian-speaking part of Ukraine for last 8years…

  12. Looks like a bigger crowd than Trump's inauguration. In such a small country of 83 million, compared to over 330 million. Showing support for a foreign country, and not a newly elected idol, that extorted the country they are supporting for political gain.

  13. So this protest should be covered on ABC and legitimized but a covid protest just as big shouldn't be because it's not about what the people want. Why is the MSM always trying to influence people with some kind of narrative rather than just revealing the truth?

  14. Ukrainian brave people and I'm sorry to say this not so brave Russian people.It looks that the Russian people does not understand how the Ukrainians created a historical moment ,a great opportunity to get rid of this mad man's regime.But for that they have to take to the streets with hundreds of thousands, not just a few thousand young people.

  15. Isn’t this the same country that president Trump told to honor its NATO defense spending? The same freeloaders that Russian puppets Obama/Biden allowed to freeload?

  16. “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.” ― Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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