Mail bomb spree spreads fear throughout the country

Investigators are looking for clues after packages, each containing an explosive device, were delivered to two former Democratic presidents, CNN’s NY offices and a billionaire liberal donor this week.


Author: avnblogfeed


43 thoughts on “Mail bomb spree spreads fear throughout the country

  1. I suspect the The George Soros , criminal net work of trying to influence the mid term Polls. With Mueller the director of FBI he should have had intelligence of the bombs but how can he as he has received kick backs in white water and Little Rock.
    Miachel Coelho.

  2. Just look at the comments in here
    People have woken up to your deception.
    You no longer have control over us.
    So keep on shutting down all our social media accounts until your platforms are lights out ,cricket chirping empty.
    We will simply find and or build new ones.
    The more you "THE MEDIA" try to divide us between race, class, color, religion, the closer & stronger we will become.
    We will stand together while you the mainstream media will be considered the enemies you are and be held to task before a military tribunal for your lies and deceptions & treasonous actions against America and her people.
    There are three things that will never be hidden from light for long The Sun, The Moon, The Truth.
    You guys have suppressed the truth 4 long enough, if you have a shred of decency left within you, quit your job and start a truth media platform. .
    Remember "Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies. Now go try to find an algorithm to fix that.
    While you're at it look for some good lawyers, you're going to need them.
    May God bless you

  3. What you are reporting is not true your credibility is lost and this is why you are trying to silence people on social media platforms you trying to silence the truth but you will not succeed.

  4. LOL, false flag, they even forgot to mark the stamps with post office markings. HAHA , Opps you screwed up again CIA. Plus, mail does not go directly to Obama or Clinton, it goes to the secret service idiots. tired of the bullshit. Deep State is desperate. Pedo's, crooks, 911, treason.

  5. Not buying it . They all on the same team . I don't see how y'all don't see this your selves . These ppl are the worst . They are not here for our betterment .

  6. Why does everyone think this is fake? That’s so weird…have you seen the dude they arrested?!

    The dude obviously wanted to scare critics of Trump because he’s a huge supporter…just because he didnt’t want to kill them doesn’t mean it’s “fake” Y’all aren’t woke, y’all are just way too suspicious.

  7. Bullshit – the real problem is both sides believe in the expansion of ever-expanding government with kickbacks and revolving doors – they just have differing opinions about the way it should expand. Trump does not support either direction which is why the Republicans do not give him the support he deserves – they are just as corrupt as the opposition.

  8. I just got this strange heavy package. I'm going to open it up and take a look. Wow, it looks like a bomb! A. Do I rush from the room and call 911 or B. Do I pull out my cell phone, snap a photo and tweet it out to evey major news network?

  9. Can't tell where it's coming from, but I get this fishy sensation from all of this. The guy seems like and could very well be an informer, set up by the left for months in advance just to build up this image of a (very fake) right-wing extremist Trump supporter. The packages, the van, the way it all went down seems very odd and false-flag like.
    The left has been meticulously crafting this narrative since long ago and are building up this psychotic image through tactical mind games and mental tricks. This divisive hate could very well lead to mind-control hate and purge like slaughter on both sides. The secular left hates humanity, and they hate God. The left have been carefully orchestrating a diabolical narrative of hate towards people that break through the satanic lies and mockery of the truthers that denounce them for who they really are – literally anyone who raises even a finger or opens their lips against them.
    The satanic Hollywood and demonic left's entertainment industry has succeeded in powerful mind-control and brain-wiping of any form of intelligence or critical-thinking. They have carefully crafted a generation of zombies that bow to every mainstream narrative by the state-controlled media and pleasure in the bastardized stimuli in the theater and on the gaming console at home. Bit by bit, day by day, morality, decency, generosity, love, dignity and the fear of God are washed away.
    And so goes the freedom of the patriots and the faithful within this nation. This is the work of the Luciferian Globalists and the coming of their centuries-in-the-making New World Order, that will be run by their beloved messiah – the Antichrist.
    Welcome to the End Times.

  10. "In Chicago, there was an old tradition of throwing a brick through your own campaign office window, and then calling a press conference to say you've been attacked."

    David Axelrod
    Obama advisor
    04/19/2010 to NPR

  11. Yeah this is fake af. These big elites pay for shit like this to happen to make the opposing party look bad. Clearly people have never heard of George Soros? Or the New World Order? It’s okay though because I think these people will get what they want eventually… and then INSTANT regret will set in for many millennials once they realize the intentions behind all of it.

  12. I have a question. The devices were non-functional which almost everyone knows by now . But here is the question, why make such bad looking fakes? I think most people could make a more convincing harmless hoax device from things laying around the house. The question is why not use a more realistic and convincing hoax device?

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