Letter from missing New Hampshire girl appears in mom’s mailbox: 20/20 9/7 Part 2

The letter said, “Dear mom, I miss you and love you more than you can imagine.”

WATCH THE FULL EPISODE OF 20/20: https://bit.ly/2N1E2OJ


Author: avnblogfeed


40 thoughts on “Letter from missing New Hampshire girl appears in mom’s mailbox: 20/20 9/7 Part 2

  1. Apparently no one in the comments section ever checks for updates. She was kidnapped and ended up being let go by her captor.

  2. It's so clear she wanted to come home but something was keeping her back! Are people serious?! It's so clear she's being held back against her will

  3. Someone has her. People better pay attention to their neighbors. Idiot cops yes let's release the fact that she sent a letter. Those idiots that don't even know what happened… Hell the friends, cops and mother don't even know… And complete strangers want to put their two cents in like they know what they are talking about. Sayibg she ran away, you cannot be that dumb. Then again I have met a lot of people and a lot of them are stupid

  4. 13 days isn't long enough for a mother to speak of her missing child in the past tense the way that this mother did. It was heavy past tense, as if she gave up hope and accepted that she was dead. The letter don't seem like the kind of letter a kidnapper would let someone write. It is too long with personal feelings attached to it, and hearts at the end of every sentence would have raised a red flag and put her in grave danger. She wrote this on her own and I don't see anything in the letter that says other wise. At the end of the video, she walks slowly to the door as if she was coming home late past her curfew. This girl was kdnapped for 9 months and instead of running through that door, she walked up to it with hesitation. I am glad the story ended on a good note, but something isn't right about this whole thing.

  5. Btw Abby biggest mistake is accepting a ride from a complete stranger. We were all taught so many times as kids to never take a ride from strangers. I'm just glad she's alive and the creeper in jail

  6. Kinda sad we live in a world where young females and little children will always be preyed upon by sick male predators. I've watched so many videos and there is so many Predators/creepers out there.

  7. Putting so many little hearts in the letter seems that she left because it seemed to her she had to , for what reason , I don't know . It doesn't seem to be an abduction though .

  8. He only got 45-90yrs for what he done to her?? She's gotta do life for his actions, so he should too. And those judgmental POS towns people….even knowing she took nothing with her, a 14yr old girl…shame on them! They heard what the letter said, but didn't listen to the words. Thankfully the cops and FBI didn't give up on her so easily, even though she got herself home❤️

  9. Why would they even think she could of gotten the letter out without the kidnapper knowing? She could find paper, pen, envelope, stamp, mailbox… but not escape? Yeah okay

  10. Wow that town seems really ignorant and judgemental. Even if she did runaway.. there's always a reason.. judgemental idiots. Sexual abuse is the number one reason kids run.

  11. Why does that girl think that running away is not facing a problem… like wtf some kids have no options but to run to save their lives from their abusive families. That is facing your problem and dealing with it on your own.

  12. It's terrifying to think something like that could happen to you or your loved ones, so people choose to believe these things were brought on by the victim. It's our minds way of protecting us but it's not based on truth. It's why victims feel at fault for things that happen to them.

  13. Nope sorry, you dont get to say "I'm ok, leave me alone" if the public paid for resources to find you, you dont get an opinion or a choice, you will be found and have to explain, like the most recent girl who just popped up

  14. "it fit the definition of petty theft". Oh look money just appears. See? nobody cares. Yup. Care to buy drugs? Go to the drug mart. Care to buy friends? You can do that too. Wow. Still, nobody cares about the iowa kids that were chained to beds for decades and starved. Oh a million dollars for damages. Wow good for you. Totally worth it. Oh your store has cameras? OH well if you kidnapped a kid without paying for him or her, that's a crime. Re-read that sentence. Uh, unless you have friends. But it's OK you were cheated out of your entire life. Here… Happy BIRTHDAY. See? Nobody cares. Here let me take your money and give it to the State you won't miss it or need it, and don't worry about a career or a husband wife or boyfriend girlfriend, you won't be needing those either! Why should you need a heart at all? No stabbing, period, with a knife or anything else. That's what this world teaches. So no sex for you either! And you wonder why people turn into monsters……………………………………

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