Florida ‘stand your ground’ shooter breaks his silence

Michael Drejka spoke for the first time since his arrest in the July killing of Markeis McGlockton, who was gunned down in front of his girlfriend and children over a parking space dispute.


Author: avnblogfeed


36 thoughts on “Florida ‘stand your ground’ shooter breaks his silence

  1. I live in Florida and I am pro gun rights. This man deserves to be in prison though. His life was not in danger, he was shoved and fell down to the ground. This was not a Stand Your Ground situation, this was a bruised male ego situation.

  2. He shove the shooter with all his strength and was closing the distant to attack him some more, only back up once he saw the gun, this is a racial issues but it’s black racism against white, the race was reverse, black people would protest to free the black shooter

  3. The American justice system is crap. They free the man because he stood his group which is in the law. Arrested because of public pressure.

  4. I understand him drawing on the guy for pushing him to the ground but after that attacker was walking away you can’t shoot if the man was to attack again after to draw your firearm then you would have a stand your ground case 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. Well there was no need to shove him to the ground but pulling a gun and seeing that your attacker is afraid and clearly running walking away you don’t shoot

  6. They walked away once he took his gun out, so why shoot??? His instinct was based on fear of black people, that’s why he felt so threatened. If a white group of me shoved him he’d take a pause. It’s a racial issue

  7. Nobody see’s the black man push the white man to the ground, or the second black man walking towards the white man and who flees when he see’s the gun. The white man was about to be assaulted on the ground, and the media changed the video to push the racist story. Moral of the story, the white man shouldn’t play policeman and the black men should learn to keep their hands to themselves.

  8. ABC NBC CBC CNN MSMBC ALL FAKE NEWS and race instigators…..notice the fake reporter starts out with " unarmed black man ." They could have said unarmed man but had to include race ???? Anyway no one has a right to shove you to the ground ….that 's assault ! Shoving someone because someone is saying not to park in a handicap area is no excuse . Does it mean I support the shooter ? No …but he was right to defend himself ….the guy sneaked attacked him and the shooter was not waiting for more attacks .

  9. Ahh wasn't he walking away? You can just throw that stand your ground law right out the window. It is only to be used if your life is in danger and you must use force. This man clearly had options. He didn't have to shoot him. He could have just got up and walked away.

  10. I hope the guy gets let go, he did the right thing if he felt endangered, but the camera does show him backing up so its tricky, maybe an assault charge would have been sufficient once he called the cops, black dudes are so violent though

  11. He reacted in the heat of the moment. He shoved him from behind with no warning. It's just like if you resist arrest you're going to get hurt. I am almost positive Richard Kelly is a false witness. Race baiters will do anything to draw attention.

  12. Unjustified shooting absolutely, but it was also an unjustified shove to the ground. Shooting wasn't warranted, but yeah. shitty all around.

  13. This is definitely tragic, I don't agree that the stand-your-ground law is valid in this case, that being said the man would be alive, if he kept his hands to himself and didn't park in a handicap space,

  14. Terrible misjudgment and he should be charged with manslaughter. The threat was neutralized when he pulled the gun if he would have lunged at him again then it would be justified but he did not.

  15. He was trigger happy. Couldn't wait to find a reason to use his gun. He probably wouldn't have picked the fight if he was unarmed. No one needed to die that day

  16. If you look at the camera footage closely, when the female gets out of the car, she hits him, and steps back. That single action put the thought in the mind of the boyfriend, that she must have been hit by the gunman, before he confronted him. Thus motivating him to push him down. She should have been charged with assault. Who knows may be also charged with manslaughter due to the fact that a death was caused in the act of a felony.(her striking the shooter first, even though he never touched her.)

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