Dr. Anthony Fauci: CDC changes ‘not done because of any statement by any CEO’

ABC News’ Rachel Scott speaks with Dr. Anthony Fauci on the surge in omicron cases, and why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its guidance on isolation and testing.

ABC News Live Prime, Weekdays at 7EST & 9EST

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Author: avnblogfeed


44 thoughts on “Dr. Anthony Fauci: CDC changes ‘not done because of any statement by any CEO’

  1. (-NOTICE-) I have heard Dr. Fauci, the Government and mainstream media accuse people of spreading, "MISINFORMATION", but I have not heard them accuse anyone of spreading "LIES."

    Dr. Death Fauci has no problem calling people like Rand Paul "LIARS". WHY? Maybe because he and they know that what they've have LABLED MISINFORMATION, are in no way LIES? They seem to use a lot of wordplay to push THEIR AGENDA.

    Like in this news clip, Dr. Death admits Omicron has way less severe symptoms AND hospitalizations, BUT STILL PUSHING THE VACCINES.

    Some people saw President Brandon and other government officials get their shot right on nationwide TV, mainstream media, SO IT MUST BE SAFE! What NO ONE SAW OR KNOWS, is what was actually IN THOSE SYRINGES!

    Look at all of the devastation caused by climate change recently, not many deaths so far, thank God. Future devastation and loss of life is inevitable and they know it. F.E.M.A. will not be able to keep up very soon. They know that too.

    Could their plan be to make TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS for their survival, AND REDUCE OUR POPULATION at the same time? No less than 48 members of the United States Congress own not less than TWO MILLION $ DOLLARS OF STOCKS IN PFIZER! Yeah INSIDER TRADING AT IT'S FINEST.

    SINCE THE VACCINE ROLL OUTS, Pfizer investors earned an estimated

    T E N B I L L I O N U.S. D O L L A R S ! That's right, while they're KILLING US and TURNING US AGAINST EACH OTHER, They are making BILLIONS! Laughing all the way to THEIR friendly neighborhood (Unite States) SECRET PANDORA BANK.

    At least DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. How many members of Congress own stock is PUBLIC INFORNATION. Google it! How much Pfizer investors have made is also public information. You can find out how many members, their names and political affiliation.

    Want correct information? DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

    Our children, our beautiful babies are now getting sick and being hospitalized SINCE THE VACCINE ROLLOUT !

    W A K E U P A M E R I C A

  2. The way a person treats defenseless animals will tell you all you need to know about their character.
    So that rates Fauci as a despicable person.

  3. If I may let me interject "LET'S go BRANDON! I hear the inhumanity in Fauci voice when he says "Muask"…He so dumb He is late for his imprisonment.

    Dr. Peter McCullough interviewed on Joe Rogan podcast. Dr. Robert Malone interviewed on Joe Rogan podcast.

  5. ☝🏻 Fauci knowingly suppressed life saving drugs HCQ & IVM. This man is a genocidal mass murderer!

    "There's good modeling studies that probably half a million excess deaths have happened in the United States through the intentional blockade of early treatment by the U.S. government."
    -Dr. Robert Malone

  6. LET'S GO BRANDON!!! VOTE EM OUT 2022 TRUMP2024-2032 What a joke of a man, China Joe – CBS and all the other Main Stream Media outlets are now the Socialist Media arm of the DEMS. DNC – DEMS NOW COMMUNISTS –
    There once was a time when the DEMS and Republicans could meet in the middle, Treasonous Marxism is a show stopper –
    The overwhelming President Trump votes from the last election that will come back to bite the DEMS/RINO Traitors, The DEMARATS Voter Fraud won't happen again –
    Only 10% of the positive number approve of his socialist agenda – the rest don't care and/or want free handouts
    Views VS likes That says it all we don't need no stinking Dislike count we know the truth
    If the failed left, DEMARATS, didn't cheat on the election you would not need to hide the dislikes of all the traitors.

  7. These 'follow TheScience(TM)' ppl are absolute CL🤡WNS!
    1. Some political/business special interest entity orders up a change to the rules (Biden's boosters, Airline CEO etc)
    2. "TheScience(TM)" suddenly changes – usually void of any evidence or reasoning.

    new study…
    After just three months, fully vaccinated individuals begin to experience sharp negative protection. Researchers found that those who received the Pfizer vaccine were an astounding 76.5% more likely to have a breakthrough infection than their unvaccinated counterparts once 90 days had passed – those who received Moderna’s were 39.3% more likely.

  9. He's talking like a robot now, like he's being fed words into his earpiece. In other interviews he's more animated and talks like you would if you were just hanging out with friends. Someone's pulling his strings this time around, the pressure is on him from some higher ups to cut the crap.

  10. Can we make one New Years resolution and that is to demand that we get rid of Fauchi and the clueless CDC. They have constantly flip flopped and contradicted themselves month after month. Enough is enough. We need fresh new blood who will led us out of this pandemic with truth and science.

  11. Dr fauci you and your political Biden s agenda have flipped and flopped like a fish out of water such as masking shut downs mandates cloth mask natural amunity vaxs none vaxs children masking and social gathering you our president Biden couldn't shut this country down again with this pandemic covid-19 so shout or whisper all you want only the few sheep in the flock are listening to you anymore Godbless good riddance

  12. These new guidelines are INANE.. c.d.c – cash , dolla's, cash.. shame on you!!!!!!!!! 10 days home.. come back to work with negative test.. 5 days.. and people wear their masks… lol. tell your average person to wear a mask 24/7 they wont..unfortunately.. this 5 day mandate WILL shut down america…

  13. We are very disappointed about vaccine, majority people who sofa having three vaccine, we can see them having result of positive. We need to know why it happens. Is the vaccine real or its just a test whether it is good or not.

  14. Dr. Fauci …. the one and only "Mr. Wrong, Right, Wrong" of this whole mess … when you think you are a God you can say anything …. Usually these Bozo's only have 15 minutes of fame and then fade away … but because the CDC and Fauci have so many followers his fame goes on .. I pray for the day it ends …. then maybe with common sense we can start to heal

  15. Are y'all still listening to the guy that tortures puppies? I'll pass…and if I ever see him…I'm breaking his jaw…wake up lefties

  16. No one was ever thrathen they just feel thrathen because they are liers and they know what they did lieing about children and innocent poor men for government grant money 💰 laughing while doing so well see who's laughing enjoy the dirty money u got from lieing making slaves out of the people while u protect child moslsters I'm sure theirs a special place in hell for all of you that jump on the government grant money bandwagon and line ur pockets by sending innocent men and children to jail and prison and covering up the truth they are innocent rather then say we made a horrible mistake years ago they just keep lieing for money letting people steal everything break into my home now my kids are being abused and brainwashed by narisssstst and child moslsters cps,the police,the court system think I funny I cannt talk to my kids while I wait for them to decide my faith based on lies , what would you do if your child sexond one siad the same people abused them and their moms just letting her step daddy and sick brother and the child molester nexted door watch them and do it wwjd? Well I'm not Jesus I'm James and I say give me the 🗡️. With an injustice system that's going to lock up innocent dads and protect the child moslsters and people who stole your kids and Everything you own defund the Washington county Ohio sheriff department and defund the Athens county Ohio police department they are helping criminals and taking bribes while they lie and lock innocent men and children for government grant money

  17. The message we won't go Ohio 🛑 targeting innocent poor men for government grant money 💰 we won't go and we won't be your slaves stop gossiping and smearing innocent men names to make yourself look better because your dirty liers and lames a dam shame is what it is how croput Ohio has become

  18. Shut it down we the people are tired of being slaves working for free for liers like the MCC how much fruad did they commit in the winter I have my pay stubs I turned in my pay to jfs I have the events they hold they made hell of money in the winter when they claim they are closed so I'm a slave

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