Reaction from George Floyd’s family and the city of Minneapolis following the conviction of Derek Chauvin.
Author: avnblogfeed
1:13 B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's â€â€Lâ€â€oâ€â€Vâ€â€eâ€â€Sâ€â€eâ€â€Xâ€â€..â¤ï¸Â⤵ï¸Â
在整個人類æ·å²上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人æ•食部è½,æ°Âæ—Â,城鎮,城市和鄉æ‘ä¸Â的弱者,無`'守和貧窮æˆÂ員。然而,人類的çâ€Å¸Ã¥Â˜æ„Â願迫使那些被拒絕,被å‰Â奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種çâ€Å¸Ã¦Â´Â»Ã¦â€“¹å¼Â,並繼續將其DNAèžÂå…¥ä¸Â斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,ä¸Âè¦Â以為那些被拒絕的人åªåƒ垃圾。相åÂÂ,他們å¸會了在被忽視的肉類和èâ€Â¬Ã¨Âœä¸Â尋找營養。他們å¸會了清æ½â€Ã¯Â¼Å’切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野èœ和肉類,在食å“Â市場上被忽略的部分家çâ€Â¨Ã¨â€Â¬Ã¨Âœå’Œè‚‰é¡žï¼Œä¸¦ä¸â€Ã¥Â¸æœƒäº†ä½¿çâ€Â¨Ã¨Å ³é¦™çš„木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科çÂξϬ 來調味食物煮的時候 1619215423
Passing counterfeit 20's ,driving under the influence, resisting arrest ,overdoses and the police are charge,WTF.
Justice for George ? 1’5 mil before there was a trial .? I’m glad he didn’t live in my community ,people like ol George is why I’m packing a gun .thugs are not going to run over me
The guilty person should prepare he’s
Vaseline and pain killer pills by the time he’s in jail’….
it’s gonna be burning sensation 😂😂😂
You idiots do know he will be out soon lmao
Hip hip Hooray, Justice at last !
Justice now for all future US human rights abuses both domestically and internationally.
Looting and burning isn't BLM or Antifa. It is thieving Americans from both the left and the right.
It is now time to Stop blaming China, Russia or Iran. End racial injustice! "We can't stop here." J.Biden.
To be honest, he would probably safer in jail
It ain't over yet, the sentencing phase comes next; will Chauvin get death or life?
Found guilty of killing one man 3 times…has nobody else realized this?!
When is the pregnant woman he robbed and held a gun to her stomach going to get justice?
Wonder what they would think if they knew the US gubbimint and their Department of Propaganda – the media – orchestrated this whole thing to create chaos to bring in order? I am not a Trump supporter nor any member of any organization. This is a false flag! A psyop. Order out of Chaos is the motto of the Freemasons and Jesuits. Look it up. All an act folks! You can call me crazy, does not change what really happened. Nancy Pelosi told us it was a sacrifice. Not a slip of tongue.
its best to not be a criminal. there are no excuses for being one. i'd hate to live there.. or anywhere.. without police. but i'm not afraid of self defense, either. thank god for our right to bear arms to protect against tyranny that no elected person can take away… not without a war 🙂
One guy dies. people freak out think about it
Serve y'all up deez nuts
Him going to jail ain't good enough. We deserve more.
I’m not heavily invested in this case. It’s outcome has no merit on me as I do not do drugs or resist arrest. I will say that there is NO chance he received a fair trial. Good job media and good job Maxine amongst others for undermining the justice system.
I suppose a silver lining is that random unrelated businesses won’t be destroyed by violent idiots.
There is no justice if you are a cop or white male!
No wonder the world hates the media these days.
If every single police officer in Minneapolis walked out today would these people still be celebrating "justice"? Maybe they just need to get a taste of what they've been demanding.
Chauvin, you have sinned and also erred in denying your charges. You wasted the time of the jury and now that justice has been done, we all hope that you will have the grace to accept it instead of wasting more time in a higher forum. You are a communal person there is nothing more horrible than that. I detest all communal guys be it Hitler, Modi, Chauvin or Osama…. Merely saying that you dont believe in Christ does not mean that the laws of Jesus do not apply to you… You have sinned and sinned and hope you stay in jail for the rest of your life…. Whilst in jail, try to ask God to amend your communal ways…
Do you know how disgusting you are spreading lies intentionally?
George was POS who held a pregnant woman at gunpoint.
This b***** is never going to end it is a narrative to take away America's guns. George Floyd was not an organic movement within 24 hours antifa around the world were burning in marching. When will people wake up?
Career criminal Floyd once held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach during a home invasion. His life was worthless.
Who gives a f***? There will be more copycat crimes from criminals now. White people will be gunned down. What about Ashley Babbitt? Gunned down in Cold Blood She was unarmed by a black DC cop never got a day in court. Never got any money for her family. And the MSM didn't find it newsworthy because it didn't fit their narrative. And wasn't planned by the Deep state.
I couldn’t help but notice that the male reporter is ever so cute ! Nice voice and smartly dressed too. 🌺🙂
The whole world rallied ? Don’t think so
He wasn't guilty. Fcking news is garbage.
Can we put mad Maxine in jail for poisoning the well?
Can’t breathe just kidding
Good for him he needs to b put in prison for the rest of his his natural stinking life ..They better keep his behind in punk city for the rest of his crummy life !!!!
Even adults have a new lifestyle and openness.
I said Derek was guilty the first time I saw the film. now the jury see it the same way. There are plenty of people in this country who could see the difference between wrong and right. But there one big problem, and that we have people in power, That prefer to do wrong to benefit themselves and to stay in power, but then they wont do right and help the people. Trump and the Republican Party try to destroy democracy in our country. January 6th 2021 said it all. Biden approval rating is up to 60%
Black N black I black G black G black E black R black. S black H black I black T black E
No more complaining that the system doesn’t work. As you can see it’s never been broken. This same system has been in place since the inception of our nation.
Jury intimidation if they didn’t convict they would be murdered or harassed
I can’t breathe. Oh yes i can just kidding
Minne is now the pregnant woman with lead pointed at her belly.
Appeal is coming soOn this trial was unfair Chauvin was innocent
Jury was scared. Convict, or else the Mob will burn down the city. Thanks, Maxine.
I wish we could turn Chauvin loose on the MSM.
If Floyd didn't force the situation then he would still be alive and justice is now a joke.
Okay so looking at this, what I'm finding is a very skewed court trial. They're looking at this from the lens of causation versus correlation. Simply prosecuting a man based on what happened by appearance isn't the same as what the evidence states and here's what I found. So, Mr. Floyd upon his autopsy was found to have many issues wrong with him. Examined both by a medical examiner (Dr. Fowler) and a cardiologist, the first thing they noticed was his heart. The cardiologist said it was fine however the medical examiner found his heart was abnormally large. On top of that, it was found he had high blood pressure, narrow arteries (reducing how much blood and oxygen can travel from the heart to the body and other vital organs), fentanyl (a drug that can "Can cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses" and methamphetamines' (a drug that can "Can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, delirium, panic, psychosis, and heart failure") in his system and a tumor in his lower abdomen that has a possibility under great stress to induce an adrenaline response (which would prompt bodily functions to increase their rate of operations). Now, along with that, it was found that Mr. Floyd had no bruises or marks on his neck after being held down for the 9 1/2 minutes by Derek Chauvin. According to the medical examiner, Mr. Floyd died of fatal arrhythmia due to lack of oxygen to the heart and was proposed Mr. Chauvin was the cause. Here's another issue. It takes about 40 seconds for loss of consciousness from asphyxiations to a few minutes for death to occur. However, during the 9 1/2 minutes that Mr. Floyd was gasping for air, he could clearly be heard saying he couldn't breathe. If that was truly the case, the first thing that would occur is he wouldn't be able to properly use his vocal cords as there would be no air to project sound. Second, the asphyxiation would have left him unconscious and led to his death much faster than the 9 1/2 minutes the event was occurring. My problem with this whole event is, it appears the jury is disclaiming hard physical and physiological evidence as manifestations of assumptions from the defense while making those same assumptions of visual depictions as hard evidence. I fear that with Mr. Chauven's trail being persecuted as guilty for three charges, it's going to prompt future negative consequences. The first being there will be a decrease in the amount of future police officers. This will create a greater surge of crime as no one will be interested in joining a second barrier of hate and judgement from police action along with putting their lives on the line. Most cops do their job as best as they can in the situations prompted but not all are perfect or just. The second being the current police officers will revoke their badges in fear of being put in the same position as Mr. Chauvin and therefore create the same issue as the one previously listed. On top of that, current police officers may not even involve themselves in situations such as this and potentially more lives can be lost for fear of losing their jobs or livelihood. When you prosecute based on assumptions and lack of logic or hard evidence, you will stir future consequences that will lead to greater tragedies. I'm not trying to defend or attack either side, but rather show some semblance of how poorly this trial is being conducted and that more investigations and research should be done before making a final decision.
All the Dislikes must be all the racists and fascists who want cops to be nothing more than paid murderers.
This is bullshit justice for a fkn crackhead junkie who put a pistol on a pregnant ladys stomach fk this.
Justice is now a joke. If your a cop then your a criminal. God help us all.