‘Debate over whether or not there was (election) fraud should occur’: Sen. Paul | ABC News

George Stephanopoulos interviews Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #RandPaul #Impeachment #Trump #Elecion2020


Author: avnblogfeed


41 thoughts on “‘Debate over whether or not there was (election) fraud should occur’: Sen. Paul | ABC News

  1. Open debate on a lie. Man thats a good one. All ran paul can do is talk over and to keep repeating a lie. The only problem with voting is that republicans have made the rules on voting for the last 15 years. Now that they have lost, now there is a problem. Sounds like sour grapes.

  2. George is such a punk. The last time someone tried to force me to agree with them was when I was in second grade…. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

  3. Imagine a journalist and I use the term lightly, who actually publicly says there are not two sides to every story.StephanA$$isis.is not a journalist, he's a puppet of the liberal communist media and a traitor to the people. If StephanA$$is is want proof of what he is, all he has to do is publicly disagree with the regime and see how fast he loses his friends and career. Even Dershowitz was brave enough to take a stand in defense of the constitution and paid the price. Read up on what the left media did to him for standing up for the constitution when he opposed the lefts ridiculous wild attack on the constitution.But he wound do that because sheep are not brave. They just follow

  4. You got guys like Rand that wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire, but he's all for what's right and finding the truth behind the election

  5. There was quite significant evidence of election tampering in 5 or 6 states. Many people came forward. A good bill in Congress is to award all employees, employers, self employed, government employees and military personnel between $500,000 and $3 million in a lump sum after 110 months of full time work, part time included in the total, regardless of the number of employers worked for, for the citizen or perminant residents business start – up or already existing business, and trade or technical school costs including pilot training. The dollar amount issued is determined by the size and scope of the business, work experience and education. This is earned and is a Grant, not a loan. The citizen must spend at least 65% of funds issued on their business or business related items. The printing and issuance of money is validated by any legitimate labor and production for society. Another bill for Congress is to mandate U.S. Banks to pay their depositers at least 85% of all interest collected, according to each account balance per – month, because it was the depositers money that got loaned out to begin with. Contact your U.S Congressman or Senator for an exceptional bill in Congress including any tax reductions.

  6. I'll never forget watching this hack "George" on Election night – Election Night @ 02:20 hours. He was crushed by what he was seeing. "The Boards" had Trump pulling away in all swing States. It was over. Trump was winning and he knew it.. He absolutely new it. Today he knows it as well. Its a waste watching these Hacks

  7. I’m Canadian. Clearly Biden was installed. There was voter fraud FACT. There was election interference FACT. The most telling is every time Joe Biden makes a speech it get 100 to 1 dislike ratio.

  8. George! … GEOrge!! … GEORGE!!! STFU for a minute. Yes, the election WAS stolen. If we set aside all of the folks who swore under oath that they saw what would be considered fraudulent voting, and the pictures/videos they had to back up what they were claiming, and we only looked at the mathematical impossibility and improbabilities that were uncovered in that election, it is just as obvious that the election WAS stolen as your ignorance on the subject is.
    Clowns like you are always quick to throw in that there were recounts done … Why? No one gives a damn about doing a "recount" or thought that would make any difference. That's ridiculous! There's a huge difference in a recount and a forensic audit, which is exactly what should have been done.
    If you'd like to become knowledgeable on the subject that you were foolishly babbling about in this clip, your homework assignment for tonight will be to learn what a forensic audit is. If you're able to accomplish that task, then you should also understand why the dems desperately fought against having any part of one of those done, and maybe even show the msm followers that you've brought yourself up-to-date on the subject that you previously liked to give your uneducated opinions on.
    Let's see what you can do. That'll be all for now. That's right, run along now … Off you go!

  9. Rand Paul is easily my favorite Senator currently sitting in office, but him pushing the claim that there was widespread voter fraud really disappoints me…

    George was also a bit too heated for my liking, too. All around, this was not a good interview.

  10. In 2018 Trump was elected President and certified in every state, but it didn't stop mainstream media or the Democrats from saying he stole the election and they impeached him for "Russian Collusion" when the evidence was fake and the top democrat on the judiciary committee swore he saw the evidence himself and it's proof Trump colluded with Russia to win the election! I guess an election can't be stolen unless Trump won!

    Mainstream media spread false and MISLEADING information throughout Trump's entire time in office! Yet President Trump still managed to keep his campaign promises while fighting against attacks from the left and democrats and social media, along with mainstream media! Biden can barely get through reading a teleprompter for 20 minutes! Who is really running our country into a deep deep hole, while mainstream media talks about Biden's dogs, what ice cream he likes, and how special their relationship is. It's disgusting that they cover up for this! Our country is being destroyed! But, hey, at least Trump isn't President, right, George?

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