Day 1 of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing

Ketanji Brown Jackson faced the Senate Judiciary Committee in a confirmation hearing after being nominated for a seat on the Supreme Court.

#ABCNews #KetanjiBrownJackson #SupremeCourt #ConfirmationHearing


Author: avnblogfeed


23 thoughts on “Day 1 of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing

  1. I find it woefully amazing to hear folks share their disdainful opinions about black folks getting opportunities due to their assertion of the position being offered solely based on skin color while righteously neglecting the hideous truth that so many opportunities have been given to whites solely based on their skin color. We all can think of alot of people we elected or selected, private or public, govmnt or sector, democrats or republican, black or white when given the opportunity have performed poorly. Why is it so hard for us to believe that all people regardless of color, race, religion, sexual.orentation should at least get an opportunity to fail and be judged on their merits? Why does it seem when a person of a certain race gets a job we assume it's based solely on their race, as if only one race rightfully qualifies for that position. Cmon, we all can do better than this!

  2. You don't even have credentials to be in the White House because your black does not make you any better than anybody else you need to work hard get back to school

  3. She was selected because she is a black woman. Unfortunately for her, even if she was highly qualified half the nation is going to always look at her as a diversity pick and we have too much of that going on in our nation……… yet alone to have it done to the Supreme Court. This is a disgusting act by Biden and the Democrats and anyone being picked for such a reason should have enough integrity to reject the appointment. The only way this type of illegitimate selection process stops is when we all demand it stops, including those benefiting from it. Doesn't integrity mean anything to anyone? She will forever be a stain on the court regardless of her experience, education, and loyalty to the U.S. Constitution…… assuming she is qualified and I have my doubts. The Supreme Court should be the most brilliant of law practitioners whom have wide acceptance in the legal community for their adherence to the law, their integrity, their ethics, their knowledge, their love of this nation, and their passion to defend the U.S. Constitution.

  4. Yes she’s qualified, and yes it’s been to long for a black women in this seat, but before people are naive to believe she wasn't hired as a political race pawn, look at our Country in 2022. There are more hispanics in this Country than black people. Do you see them portrayed in commercials and tv shows and movies like black people? No you don’t. Do you see them in our court systems? Governors, mayors, chief of police etc? No again. This country is blind and woke and has the feel to owe everything to the 13% the sooner people wake up the better.

  5. Senator: Ketanji, how would you
    describe a fundamental right?
    Ketanji: Is it ok if I gave u a critical race theory version answer to that question??

  6. Oh my hell, I become president and that means you can become this? Whatever, not a chance in hell. As I start cackling and laughing over myself. I was a shoe in so that means you’re a shoe in??? Yep that’s exactly what that means. Join the club. I’m laughing I’m laughing I’m laughing. Or is it cackling :):):). lol lol lol

  7. Oh my hell, I become president and that means you can become this? Whatever, not a chance in hell. As I start cackling and laughing over myself. I was a shoe in so that means you’re a shoe in??? Yep that’s exactly what that means. Join the club. I’m laughing I’m laughing I’m laughing. Or is it cackling :):):). lol lol lol

  8. Oh my hell, I become president and that means you can become this? Whatever, not a chance in hell. As I start cackling and laughing over myself. I was a shoe in so that means you’re a shoe in??? Yep that’s exactly what that means. Join the club. I’m laughing I’m laughing I’m laughing. Or is it cackling :):):). lol lol lol

  9. Oh my hell, I become president and that means you can become this? Whatever, not a chance in hell. As I start cackling and laughing over myself. I was a shoe in so that means you’re a shoe in??? Yep that’s exactly what that means. Join the club. I’m laughing I’m laughing I’m laughing. Or is it cackling :):):). lol lol lol

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