COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations surge in Florida as delta variant spreads

More cities are tightening restrictions and recommending vaccinated people wear masks indoors.

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Author: avnblogfeed


32 thoughts on “COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations surge in Florida as delta variant spreads

  1. Hello everyone here I want you to reply me so I can give you information on natural Herb. I was cured from Herpes 1 Nd 2 with worse symptom. last week I was confirmed negative from my doctor here in Texas. Thanks to this Doctor. there's a cure for Herpes and other STD. it's not a dealth sentence.

  2. Dr.Fucci made it with china in a lab. The news is lying there ass off and there's no way its spreading that fast in FL it bc the goverenment is mad bc the Govenor want to keep FL free. Anyone who believes this is stupid bc on the boarder in Texas the Dem's are letting infected people across the boarder infected no shot and no hospitalization from over a year ago and they don't have the highest numbers bulkshi% This is all political to gain contorl out of fear to crumble dimocracy in america. Simple math can't be excused for stupid people who believe this propaganda.

  3. is it really a surprise that the south and midwest have the worst covid rates despite being barely populated? uneducated, ignorant, obese mouth breaking fucks. go lock yourselves in your fucking trailer.

  4. The Covid Surge is Because Biden is spreading Covid across the country with infected illegals. This Ass must be removed from office before he kills more citizens. I told you Biden is TOXIC to America

  5. FAKE NEWS! Ask how many cycles they do on the PCR test. If it’s over 20.. it’s a false positives!!! Those aren’t real cases!!

  6. People are paranoid and have to get over this. All you hear from MSM is the Delta infections are going up, you notice that they don’t tell you what the death rate is. The telling sign is they quote that 99% of the Delta deaths have been from unvaccinated people and that is it. What? Don’t stop there. 99% of what? 5, 10, 100, 100,000. They won’t tell you that. Straight from the CDC it is 0.59 per 100,000, understand that death rate is the lowest ever. COVID is a virus and like other viruses is not going away!!!! The real question is why is the government still in the middle of all this when we have a vaccine and their job is over. The answer, it is all about control and they want to hold on to it as long as they can. The Perfect song for this situation.

  7. If the media & corrupt medicos really cared,, they would be telling truth about dangers of the toxic covd jab. Why isn't Media & BLM outraged with the mutation and amputations the jab has caused to this black lady ???? & Not rallying against the toxic jabs that caused it, not covid'!!!

    Really do own research dr Reiner fuellmich of German Corona committee with thousands and thousands of professionals who know what's going on with the covid' corruption and who been using PCR test fraudulently to lockdown countries and inflate covid' numbers . The PCR test unit they have been saying for over a year can't distinguish between common flu,cold and "covid'". The patent and jabs were actually obtained and manufactured before the SCAMDENIC was announced . People have use by dates of jabs on packets dated before 2019 even . Delta variance is actually a cover up for the adverse side affects of the jab. 141 people hospitalised with serious supposed "covid' in Australia all had been vaxed with the toxic experimental gene drug/vax where all the animals died in the the trials…so they skipped those and went straight to human trials and Yeo the humans are being tested on in the public . Nuremberg code prevents this but they are breaking all the laws to get their evil agenda out.

  8. This is what happens sadly when America thinks the virus will slide by like it never happened and decides to open doors again. Of course it’s gonna spread if you have impatient people wanting to host large gatherings/parties and walk into stores like it’s nothing.

  9. I GUESS no one's going to mention that if enough people in Florida get Covid-19 in the next few weeks, Florida "might" be the Epicenter for the next variant… mind you that in itself would be Karma…

  10. Yep and next we have the Sodom variant followed by the Gomora variant then the Deluge! Mmmmmmmhhhh the patent jab is up and running in the background WO2020060606 – CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA …

  11. Not feeling badly for anyone who had the opportunity to get vaccinated and got the COVID Delta Strain. What concerns me is the number of Geriatric Cases that bring COVID back to our State. I've been vaccinated and I still wear a mask. JUST DO IT. You can be part of the problem or part of the solution.

  12. People should have waited longer between shots. 9-12 weeks then it would work better. Also make sure the technician aspirates before they shoot the vaccine into you.

  13. it's unpresidented virus.every one totally failed.bevery nation Government and admin should take Virus seriously vaccine is not enough but all covid appropriate behaviour behaviour should follow next 5 years. but no one is taking seriously and everyone only depend on vaccine vaccine is required but virus is changing its deadly character so. virus is deadly and virus is only spreading dears nothing than that. be safe everyone.

  14. Thank God I came across Dr IGUDIA at the right time and I saw a lot of testimonies and how he has cured a lot of people from Hepatitis B virus then I contacted him for help and he actually cured me, he also has a cure for other form of STI

  15. For the huge populations of Florida counties these are small numbers, so small you would not visually notice it. This is more media fear-mongering histrionics. But be careful what you text because the media and government have upped the ante by blocking dissent criticism or unfavorable (towards them) deservedly sarcastic commentary.

  16. Dont listen to the lies of the media. The FDA announced that the PCR test for covid failed review due to providing false positives. They knew this all along but wanted to increase the case count. When Biden got into office they turned the cycles down to make it look like everything was under control. They turned the cycles back up to make more numbers for the delta variants. Even the creator of the PCR test stated that it cannot test for a virus.

  17. A canadian physician by the name of Charles Hoffe found that 62 percent of his covid vaccinated patients developed blood clots. The media is gas lighting you into believing that it is rare. The blood clots are not being found because they are micro blood clots and a D Dimer test is needed to find them. These micro clots lead to bigger clots and and can eventually lead to being 6 feet under.

  18. A study was done at a level 4 lab at the University of Texas in Galveston. By 2012 they knew if you tried to create a vaccine for the protein shell of a corona virus it would make the body attack the lungs, heart, brain and form blood clots. Fauci funded this 3 year study and tested 3 vaccines in the corona/sars family. In the study they concluded "Proceed with caution, do not make a human vaccine."

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