Comments by Trump’s acting chief of staff trigger firestorm

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney says “I have news for everybody, get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy.”



#WorldNewsTonight #MickMulvaney #Ukraine #Trump


Author: avnblogfeed


39 thoughts on “Comments by Trump’s acting chief of staff trigger firestorm

  1. These commentators and this story is typical of the fake news half truths idiots in Washington today . Thank GOD for Fox News which gives you a honest picture

  2. Jezz you people have TDS. Dems created a whole special counsel to investigate Trump in 2016. Now that he is innocent Republicans cant investigate dems for actually tampering in 2016??

  3. And now it shows the Mainstream Media Propagandists agenda.

    Nothing worthy of Biden was reported when he was on video withholding 1.7 BILLIONS until they fired the prosecutor that was investigating the business which included his son. 🤔

    Do you think this was a setup by this administration to show the hypocrisy of the Left & MSM? I think so.

    Now, in investigating this little hiccup, IF they do, they will have to bring the Biden Blackmailed of the same country, Ukraine, to light. And I can't wait!!! 😎

  4. I love how some of these Trump supporters are actually MAD at ABC because their reporter asked that question, now they're "Fake news"! Wow!! Mulvaney tells the TRUTH but they're mad at the reporter and news channel…and you wonder why we say something is wrong with you.

  5. Funny how fox is using the exact same words. "Firestorm". Keep reaching. You have been investigating Trump his entire Presidency. Your turn. 2016 election.

  6. ABC is so in the tank for the democrats it is so sad. President Trump is against corruption and he wants it investigated. What Biden did is illegal threating to withhold funds unless a prosecutor is fired.

  7. That so called 'confession' was a staged exit strategy. Trump knows he can't beat the inpeachment and is taking steps to ensure he has enough seed money for his first scam after the WH. Between Doral and the $30 a pop he'll get from his MAGAheads for the 'GET OVER IT' t-shirt he stands to make a bundle. How else do you think those shirts got printed up so fast?

    After the inpeachment I'll buy the 'GOT OVER IT' shirt if someone makes it.

  8. All this doesn't even matter because Guilliani knows full well his involvement goes way deeper & into 2016.. Before trump made his campaign run.. Look at how much has unfolded from that time on up to now..

  9. Yoooo… That look of embarrassment while his head is down..😏.. Then in response of.. Wat did he say..?? 😐😳😳🙈🙊🙉

  10. Everyone this goes beyond right or left even beyond defending your choice and your vote our country can’t stand for this if I was a Republican I would be so pissed I would want Trump gone and someone more admirable and worthy to represent my party! So republicans stop trying to defend your vote and cover your tracks and tell your representatives that you deserve better than this. Dems please take it easy on the I told you so’s this could be an opportunity to heal our divide I’m sure they have been seriously lied to repeatedly so it’s not all their fault.

  11. GOP or Dem ALL should respect and support this impeachment. We need to know the facts and as Americans we need to know if our leader is a crook

  12. The demon rats & MSM think by continuing to bash Trump that we smart folks are going to get so sick of it that we'll turn against Trump just so we don't have to listen or read about it anymore.

  13. 👏🏼👏🏼the WH Counsel stall in delaying testimony by blocking it PAID OFF WELL. Looks like he's got the story down pat. No Quid Quo Pro and now all the text messages are explained. Nothing to see here folks. 😁

  14. This is unreal, am I dreaming,/or nightmaring!. These incompetent criminals,think we're as dumb,and criminal as they are. This whole last 3 years have been disgraceful,to put it mildly. And anyone that is STILL licking this fruit-loops balls, get in line behing him,on his march to jail. DISGUSTING humans. Mick Mulvaney's new name is Dick, but what he CLEARLY said just solidifies what the American people knew. Trump is an incompetent jack-ass. And he'll be serving time with everyone of his past,and current cronies!…NO ONE twisted,what DICK/MICK said,and NO ONE certainly ever has to twist TRUMPS words. He does that himself!

  15. Sounds like Mulvaney wants Trump to fire him on purpose, just to avoid the MASSIVE shit storm that’s about to happen to Trump’s administration.

  16. It was John Karl that stated the money was being held up until the 2016 campaign was investigated, to which Mick Mulvaney answered "the look back to what happened at 2016 was certainly part of the thing he was worried about in corruption with that nation", and never states that Ukraine had to investigate as a quid pro duo. Mulvaney just stated 30 seconds earlier one reason for the delay: "a driving factor" was "that corruption relating to the DNC server". Mulvaney never mentions an investigation, John Karl slipped it into his question.

    Still no quid pro quo.

  17. Trump is in big trouble for quid pro quo…try searching "getting Ukranian prosecutor fired". Biden is bragging about this !!! Trump is going down !!!

  18. I would have slapped THAT PIECE OF SHIT..who the FUCK is this PIECE OF SHIT SERIOUSLY….get OVER it ..MOTHER fucker ..i would slapped and that PIECE OF SHIT Giuliani…i would have picked THEM up for ignoring a subpoena…without HESITATION…i FUCKING world have GONE TO their FUCKING house AND arrested them

  19. WIthout taking any Side, as long as there is Sheeps who agree to believe a 15 Seconds Cut of Voice out of a 45 Minutes Interview taken out of Context, there will be no change in the world. People talk about impeachment, it should be a punishable offense to take spoken word out of context. Journalists and Networks should be held responsible for reporting this way. You People need to wake up, listen to complete uncut Interviews instead of being spoonfed, dont you see that you are being used?

  20. So it’s okay that Ukraine and the DNC attempted to interfere in the US election in 2016? The current administration does not have the right to withhold funds if corruption is still going on? This is such a joke. For 3 years we watched the witch-hunt of election interference and now that there is evidence that it was Democrats and Ukraine, now it’s not okay to investigate? I cant wait to vote for Trump in 2020. The corruption in the media should be investigated and heads should roll… literally!

    I thought this was about Biden?? How soon you forget your own BS! Now it’s about 2016 DNC corruption but still Trump is to blame. Shame on you all!! TRUMP 2020
    Down with fake news propaganda!!

  21. This rotten system of cooperate run sick system has produced this tumor cancer called Trump, and now who is going to remove and heal this sick system, Biden or anyone who is controlled by this sick system, it is impossible and deadly? There is only one person who has the integrity and honesty, like a great surgeon, that can remove and begin to heal this sick system, without him we are heading to unseeable disaster, obviously that person is Bernie Sanders, who has fought for justice and equality all of his adult life.

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