By the Numbers: COVID-19 hits the sports world

A look at the rise in COVID-19 cases across the NBA, NHL and NFL, leading to the cancellation of games as more players test positive for the coronavirus.


Author: avnblogfeed


23 thoughts on “By the Numbers: COVID-19 hits the sports world

  1. OMICROM!!!😱
    No one has been hospitalized with Omicron.

    No one has died of Omicron.

    The South African doctors who found it, have stated that the symptoms are mild.

    But because they're shilling for the political establishment, the NBA had t he healthiest people on the Earth panicking over a mild cold.

  2. Coronavirus conspiracy theories are now conspiracy facts

    Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci confidential emails release to the public proved Coronavirus conspiracy theories.

    Fauci defended by Biden administration even as his ‘cover-up unravels’


    Dr. Anthony Fauci's book pulled from stores after emails expose constant hypocrisy

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    Virologist Who Told Fauci virus Was Likely Engineered Deleted 5,000 Tweets — Then DELETED It

    Coronavirus is a Biological Warfare Weapon

    Reports on the origin of Coronavirus: ‘Smoking Gun’ proof of the Chinese biological weapon

    How and why Africa defeated the Coronavirus.

    Africa has the lowest Coronavirus death rates the lowest infection rates and the highest cure rates for the Coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nano Silver, Zinc and Zithromax in combination other drugs with intravenous vitamins and traditional African therapies will cure and create lifetime natural herd immunity instantly against the Coronavirus and prevent the Coronavirus vaccines are not needed. African doctors have known about these cures since January 2020. These are the same treatments that African doctors have use for HIV/AIDS, Ebola, malaria, dengue fever, Onchocerciasis or river blindness, and hepatitis with great success. Natural herd immunity has already been achieved in Africa. African doctors are simply better than Western doctors just by looking at their success rates. If you have the Coronavirus the best way to get an instant cure is to travel to Senegal or Ghana for Coronavirus treatments and including the cost of travel you would be spending less than half the hospital fees than any American hospital with the African hospitals having a ten times greater success rate. American hospitals will charge you ten times more with a ten times higher death rate. An American patient regardless of race or ethnicity in the United States is 31 times more likely to die of the Coronavirus than a patient regardless of race or ethnicity in Africa. The American healthcare system is a great big, huge stinking scam.

    African doctors and scientists came up with an accurate 1-hour Coronavirus test that cost a dollar a patient. United States still has no Coronavirus tests that is this accurate and fast or this cheap. African continent was taking extreme and exceedingly early mandatory weekly testing no general lockdowns and temperatures of all citizens, those that were tested negative were free to go back to work with mandatory facemasks, surgical gloves, sanitizing the workplace, regular handwashing, and social distancing with weekly work certificates proving that they are virus free. Citizens who tested positive for the coronavirus are under mandatory quarantine, will get unemployment compensation equal to their regular salaries, free at home medical treatment for citizens who tested positive and their family members in their household, free telemedicine with postal shipping of free Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nano Silver, Zinc and Zithromax in combination other drugs with intravenous vitamins provided by public health authorities needed to treat asymptomatic patients very inexpensive exceedingly early. When asymptomatic patients who have tested negative for more than two weeks, they are given regular temperature testing and weekly work permits so they can go back to work with mandatory facemasks, surgical gloves, sanitizing the workplace, regular handwashing, and social distancing. Keep in mind at the very beginning of the pandemic people testing positive are less than one percent of the population therefore very inexpensive to treat the Coronavirus.

    African civil authorities took very extreme exceedingly early measures on quarantines, shutting down air travel, cross boarder travel, and internal travel. It has proven to be amazingly effective against the Coronavirus. The African continent conducted mass deportations of non-Africans infected people if they could not afford their own quarantine hotel rooms. Africans’ citizens infected with the Coronavirus returning to the African continent were quarantined in a separate section of airports and were ordered quarantined at their homes. A visiting healthcare employee would treat returning African citizens at their homes.

    The worst mistakes made by government public health and private health authorities.

    1. Compulsory Coronavirus experimental vaccinations that do not work on the new Coronavirus mutations or variants. Compulsory Coronavirus experimental vaccinations are legally unenforceable by public and/or private entities.

    2. Not treating asymptomatic patients until they get sick and contagious was the primary cause of Coronavirus deaths in the United States. If asymptomatic patients were treated with the standard African Coronavirus treatment such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nano Silver, Zinc and Zithromax in combination other drugs with intravenous vitamins within the hour of testing positive it would have prevented the Coronavirus pandemic outside of China. Do not get the Coronavirus vaccine and/or booster shots if you have tested positive for Coronavirus antibodies blood test or if you have recovered from the Coronavirus.

    3. Quarantines lockdowns legal travel banns and masks do not work against the Coronavirus. It only delays the Coronavirus from weeks to a month.

    4. Compulsory Coronavirus experimental vaccines for children is a disaster in the making. Children in general have a greater than 99.999% natural immunity against the Coronavirus have already been expose to the coronavirus and already have natural immunity. Be careful Coronavirus vaccines causes myocarditis heart attacks strokes and blood clots in children. So why are federal state local governments and school districts are so obsessed with mandatory Coronavirus experimental vaccinations and booster shots that don’t work on the new Coronavirus mutations or variants and completely ignoring natural immunity? Simple it’s a sterilization program for our children. Any doctor advocating Coronavirus vaccinations and/or booster shots on healthy children should have their medical license revoked.

    5. Not using the standard African treatment such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nano Silver, Zinc and Zithromax in combination other drugs with intravenous vitamins has proven to be safe, effective, and inexpensive as in Africa that has the highest cure rate with lifetime natural immunity.

    6. Using Remdesivir instead of Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nano Silver, Zinc and Zithromax in combination other drugs with intravenous vitamins. Remdesivir is an awfully expensive patented drug that has been proven ineffective against the Coronavirus and Ebola. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nano Silver, Zinc and Zithromax in combination other drugs with intravenous vitamins are very inexpensive and has been proven effective against the Coronavirus.

    7. Allowing open boarders during a pandemic

    8. Not deporting non-citizens who have tested positive for the Coronavirus

    9. The cost of treating one coronavirus patient with Remdesivir $2,340 per patient. Treating one Coronavirus patient with Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nano Silver, Zinc and Zithromax in combination other drugs with intravenous vitamins is one twentieth the cost of Remdesivir. Remdesivir is a costly and useless drug.

    Remdesivir was used in the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone July 2014 it was a complete failure. Nano Silver was used to treat Ebola it was extremely successful. I wonder why Nano Silver is not used for the Coronavirus.

    10. Violating Informed Consent laws requiring mandatory experimental vaccinations not approved by the (FDA) Food and Drug Administration that cause harm and illegal, don’t work, and cause dangerous Coronavirus mutations. Mandatory experimental vaccinations by private and/or public entities is illegal and violates Informed Consent laws federal and international law. Mandatory vaccinations policies violate patients’ privacy laws by having open records of experimentally vaccinated and un-vaccinated people. Public and private entities by law cannot ask questions about a person vaccination status.

  3. Now in the year 2021 we have an experimental vaccine for the Coronavirus that legally cannot be mandated and will become useless when the next Coronavirus mutations arrives. The recent (FDA) Food and Drug Administration approval of Pfizer Coronavirus vaccine 60% efficacy rate is only effective for 5 months if there are no new mutations then booster shoots are needed every 4 to 6 months to prevent breakthrough cases. Booster shoots do not work against the new Coronavirus mutations. The Pfizer Coronavirus vaccine is still an experimental vaccine because of coercion from the Biden administration to get some type of (FDA) Food and Drug Administration experimental vaccine approved for political reasons. People who have naturally recovered from Coronavirus infections using or not using Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nano Silver, Zinc and Zithromax in combination other drugs with intravenous vitamins have lifetime Coronavirus immunity excluding mutations coming from experimentally vaccinated people. Mandating experimental Coronavirus vaccines not approved by the (FDA) Food and Drug Administration is illegal and nothing more than a worldwide Tuskegee experiment on steroids. Mathematically mass Coronavirus experimental vaccinations are completely useless because 99.9 % of patients will recover from the Coronavirus and over 97% will recover not knowing that they had the Coronavirus with no sign of illness. We will discover soon that the Coronavirus experimental vaccines are more dangerous than the Coronavirus. Therapeutics are clearly superior to any experimental vaccine. When administered early therapeutics such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nano Silver, Zinc and Zithromax in combination other drugs with intravenous vitamins and traditional African therapies will cure and create lifetime natural immunity against the Coronavirus and its new mutations instantly and prevent the Coronavirus experimental vaccines are not needed with therapeutics having no side effects such as, blood clots, heart problems in young people, paralysis, extreme muscle pain, fainting, sudden death, or the experimental vaccines losing its effect due to Coronavirus mutations and testing positive for the Coronavirus after experimental vaccinations then later hospitalizations with Coronavirus and later Coronavirus experimental vaccine breakthrough cases. Experimental Coronavirus vaccines have an 60% efficacy rate with the original first strain Coronavirus and only give you 4 to 6 months immunity if there are no new Coronavirus mutations. When new Coronavirus mutations are discovered, we are finding out that that Coronavirus vaccines have less than 50% efficacy rate. We are now discovering that all new Coronavirus mutations are coming from people who were previously given mRNA experimental vaccines that are a major cause of dangerous Coronavirus mutations. Coronavirus experimental vaccines are destroying your natural immunity against Coronavirus mutations. Coronavirus mRNA experimental vaccines are creating the very most dangerous Coronavirus mutations. Aggressive experimental vaccinations that started in South Africa, Brazil, India, and Great Britain are creating mutated strains that are the very most dangerous strains yet. But countries that have not started their experimental vaccine programs I have not seen any new mutated strains yet from these countries. The third and fourth wave of Coronavirus infections are caused by these mutated strains that for the first time are infecting young people. I was looking at in statistical data whenever I see aggressive experimental vaccinations, I also was seeing a sharp increase in new Coronavirus mutated stains in countries that had aggressive experimental vaccinations. If you look at google world map on the Coronavirus countries with the highest experimental vaccination rates also have the highest infection rates and countries with the lowest experimental vaccination rates have the lowest infection rates. Mathematically the Coronavirus experimental vaccines do not work at all. I am now hearing that doctor wanting to use Coronavirus experimental booster shots. Coronavirus experimental booster shots are an admission that the previous Coronavirus experimental vaccines did not work. The US CDC and other healthcare agencies are manipulation medical data making it to appear that un-vaccinated people have higher infection rates than experimental vaccinated people. When having access to raw uncensored medical data the Coronavirus infection rates are the same for experimental vaccinated and un-vaccinated people going back to my original prediction that the experimental vaccines do not work and create dangerous Coronavirus mutations. Coronavirus data from American government and private institutions are full of lies manipulations and outright deceptions. Coronavirus data from foreign governments excluding China and private institutions is far completer and more accurate.

    This is in fact lifetime natural herd immunity. At some time in late 2021 early 2022 the Coronavirus will suddenly and abruptly disappear in countries outside of Africa. This will happen when greater than 70% to 80% of the population outside Africa has been infected and recovered from the Coronavirus. And it has happened, the Coronavirus as of November 13th, 2020, cases have fallen sharply. The Coronavirus is running out of un-infected people to infect. When lifetime natural herd immunity happens, vaccines become useless and obsolete. The only reason for mass experimental vaccinations is to conduct a mass covert genocide and/or sterilizations or experimental vaccines contaminated with HIV-AIDS, Ebola, Marburg disease, and infertility agents this has been done many times before in Africa. Doctor without borders, (WHO) World Health Organization, and (UNICEF) United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund were caught many times in Africa sterilizing women and spreading Ebola via experimental vaccinations. Doctors without borders were conducting medical experimentations in the Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone than the local villagers drove out doctor without borders out violently killing doctors whom they believe were spreading Ebola virus. The previous 1918 flu pandemic only the vaccinated died.

    If the United States, North and South America, and Europe use the exact same protocols as Africa the Coronavirus would have been resolved by April 2020 and the Coronavirus would be considered a nuisance disease such as the yearly flu. The current healthcare system in the United States would never allow such a system in Africa to exist in the United States.

    We know what causes Diabetes and they are vaccines. In Africa Diabetes was unheard of until mass vaccinations programs got started. We have the chance and opportunity to compare the vaccinated and un-vaccinated. Every time a vaccination program starts in Africa, we see Diabetes, HIV-AIDS, Ebola, Marburg disease, infertility just a few years later. We watch very carefully the un-vaccinated and such disease outbreaks never occurs. Vaccines are the greatest hoax, fraud, deception, and greed of Western medicine. When you get vaccinated you will become a permanent lifetime customer of the big pharmaceutical industrial complex just to live a normal life.

    All AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE is caused by vaccines nothing else. Stay away from vaccines boost your natural immune system's. Take lots of vitamins and essential minerals such as Nano Silver, Copper, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, and other essential minerals. Iron you do not need if you eat meat. Eat superfoods such as organic vegetables grown in organic vertical hydroponic LED pink houses. Beef makes sure cattle and cows are eating only grass, pork makes sure the pigs are eating organic corn feed and watch out for African Swine Flu it is a real killer of pigs, chickens make sure the chickens are eating soybeans and other natural chicken feeds, seafood well you must be incredibly careful do not dump human or animal waste in the oceans, lakes, and rivers. Practice extreme hygiene bathe every day or every other day. Keep your clothes, blankets, and towels washed clean never reuse unless its washed. We already know that extreme hygiene and clean municipal water no fluorides are what cause the sharp decrease disease and infection outbreaks not vaccines in the 20th century. Dental hygiene is a must. Spend whatever it takes to have teeth examined and cleaned by a dentist. If you need braces get them, if you need jaw surgery to correct your bite do not hesitate to get jaw surgery and braces. Great dental hygiene will mean 20 extra heathy years to live.

  4. Only fools believes that getting vaccinated will be safe from Covid! People need to look back at the statistics; 98% of those infected will be fine, 2% will be more severely affected due to their existing illness and some will succumb to the Covid. Wake up, y'all!

  5. The player's unions need to stop this nonsense. Forcing players to get vaxxed, vax doesn't stop the spread, players forced to miss games due to "positive" tests some of which are false posltives

  6. This is what happens when selfish people don't care about each other health during a pandemic. Everything will become affected by your selfish and idiotic reasoning without even doing research or talking with health professionals. When the death toll reaches 1 million from covid then your so called freedom will be the reason

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