Breaking down Kim Potter’s trial and testimony as jury deliberations begin

Attorneys CK Hoffler and Channa Lloyd react to closing arguments in the Kim Potter trial, and Fmr. NYPD Chief of detectives weighs in on Potter’s testimony.


Author: avnblogfeed


37 thoughts on “Breaking down Kim Potter’s trial and testimony as jury deliberations begin

  1. he had a warrant for his arrest.

    If he had just gone to jail for his crime, he would be alive. He resisted but he didn't deserve to die. he had a warrant for his arrest.

  2. I'm going to have to side with the officer this time. I never do because I know African American men are easily targeted by police officers. I truly believe this was a tragic accident though and it's sad it costed a life. No matter how trained she is, and no matter her being a trainer herself, she has not used a gun in 26 years of her career. Anybody who has never shot a gun before would panic when in a situation where you have to think fast. She did not intend to shoot him. I believe her because I saw the video. I'm not basing this case on any other case where an African American man was targeted and shot on purpose. I'm basing this case on real facts here, on a video. You saw what happened and you saw what happened in let's say George Floyd's video. It was clear that George Floyd was targeted and intended to be killed. Upon looking at Kim Potter's video, it did not look like she was purposely targeting Daunte. Stop considering every situation with an African American person to automatically be the other persons fault. That's not always the case. She said herself that if she was the one driving, she would never have pulled someone over for air refresheners. Meaning she was not targeting Daunte. It's not like she was sitting there like oh there's a black man, let's pull him over for something as stupid as air refresheners. She didn't want to pull him over.

  3. The truth has to matter. He was nit trying to drive away bc he was shot, he was shot bc he was trying to drive away.

    The only thing the defense mentioned is the truth.

    These people are either stupid and don’t understand the law or just plain evil.

  4. Enjoy all the cops now not willing to go for their taser instead of their gun first you absolute morons. Couldn't have happened to a better group of people. Just for all the slow people I'm talking about criminals.

  5. I know it seems cold but pictures of the victim literally should mean nothing to this trial, his age, his race, his gender. A person was killed. But ultimately it was a clear mistake. Yet we drag this woman out of vengeance.

  6. Oof….. She should know the difference between a pistol and a taser… her hand was perfectly placed on the gun, finger on the trigger… a taser has no trigger. . she killed him purposely and she is beyond guilty

  7. Go straight to prison and do your 25 years behind racial profiling that lead to this young man’s murder. Obviously 🙄 the last picture of him being shot by a racist police 👮‍♀️ officer spoke volumes

  8. Nobody wants to defund the police they just want to separate & specially train different officers so they have better knowledge to deal with so many different issues their required to deal with & have woefully inadequate training!
    This will keep everyone safer & give us a more professional police force!

  9. So issue a death penalty to any young person that struggles! He doesn’t even look 20, he looks like bout 17 & was stopped for having an air freshener??
    Don’t think the defence did their client any favours at all. She only showed emotion for what would happen to herself, not insisting on medical help immediately? Nobody knows exactly when he died, yet was blamed for deliberately moving car after having been fatally shot!!!
    Officers have been hurt? Well if you look at the score card the cops are way ahead of the public when you come to who hurts/kills who! Far, far more likely to be a victim of police than vice versa!!!

  10. Wow! Classic victim blaming. Well by that logic, had Potter not worked that day, he’d still be alive. Had Daunte slept in that day, he’d still be alive. Whether it truly was an accident/mistake, she MUST be held accountable for taking a life. It’s pure negligence at the very least.

  11. Now God Almighty it time for You God 2 EXECUTE Ur JUDGEMENT upon kim potter which is Ur WRATH, Smh Thank You Jesus Christ!!!!👉 Sworn Oath she raised her right hand up to this Country 👉 The United States n You God!!!!! she wasn't "ORDAINED" by You God 2👉"SERVE AND PROTECT" Us, In Jesus Might Name Amen!!!!

  12. What parent allows their underage kid to take $50 form her purse and go put gas and wash the car when the car wasn't legally registered to drive by anyone. That mother should blame no one else but herself!

  13. Innocent mistake think she used her taser using Gun! Daunte is Dead for no reason, Kim Potter, is Guilty, for her action! " her defense think they can play people for fool this is no mistake.

  14. Separation of Taser and Guns needs NOW to be done per officer……THINK ABOUT THAT?? For the both to be in proximety was an accident waiting to happen! This in my opinion will end up in a hung jury and kill the soul of this police officer because she is TRULY SORRY, SHE RECOGNIZED IT IMMEDIATELY ANNNNND she ALREADY KNEW she would go to jail BECAUSE of her training AND 26 YEARS AS A SUCCESSFUL POLICE OFFICER…………………..I also call it RACE bullshit. GET YOUR heads out of the RACISTS ASSES! As long as we are determined to go this racist, negative, hateful mindset, I thing every police officer should walk off their jobs! PERFECT TIMING……………COVID! Everyone else is. We were headed into the wild west as soon as ANYONE could buy a gun! And by the way ………….. I have many, many black friends and we alllllllll feel the same. The nations intelligence level keeps dropping and anyone who follows data would know that for a fact. ………..AND television stations with their CLICK BAIT……that's what stirs the pot! Leaving those with a semblance of intelligence to eat up the active true brain cells of individuals by those you DECIDE to interview in your less than love for mankind ~ SHAME ON YOU!

  15. No winners here. Ya, Potter shot him, but Daunte played a role in his own death. If he would of complied with the officers, we wouldn't be where we're at today.

  16. DW is responsible. His dangerous and deadly actions gave way to his demise. Wrestling and fleeing a felony warrant in a vehicle is grounds. Praise Allah

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