Ballerina speaks out on lawsuit over alleged sharing of nude photos

Alexandra Waterbury, 19, is suing former principal dancer Chase Finlay and the New York City Ballet, calling their actions “just a shame.”


Author: avnblogfeed


41 thoughts on “Ballerina speaks out on lawsuit over alleged sharing of nude photos

  1. A dude did the same to a friend of mine. He recorded their sex and send it to her mother calling her daughter a whore.

    I can’t believe This man who looks like a great person is such a monster.

  2. What do we see more of the victim's photos than the villain's? Why would this poor girl need to suffer public scrutiny again while the guy remains less identified?

  3. This asshole violated the intimacy of his own girlfriend he took photos of her while she was naked without her allowing it to and shared with all his friends at the NYC Ballet, including other members of the institution. He should not be a 1st dancer, in fact he should be fired. The #metoo movement is not just for hollywood ! Is a world statement and should be taken seriously. He's literally making thousands of $ a year while his poor ex is suing him and his friends for what they did to her. F++++ you Chase Finlay !

  4. The ridiculous thing is that the union got the men reinstated to the company, acknowledged that they shared the nude photos, and but that REMOVING THEM WAS TOO RASH OF A DECISION. Don’t tell me accusations ruin men’s lives.

  5. Chase Findlay was a grown man, and Waterbury was underage. If any of this is true, then it's child pornography. However, I think her parents are partly responsible, for letting their teenage daughter date an old man.

  6. The majority of the dudes at city ballet are losers, especially these three, and robbie fairchild, who is gayer than elton john but married a woman and pretended to be straight. Until he got caught f*cking a dude

  7. The amount of times people’s nudes has been leaked at my school is hilarious 😂 it’s just so weird how the same exact problem is now on a national level

  8. Chase Finlay deserves to DIE.
    That scumbag ruined his OWN career yet Alex Waterbury is accused of being a "job-ruiner"? Chase did it to his damn self.

  9. Alex Waterbury you're beautiful, talented, and seem to be a brilliant young woman who deserve a bright future. We're all 100% behind you. I am someone who have been sexually harassed by a colleague myself. I understand the fear, anguish, rage, and embarrassment that goes with being sexually harassed or assaulted.

    As for these morons Chase Finlay and his equally moronic friends, I could care LESS if they get hate mail for every day for the rest of their lives. They deserve every ounce of the hatred and so much worse

    STUPID SHIT MALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. The guy is a creep, no doubt about it. But the more appalling part ofthe story is that she is filing a law suit basically because she didnt consent to exposing the pics, i.e. she didnt get payed for it. There is enough of lewd pictures of this girl online, that she made for money. The bottom line is, she didnt make profit off it, and not 'this is a violation'.

  11. I'm a slut but don't tell anyone. Yeah sure. Keep your knickers up and your tutu down and you won't have such problems. Morality dear; morality.

  12. Women today want to have their cake and eat it too. So do men. You both have rocks for brains and have zero wisdom. Lessons learned? I hope so. God has a better way .

  13. Well, with Peter Martins as the former AD whom also assaulted female dancers, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I hope Alexandra gets a wind fall from Chase Finlay. What a deuche bag!

  14. What is the big deal. So he taped them both having sex behind her back and sent the videos secretly to other men to see. Who cares. If i was waterberry id be proud i was so sexy i can land a chase Finlay and that im sexy. Beauty fades ma…he didnt hurt you…he fucked you and you should be grateful for SAB i never got in thanful for chase and nycb. Shut up. You ruined peoples career.

  15. She never cared for anyone other than herself. Her sole purpose in bringing about this lawsuit was nothing more than casting herself as a martyr and trying to make financial gain. That Finlay choose to resign and not to put up a fight clearly indicates he's done it. No two ways about that. But this ballerina wannabe is no angel, hellbent on bringing down a man she used to live with and sleep with. Where's kindness? Where's magnanimousness? Crying over spilled milk wouldn't do good to anyone, least of all herself. No wonder this woman can never portray Giselle on stage and in real life. Snow White's stepmother is more of her forte.

  16. It is something, that should never have been allowed to happen. People will say years from now even, that this is single-handedly the most disturbing thing to happen to the New York City Ballet. I am a great admirer of ballet and this definitely has affected my opinion of the New York city ballet

  17. This woman sounds like a jealous ex-girlfriend who takes revenge because of Chase Finlay's new romance. She only talks, but she has to prove what she says, there is no guarantee that it is true since the photos could have had her previous consent. I am very sorry for those women who have been real victims of such acts, but we all know that there are also women who can not bear to see their ex boyfriends with other women and their anger leads them to manipulate information to destroy them. In addition, she has not yet achieved a level of recognition in the world of Ballet and perhaps these public statements are her only tool to gain the attention of others. The world of Ballet is highly competitive and in some dancers it causes envy, jealousy, cheating and hurting other classmates when they do not obtain the roles they want. Finlay should have a punishment if he is really guilty, but if not, this woman should have a double punishment for her lie.

  18. he, my ex-manager thought I would beg him on the floor and follow his evil cult, but no, my parents never bought me up to be an asshole. I quit 😓ad I think I may have financial troubles but had the strongest faith in God ever

  19. I believe in that girl. I had met plenty of scums in my life of 39 years. my ex- manager was a scum and mistreat me, not SEXUALLY but like " 50 shades of Grey "

  20. Look this shit has been going on for decades. Ballet masters drugging dancers to get them to perform when they were overworked, body shaming female dancers til they became anorexic read dancing on my grave. There are few brave souls like this young woman and gelsy Kirkland who had the courage to speak out. ABT needs to go down. I hope they nail their asses and something is finally done. Sick of seeing stories like this.

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