American Suni Lee takes Olympic gold medal in gymnastics l WNT

Suni Lee won the gold medal in the women’s gymnastics all-around competition at the Tokyo Olympics. She is the fifth American in a row to win gold in the event.




#tokyoolympics #sunilee #goldmedal #gymnastics


Author: avnblogfeed


35 thoughts on “American Suni Lee takes Olympic gold medal in gymnastics l WNT

  1. The Olympics must not exhibit any political or biased tendencies. The host country, Japan, is also disseminating this information to athletes and officials who participated in the Olympics.
    But Japan, meanwhile, asked the IOC to require that athletes who participated in the Olympics pay a silent tribute to the victims on the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
    The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima was not an easy decision made by the United States, the Allied Powers at the time, in that Japan, a war criminal country, did not give up on the war and continued to kill innocent people.
    Remembrance of the victims of the atomic bombing is no different from forcing people to visit Japanese shrines.
    This double aspect of Japan does not qualify as a host country for the Olympics, a place of global harmony, and even after the IOC rejected Japan's request to commemorate the atomic bombing, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Committee said they plans to include a performance that commemorate the victims of the atomic bombing in this Olympic closing ceremony. This proves that Japan has not yet abandoned its role as a war criminal country rather than an Olympic host country.
    I hope that the people of the world will face this double aspect of Japan and correct their misconceptions about Japan. I also demand the IOC not to tolerate this double act of Japan, the host country of the Olympics, and take corresponding measures.

  2. "Biles absence opened the door for Lee." Screw you, dude. Suni Lee earned this. Nobody handed her anything. Don't you dare try to put an asterisk next to her name.

  3. Simone knew she was gonna lose, and let down her teammates. And she knew without her Ritalin medication cause its banned in Japan, that she wasn't gonna show up. I would've bailed too.

  4. Erm. No. I think someone named Jade stepped in for Biles. Suni qualified on her own, and Biles was just 0.5 ahead of her in qualifications. Biles is a great athlete so I'm sorry she wasn't in the mental state to compete… But it's sad that the media is taking away from Suni's win. And people acting like she wouldn't have won if Biles was there.
    Gold favorites have missed out on gold in the Olympics before many times. It's not a new story.

    Same happen at winter Olympics with my favorite skater, Evgenia. Missed gold because she was one point behind some new girl despite dominating the sport up to that point. It's sad, but it happens all the time.

    Edit: all the Olympic athletes are all absolutely incredibly so it's usually a close game.

  5. Simone was only 0.5 point above sunisaa in qualification and yeah media was like " sunisaa stepped up for simone". All american gymnastics in the team are great, stop putting more pressure on simone and shadows the others, absolutely disgusting…

  6. Emergency Alert! There is a mass genocide going on in Christian controlled Countries. Canada has authorized sending people against their will to isolation camps, and travelers to Canada are required to go to isolation buildings, and residents being moved out of Province and even Country. Doug Ford, the guy who's politician brother was caught on video snorting cocaine with a prostitute, is organizing the assault, in Ontario. Same in Australia. The virus has a two week incubation period. After two week isolated you are good to go according to prior information. There was 12000000 exterminated by Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler during WW2. The Vatican (Pope's headquarters) says that there will be over 13000000 exterminated in the US alone. No coward will inherit God's kingdom. I think planes spraying over your cities is to kill you. Why else would it be happening?
    Why did the so called British Royal who just died take the last name of the so called Queen? To try to further the fraud that the British are the continuation of the Biblical line of King David. That is the reason WW2 started. To distract you from the fraud. Women inherit men's last names, not the other way around. Philip was a German, then he became a Greek citizen and then a British Royal. He wasn't even a British citizen. (Search Queen Elizabeth wedding!) The British Royals imported some fake Royals from the Roman Empire before also. People don't realize that Britain is part of the Roman Empire. Prince Charles was just hugging the Pope recently, and congratulating him on his war. The head of England is supposedly God's representative and defender of the faith. So Charles hugging the Pope, is like God's representative hugging Satan's. Just like Hitler started a war with Russia, so they are trying to start a war with Russia and China now. The Pope has been exposed as the man (King) in control of the Roman Empire mentioned in Revelation Apocalypse 17, 18 of the Bible. He is the King of the Vatican City/ Country. He has his own crown and flag. On his crown is the number 666 in Latin (a picture of the triple tiered crown(also referred to as a mitre) with 666 on it, is on the Pope's flag). The Bible mentions that the leaders of Rome's group would be clothed in scarlet (Catholic Cardinals) and purple (Catholic Bishops). This group would be responsible for all the people exterminated from the earth. It was the Catholic Adolf Hitler who exterminated 12000000 people for Rome, so that the British side of the Roman Empire would not fall, as they had no legal heir. They imported one from Germany, but needed the war to kill lots of people that knew of the fraud and to create a smoke screen. The Pope rules from his compound in the Vatican, Rome Italy. The compound is behind very high walls and guarded by two nation's military. The Swiss guard directly guard the Vatican compound. Switzerland is neutral because it keeps the Empire's money, and if any nation was to attack the Pope, then the Countries of the Roman Empire would say that they attacked an innocent neutral Country. The Swiss guard wear what looks like clown suits with stripes going down them, but they have weapons and will kill. The Italian Army also protects the Pope. This religion/ Empire siphons the money from the people's of the world to them. Like the Bible prophecy of Revelation Apocalypse 17, 18 mentions that the great city riding the Roman Empire is clothed in all kinds of precious stones. In fact a Roman Emperor bragged that when he found Rome it was clothed in brick, but when he was finished it was clothed in marble. Magna Carta proves that Britain is part of the Roman Empire.
    The Magna Carta treaty deals with when people rebel against the Roman Empire. It talks about how a nation and its overlords will be reimbursed for warring against their own people. It dictates that the people should be locked up, and then they will go in and slaughter them. Britain pretended to have separated from Rome, on account of it being satanic, and the Pope having 666 (Vicarious Filii Dei, in Latin) on his crown. People were duped in to thinking the British way was the truth. Social media sharing sites are under attack, because the oppressors want to silence information about it. During WW2 a Catholic Adolf Hitler killed 12000000 people under the guise of a fake typhus epidemic. Typhus still exists, but no where is it handled, like that time. Now we have the so called corona virus pandemic, where nearly 98% make a complete recovery. They are instituting extreme measures, just like for the typhus epidemic. In Canada they are putting people in temporary concentration camps and charging people. Canada is one of the most evil oppressive places on earth. Canada is controlled by the British Empire. Rome and Britain put a French colony right in the middle of an English Country, and put in to Canada's constitution that the French would be guaranteed their Catholic faith. If Canadians try to stop this fake Church/ Empire, then they will call it treason, for going against the Canadian constitution and kill them. Roman Catholic, as in the Church of Revelation Apocalypse 17, 18 that rides the Roman Empire. At the end of the world as we know it now, the Roman empire will have 10 Kingdoms. The Kingdom's are, or have been France, Germany, Italy, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Turkey(former headquarters of the Roman Empire, Constantinople (now Istanbul), and others, and the places they conquered. Like Canada being set up for perpetual enslavement, so other places are also, like India is completely controlled by Britain. Canada, Australia, India and others are Constitutional Monarchies, in which the Queen is the supreme ruler. Who's head is on your money? Many nations live in poverty while Rome and Britain siphons off your money and natural resources, India a prime example. Elizabeth married a German, who renounced his German citizenship to become a Greek citizen and from there became a British citizen, and was pronounced a Duke. When the German Philip married now British Queen Elizabeth he took her name in stead of her taking his name. The Bible prophecy says that a man would not fail to sit on David's throne. Don't let them start a war to hide this again. The Bible says that the Roman Empire would split in to two, and from this two, there would be ten Kingdoms at the end. Five Kingdom's from each leg. Like Hitler looted burned and exterminated under the guise of a typhus epidemic, so now they are looting, burning and exterminating under the guise of a corona virus. A cold virus has never been seen, nor is there a cure, but supposedly now, there are images and vaccines from every place for the corona virus. Corona means crown or rulership (government). A corona virus is some thing attacking the crown, rulership(government). In Britain, Canada Australia and others the justice system represents the British Crown. Some day the world's people will have to unite, to end this reign of terror. To use a poker term, we need a Royal Flush. Clear YouTube search and history, and browser cache and history, so they don't know you read this. Hide copies, share, distribute them, Be very careful. Pray for me and you! Zyklon B extermination gas = corona virus? Hitler used automobile exhaust gas blown in your window also. Why would planes be spraying of your cities? Government sprays cities, corona virus occurs. If you have a hard time breathing from that, they will finish you off at the hospital. Nurses blew the whistle on that. Why would the military be giving the vaccines? Military personnel have to start taking a stand. Do you want God and history to condemn you? The Bible says that two legs come out of the Roman Empire, which would be Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. The Bible says that they would put you to death, if you did not worship the image. The image is the cross, and it symbolizes the religious beliefs. Canada moving towards a forced symbol of acceptance of Church and State, or no work or travel? If you don't have the sign of the cross you can not buy or sell. Look at Hong Kong where they were allowed to sell on international markets under the control of Britain, but when the lease ended and Britain left, they have started a war of words, political intrigue and are trying to start a physical war to stop them from selling. Christain Countries are trying to start a war with China and Russia, to hide their genocide. They also radiate. Trump had authorized operation warp speed to force vaccinate the American population, not Bill Gates. Spanish plague(1918) vaccine was for bacterial infection, but the plague was a virus. Most Christian Countries were forbidden to report on the plague, hidding its details under war powers. The Pope and British Royals were found guilty of genocide, by the International Criminal Court, just before corona virus outbreak. Donald J Trump attacked the International Court via US financial system. Did Rome just completely burn a Native city in Canada, in retribution for Natives burning down Churches? Multiple mass graves of exterminated found on multiple Church run properties across Canada, so Natives burned down their Churches, effectively saying we don't want this abomination on our land. Rev. 17,18 Rome and false church riding it, kills. *Trump's friend Alex Jones broadcasted, calling for mass executions of Americans and foreign officials, with no time to wait for the justice system, and UK is attacking businesses and individuals around the globe. Trump said he couldn't answer Corona questions, because we were at war.
    Virus=information. The first Pope(263) to try to expose the world wide conspiracy, died 6 days later. Please help me(266) to expose this (1John5:19)! 2ndCorinthians4:4 is trying to stop Daniel12:4. ;!(?((

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