ABC News Prime: Defense’s turn in impeachment trial; Biden’s executive orders; weather conditions

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40 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Defense’s turn in impeachment trial; Biden’s executive orders; weather conditions

  1. The cryptocurrency market leader set a new lifetime high of $51,348 early Wednesday, having penetrated the psychological level of $50,000 on Tuesday for the first time, I already started investing with Mr Luiz and I guess y’all should act.

  2. How does it feel to pick the wrong lame donkey's or elephant's to run with accompanied with the bias, truth spinning and lying media outlets with lame staff. Proud working Americans know who you are and we are the winning team always@unity.orgZacv

  3. Democrats caught faking and editing evidence to promote hate and their corrupt agenda and America saw it live no matter how much fake MSM try's to spin it

  4. ABC is a real state propaganda TV when the democrats are in power and an opposition media when it's the republicans. What is this now, the Soviet Union?

  5. I found the images shown by the prosecutors shocking. of course, it had long been clear to everyone that Trump has called on his followers to help him in any way. In and sad that the republicans still support Trump today. The man of lies, fraud and filial or is the calculating denial of his loss. It is certain that Trump has led entire tribes to believe his lies in an alternate fictional truth. That's his legacy. By covering everything up and going along with Trump's lies, the Republican Party has shot itself in the foot. the young cuckoo tries to push the others out of the nest and now they don't know anymore. They need him to keep his Republican supporters but are getting seriously compromised in Trump's lie web. intervened too late now forever connected. sad. Trump will therefore not be impeached, however justified that might be!!

  6. Better change that title to "Propaganda Line". America is a shithole banana republic. It's only fitting that the same fate they bestowed onto so many other countries around the world would happen to them. America. The number one shithole totalitarian state in the world, masquerading as a "Democracy". Pathetic.

  7. The THING IS they are not marching with weapons to an insurrection. HOW CAN YOU COMPARE THE TWO LOL. DO YOU THINK PEOPLE ARE THAT DUMB. This is why words are important, when people constantly ask you over and over are you going to do a peaceful transfer of power and you say "we will see", what does that "fight" mean then. To follow the later with " if you dont fight for democracy you wont have it". We know what the president encouraged.

  8. From /
    Keep proving what your American leaders are. With your evil crimes.

    Criminals are always talking about themselves.

    Criminals falsely manipulate and make their crimes as if they were committed by their victims, and unjustly slaughter and abuse them in pain.

    By making victims look like criminals, real offenders accuse them, make them unfair, abuse them, and kill in pain.

    The United States and South Korea continue to commit these crimes. They are committing such evil crimes against JESUS and Prophet Yi and his family.

    For criminals, the saying, "There is no need for talk, only cruel punishment and retribution" comes from this.

    The crimes of criminals are easily identified because they commit crimes themselves and are exposed to people.

    The criminals are still saying the same thing.

    'If you are unhappy, have power and make money by your crime.'

    'Competing for evil crimes !'

    These perpetrators are called'the children of Satan and the devil'. by Prophet Yi /

    The important thing is to kill a person. Almost all of the officials and security at the Capitol were following the orders of the House Speaker, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. They left the spy-like mob murderers they put in and killed them by aiming and shooting the pure American people. (1 member from a female soldier) In addition, 3 others were killed. No more victims are coming yet. Please search in detail. It will be the decisive thing to be able to mobilize soldiers. / This seems to be the democratic party's own play.

    It is the crime of Democratic Party criminals who intentionally stay with the protesters and induce and proceed with the assault.

    It seems that Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States, has heard good news from the former President of the United States, Bush. He seems to have heard the good news that, like Biden, he could become president in the next presidential election. It seems that Bill Clinton and Hillary, as well as Obama and Biden, have heard the complete news that they will work together. Just as Bush's father had previously agreed with Bill Clinton and Hillary. /

    – Check the these links for truth ;

    Why do you close your eyes?

    You have to talk about criminals South koreans and Americans and murderers Bill Clinton and Hillary. You know that those who know the truth and close their eyes will face more cruel punishment. You know that it is a divine law and a divine order.

    #CNNTapes: Jeff Zucker Labels Donald Trump A Bigger Threat To National Security Than Voter Fraud (2020. 12. 2)

    Kayleigh McEnany

    미국과 한국의 TV와 라디오 방송국을 비롯을 한 모든 언론들은 이미 그 본질과 책임감을 파괴를 시키고 오로지 자신의 출세와 돈을 위해서 경쟁을 하는 범죄자들의 소굴이 되어 있습니다. 1993년과 1994년부터 즉 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 그리고 김영삼과 김현철이가 백악관과 청와대의 자리에 올라가서 자신들의 치부와 범행들을 숨기기 위해서 저질러 오고 있는 모든 범죄의 만행들이 그 시작이라고 할 수가 있을 것입니다. '화이트 워터', '섹스 스캔들, 강간' 기타 등으로 난처해진 빌 클린턴과 힐러리는 직권남용의 국가보안법으로 모든 언론인들과 종교인들을 사찰을 하였고 비밀리에 수사를 하였으며 협박과 회유로 모든 범죄은닉의 범행들을 진행을 시켜 왔습니다. 또한 한국은 군사정권이 끝났다고 스스로 말을 한 김염삼이 자신의 아들을 안기부를 관리를 하는 자리에 올려 놓고 청와대에서 자신들이 비난을 했던 군사정권 보다 더한 직권남용의 만행들을 일본이 아닌 미국의 밑에서 두려움이 없이 그대로 저질렀습니다. 그 때가 바로 1993년과 1994년도 입니다. (그때 당시 미국의 대통령들이 하지 않았던 행동들을 미국의 대통령이었던 빌 클린턴은 사람들에게 보이기 시작을 했지요. 다급해진 빌 클린턴과 힐러리는 상상도 할 수가 없는 일들을 개인의 일들처럼 진행을 시켰습니다. 미국의 대통령이 청와대에 한국의 대통령과 함께 조깅을 하는 일들까지 있었으며 또한 한국의 대통령을 미국에 국빈으로 초대를 해서 공개 기자회견까지 하는 급상승의 대우를 하였으니까요. 뉴스 자료들을 확인을 하면 쉽게 관련 뉴스들을 발견을 할 수가 있을 것입니다.) 그 악에 진행이 지금도 연결이 되어져서 이루어지고 있는 것입니다. 방송인들과 프로듀서들 (제작진들, 자칭 '망원' , 노무현 정권때에 국정원 x파일 사건 참고) 그리고 기자들과 보도국의 아나운서와 앵커들은 오늘도 오로지 자신들과 자신들의 가족들에 범죄은닉과 출세 그리고 돈을 위해서 언론 방송국에서 범행을 저지르고 있는 것입니다. 악의 1%를 위한 나라와 언론 그리고 종교들과 기관들은 이제까지 한국과 미국을 파괴를 시켜 왔으며 국민들을 악의 학대에 고통들 속에서 죽여 오고 있습니다. 나라와 국민을 혼란 속에서 멸망과 파괴를 시키고 있습니다. —- 중 략 ——

    Rationalization of crime. Abuse of authority and abuse of law (exploit the abuse and the law) / They broadcast crimes of falsehood and manipulation, making criminals heroes, rationalizing crimes through religion, and concealing crimes. In addition, they live a luxurious life with the power and money of abuse of authority and live with the benefits of crime. The time for the criminals of Satan and the Devil is over. Kill the murderers of South Korean and American ('Mang Won') more brutally. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )

    There is no hope for the dead. Only work for living people.

    Find what JESUS said to the disciples in the BIBLE. Also, check the same in the Old and New Testament. You know what to say for living people. Tell the truth to people. There is no national security law in the BIBLE. / Cierran temporalmente sede de funeraria por velar persona que habría tenido COVID -19 en…/status/1276312988115521537/photo/1

    Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.

    Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.

    Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.

    Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /

    From Continue

    BREAKING: The U.S. hits a record number of daily coronavirus cases — over 37,000 infections — topping the peak seen in April during the initial outbreak…/status/1276351993775296512/photo/1

    After the Obama Reveals (US Democratic Party) 'CIA Torture Report', Why criminal Nancy Pelosi <US House Democratic >Majority Leader visited Crimminal South korea government?! (It has advised the US Congress dimensional cooperation on key issues between South korea and the US) For what?! Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, <Even now, after 27 years> by Abuse of authority and Assembly Bill for crime. /

    “I’ve been very clear that I can’t support Donald Trump,” said Carly Fiorina, a former 2016 Republican presidential candidate and CEO of Hewlett-Packard.

    Don't worry. be happy. Always like criminals on TV and radio stations of South korea and USAmerica. Just got a News without evidence. For intervening in the presidential elections in the United States. South Korea's evil murder massacre criminals (Mang Won) are committing torture ….. Continue

    In conclusion, Biden, a Democrat of the United States, cannot become president with evidence on the crime of corruption in the presidential election.

    TV, radio, Hollywood, and all those involved in crime

    Groups and criminals are open, thorough and frightening punishments

    You must receive.

    In addition, by applying the Patriotic Law, the Broadcasting Law, the Religious Law and all the laws, criminals must be thoroughly punished, and they must be made so that they can no longer engage in activities in society.

    American criminals have sufficiently confusing and destroying nations and societies, and killing people in the pains of life. In addition, criminals in the United States are committing crimes along with murderers in Korean broadcasting stations, influencing crimes of evil power in the United States and Korean society. (The criminals 'Mang Won')

    The United States can no longer be the world's leader unless the punishments for criminals are immediately implemented, and it is not entitled to speak not only of democracy, but also of basic moral and ethical lives.

    Naturally, common sense is that all Democrats and Democrats, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives, must be subject to ethical and legal investigation and punishment. All criminals who are connected to criminals must also be punished.

    Unconditionally, the Democratic Party's Biden was defeated by a criminal presidential election, and naturally Republican Trump must become president again. There is no need to run the presidential election again. That is common sense and law. There is no need to speak any more.

  9. Politically speechs should be somehow written in order to prevent sending wrong massage or falling in the wording cracks .

  10. The people object!!! The democrats got caught manipulating evidence and this hearing should be automatically dismissed! How can we go on with this phony impeachment when the democrats are screwing with the evidence! We demand that the senate put an end to this! Shame on the democrats they should be impeached for doing such a criminal act! Generals look what these corrupt democrats are doing to our constitution and the evidence! Get in there and make some arrests!! They committed fraud in our election and they are committing fraud now! Our military do even want to save our freedom seeing what is going on here! The democrats staged the whole event at the capital and we are furious!

  11. The actions of Impeachment Trump are waste time, meanwhile, that means biden do anything more important than that. Waste Americans property

  12. Democrats used the word FIGHT in front of audiences armed with pen and paper. Former President Trump used the Word FIGHT while whipping up a crowd of people armed with semi-automatic weapons, mace, spears disguised as flags and wearing military equipment. See the difference now?

  13. So we now know if a foreign or domestic MoB were to attack the US Capitol building it would take exactly 4 hours for any type of response and that's OK 👌we love you Special people

  14. Party is over for the democrats. They got caught falsifying evidence . These managers should be removed . And this sham trial needs to end .


  16. Who overlooked the fact that former fPrez invited a call to action, by text and on social platforms, prior to January 6th. The day of was not the incitement. The day of, was a premeditated assault.

  17. Bullshit Trump diddnt know vice president was in danger..Pence was there at the hill doing his JOB..he was in serious danger..Trump knew, he was watching it ALL on his tv laughing at all of it!

  18. Trump has no future in the party and after all the mob are saddled with felonies, the tide will turn on Trump and those who let only Trump off will lose their seat. That’s the only silver lining. The Republicans will never get elected in again

  19. Trumps followers have repeatedly acted in violence..heck did we forget how they ran President Biden's bus off the road in Texas..I havnt…

  20. Shouldn't we be more concerned
    regarding Biden and China business deals? Would like to hear more about the American sellout.

  21. I watched these anarchist on TV feed to my phone and you're saying a TV addict like Trump didn't watch the live feed after sending his faithful to the Capitol?

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