9/11 survivor recounts harrowing tale of his escape from the South Tower

Stanley Praimnath hid under his desk on the 81st floor when the plane hit, and says his faith helped bring him home safely.

#911 #september11 #StanleyPraimnath #survivor


Author: avnblogfeed


48 thoughts on “9/11 survivor recounts harrowing tale of his escape from the South Tower

  1. Wow, what a huge blessing this man's testimony is to my ears. Seek and you will find him. Thank you for sharing this story. I really needed to hear this uplifting story. God is good all the time. God bless those who are dealing with tough times as well. 🕊🕊

  2. He’s one of the only people who saw the plane coming towards him from inside the tower. He was truly blessed. The terror that he must of felt that day.

  3. The security guys told him to go back up to office — all is safe
    ( those wrong instructions most probably cost many many lives)
    I hope there is some accountability

  4. Omg, I heard a story told from Brian on a podcast about him surviving the World Trade Center attack, and I realized this is the Stanley that Brian said became his best friend because they experienced it together. They are best friends to this day.

  5. I’m sorry but these people obviously don’t think fat meat Cha is greasy …wtf are you hide g underneath the desk for …..and save yourself ..why are you waiting on somebody be else to decide your fate

  6. My heart goes out to all the families who lost their families in this tragedy. I'm from Oklahoma City,Ok. I remember when our J.p Murrah building was bombed.

    To all policeman,firemen,paramedics,etc. that helped us Oklahomans:

    Thank you,God bless.

  7. I’m so happy that you’re still alive and well. I was a firefighter in the south tower I was the only person on my truck who survived and the guilt still kills me everyday. But seeing that you’re still well makes me feel better. God bless you and Brian

  8. I can't believe security guards sent them back up and wouldn't let them out of the building because it was "safe" when they were almost out of the building. Excuse me sir, if I want to leave a building, it is my right to do so! And how could they be so sure the building was going to be safe? Something really fishy about this…

  9. As quiet as it’s kept, the building security is the cause for a lot of the deaths. I’ve heard too many stories to count of ppl saying they immediately left their offices and went down to the lobby after hearing the first plane crash into the North Tower ….. only to have building security send them back up. One guy said he went to the lobby and was planning to head home and saw the lobby in the South Tower filled to capacity with people coming down. And security sent everybody back up. He said he went on and left work anyway cause he was in upper management and didn’t have to stay if he didn’t want to. He decided to work from home and his decision to be persistent and still leave saved his life.

  10. How does this man not believe in the living God? He says he prayed and punched through a wall with Godly strength. He calls the "man" who saved him an Angel but he still will not proclaim Lord Jesus as the one who saved him. I pray for this man and that he will recognize the One and only ALMIGHTY!!

  11. I can't help but feel pure hate and rage towards the gaurd who sent them back in the tower, so many more lives could've been saved if he didn't do that….

  12. I met Stanley a couple months ago at work. I knew the name was familiar. I got up from my desk and spoke to him for about a half hour. You can tell that the trauma he faced on 9/11 was still living within him, the way he talked to me about his situation made me relive it with him. It was a real moment, just knowing you are talking to someone that directly saw the plane, it was different.

  13. Jesus saved him that day. To spread the gospel and save as many until Jesus returns!! God Bless this man and Lord I ask that you bring comfort to all families and survivors of this day. I pray he keeps telling his story of saving Grace.

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