Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 Review: Best Android smartwatch for 2020!

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Author: avnblogfeed


42 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 Review: Best Android smartwatch for 2020!

  1. "So if you've ever used a galaxy watch before, you're already familiar with Tizen OS" – Yes/no, what if I wasn't? I want to know if it is snappy on the watch/notice any slow downs etc.

  2. I agree with tradeoffs, my galaxy watch 46mm lte was amazing, no tradeoffs like every single wear os device. Always on display 2 days battery, nuts! When I camp or away from civilization, simple watch could last month. Loud speaker, payments, etc you get a lot and this isn't even the latest devices far from it.
    Can't wait to get the active 2 or watch 3, probably watch 3 because I like the durability a bit more.

  3. I have a galaxy watch 3 classic not the same watch I imagine they really should work on their naming scheme seeing how it can be confused with a watch that came out in 2016

  4. Thanks for review. Whats your wrist size. My wrist size is 17 & i believe 41mm will best suit to me. Is there any disadvantage of 41mm as compared to 45mm except battery.

  5. The health features is why I had the Galaxy watch active. I had to trade it in at best buy and buy a fitbit versa 2 and so far I like it. I'm gonna review it soon.

    But at the end of the day, I do think the price tag is what scares me away from the galaxy watches of this year.

  6. So I finally received mine in the mail. Right out of the box it demands rights to your privacy or it won't work. It ask "Allow Galaxy Watch 3 Plugin to access this device calendar? I chose deny and it closed the app, I said allow only while using the app and it closed that application. The only acceptable response is Allow all the time. That goes for everything that is "asked" (demanded), which includes phone, storage, SMS (which is understandable) but Calendar, Location, Contacts is none of your business if I don't want my watch to have it. If you don't allow these all the time then you can't use the watch or the wearable software. It still will not allow you to delete apps that you don't want (does Samsung listen?) I can't even delete the 13 watch faces that it came with. This is the equivalence of purchasing a car the refuses to let up windows when is 114 degrees outside. It still forces you to have Bixby without the option to delete it. The band looks awesome on YouTube and the box casing, but in person the band is cheap and flat as a pancake, and squeaks as if it came from the dollar store. The watch was promised to be lighter and that cheap band is how it's possible . Needless to say I used the rubber band from my gear S3 which by the way still fits and also brought the weight back which wasn't heavy to begin with. After owning the Gear S3 I realize that there is really not much of a difference from watch 3 other than the price hike. Promises of the blood pressure cuff is still not on this watch or the last watch as promised. Spotify finally allows you to download offline which is awesome, but it takes a long time to access songs on your play list because of the lagging and loading that it does just to open a folder. The platform is the same, the apps are the same. It's a great watch I just don't understand how everyone makes it seem like big changes were made from the last three generations other than broken promises. I honestly only purchased this one because my gear S3 wouldn't hold a charge and Samsung didn't want to fix/warranty it anymore.

  7. It's absolutely great and gorgeous but it doesn't worth it. Please, don't misunderstand me, it's great as your first smartwatch, but if you can get the previous version, it'd be more great for you, speaking of price

  8. Won't buy one now because of the late release of apps to this watch. Folk are still waiting from last year!
    A watch costing 500 should be functional out of the box❗

  9. The stock music app in the watch also controls spotify, youtube etc. Just so you know.
    Atleast it does that in my older Gear S3 Frontier..
    And the "Galaxy Watch Active" series is a different series than "Galaxy Watch". So they never removed the wheel on the original series.
    And why use always-on display? AOD makes no real sence when you can just lift or rotate the wrist for the display to turn on.

  10. You didn't even touch on its fitness functions which is actually the biggest selling point of any smartwatch period. Instead you complaints about 3rd party. Tbh, you don't need the variety third party apps as long as the essential functions are there like the music app (Spotify), stopwatch, weather, notification and ofc fitness. The other functions are merely gimmicks imo. I mean it's a watch after all. Most complex tasks you'll end up performs on the bigger screen of your phone anyway : /

  11. I'm a huge fan of my original Galaxy Watch. Always on watch face becomes less of a big deal within days of actually owning the watch and using it all the time. I actually had to pick up my watch just now to see if I had it on or off (it was off – so I guess for me keeping the face on continuously isn't a big deal, its always on when I look at it). The application support is TERRIBLE… like nearly nonexistent. You'll find some cool stuff here and there, but TIzen's programming model has made developing and porting applications over to Tizen problematic and while supporters keep saying it's going to get better… it's not getting better.
    That said, the Galaxy Watch remains the best Android phone-centric watch out there.

  12. App selection on a smart watch is a bit of an overrated feature. I don't mind a basic selection but how much do you really need a watch to do?

  13. Galaxy watch 2018 has a better battery life, i don't have to worry about it, 4 day battery life, I won't be upgrading to this stupid watch, the price has a £120 bump. Samsung have made some stupid decisions such as £1,000 plastic phones to downsizing this watches battery and selling it for more. I dont think even apple could get away with a plastic phone.

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