Will Scammers Buy my Merch on Stream?



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Scammers typically target the elderly and attempt to steal money by several means.
1. Your Bank Saving or Checking accounts
2. Investment accounts or 401k retirement funds
3. Credit and Debit cards
4. Purchasing Gift cards
5. Cash withdrawls
6. Cryptocurrency

Scammers are ruthless criminals that have no problem stealing every last dime from their victims bank accounts. Please protect yourself as well as family members who might not be familiar with these type of scams.


Author: avnblogfeed


47 thoughts on “Will Scammers Buy my Merch on Stream?

  1. I had my identity stolen last year, it truly destroyed my life saving. And my life. I have no trust anymore after loosing $25,000
    And me having to sell my belongings to try and fix this mess, and still trying.
    Keep doing what you’re doing. Wish I would have found you sooner.ugh but Be Blessed

  2. What you do is fantastic and I will be donating to support some of the victims.

    The one thing I'd love you to ask (when these scum bags do occasionally engage with you) is "How would they feel if it was their parents or grandparents being scammed?" I love the way you push their buttons but I'd love just one of these A-holes to answer this question.

    Anyway keep up the great work. I might even buy a T-shirt if you ship to the UK.

  3. i would have already been over there punching this dude in the face… u hold ur temper wayyy better than me from now on when these jerks call me "im telling pierogi" is all im saying and click

  4. Every transaction is the same. You start mentioning your icons. They figure you out, because they can feel you pushing you to use any desk. And now Matt from Any desk is copying you.

  5. I've not heard you say what to do if they do take over someone's computer or device, surely it would be to turn the device off, or unplug WiFi, if at home.

  6. I’m addicted in watching all your streams. And I just think I had someone trying to scam me through wanting me to paint something for them and they wanted to pay me in this weird way where they would help me through the bank process . And they’re the ones that told me how much they were going to pay which is more than I usually charge. It was just weird and I thought of you.

  7. Hey Pierogi… Would you please do something for me? When the scammers repeat themselves over and over and over in succsession will you please say, "Could you repeat that?" The other thing they say that I LOATH is, "Do one thing." We love and respect you my man… you're what's right in the world right now. Thank you! AND thank you crew!

  8. Pierogi your new screen is cool. I wish that someone take the scammers off of the planet. Any other countries would have cut off their hands if they stoled something. If they get caught scamming people they should have their voice box cut out and the hands cut off. Men and women.

  9. I love all your streams although I was late for today's live stream. I don't think my comment made the program. Some of your older streams I rewatch often. I like your stream mostly because you don't do all the cursing some of the others do when they go to catch money mules. Keep on keeping on because you help everyone except the scammers.

  10. I LOOOOVE the approach you gave him around the 1:20:00 mark. This is an Amazing live, my main man!. I love everything you do, and God is on your side all the way. ❤❤❤❤🩷🩷🩷🩷

  11. The fact that you have been taken to nowhere to be found, as you put it, from #2 in the entire world, on You Tube, lets you know about our country, doesn't it? I see and feel your frustration. And, I pray to God "they" are not slowly taking your channel down/out. I am sensing something is up, only because of your words on this video. It's like governments are in cahoots with one another and only let goodness happen for so long. And I love that you are calling it out. I am a new subscriber and came across you days ago. So, you are still being supported by AI. God bless you and thank you for what you do….
    in cahoots

    colluding or conspiring together secretly.

  12. U absolutely don't deserve to be disrespected @ all. Good u can handle it it's vital due to what u go thru but u don't deserve it

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