My Adventure Working as a Check Scammer

After stumbling across a Nigerian scam, I decided to go undercover see how it worked. I was hired to mail fake checks to people in the United Staes. This is my story.


Author: avnblogfeed


41 thoughts on “My Adventure Working as a Check Scammer

  1. I've watched EVERY video this guys made but I have been trying to get ahold of him. No response. Kinda making me weary everyone but me can get ahold of him…😳

  2. one of those fake checks saved me. i had a low credit score from using debit cards. I needed to open a checking account and i couldn't get any bank to open one for me. So I answered one of the ads knowing I was going to get one of those checks which I did. I went back to one of the same banks and asked to open a checking account and also added fifty dollars to it knowing that the big check was going to bounce in a few days. It did and I had a checking account I have been using for over ten years.

  3. Haven’t you learned by now people being scammed don’t want to admit it and side with the scammer? β€œ But I know he really loves me.” How many times have you heard that?

  4. "jenny" is the type of person that needs people like you the most. You saved her and her braincells rubbed together and pushed out a 'karen personality' as a response

  5. My niece almost got caught by the same scam but luckily she told me about her new job. I told her nobody will hire you on the phone and send you a check to cache in the mail . I still have the uncached check.

  6. Ill bet "Jenny's" real name is Karen! Lol. With the stupudity and attitude, I can tell "she" works in the legal field. There's practically no intelligence in that field.

  7. Jenny reminds me of a lady I once met. I was having lunch at a restaurant in Seattle and I noticed that the lady dropped her cell phone while she was walking by the restaurant. I went outside grabbed the phone and ran towards her. She looked at me as if I was a treat, got on her car and drove away.

    The phone was unlocked so I redialed the last phone call. It was saved on her phone as "mom." She asked me to mail the phone to an address in Portland. I told her that I would be happy to do it but it would have to wait until tomorrow because I had a basketball game that night. My team and I were playing on the finals.

    She said that she could not wait until tomorrow so that she would drive back to Seattle from Portland to retrieve the cell phone that same afternoon. I gave her the address of the gym where we were playing the basketball finals.

    The lady showed up at the gyms with 2 cops claiming that I had stolen her cell phone. The police forced me out of the basketball game. When I explained to the cops what had happened they asked the lady why she called them. She said "I didn't feel safe meeting with a man by myself."

    She taught me an important lesson. No good deed goes unpunished. Now when I see a cell phone in the street (it has happened a few times) I just walk right past it.

  8. WAITTTT ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Jesus loves you and He wants you in heaven not hell here is how to be saved Romans 10:9-11☦️❀️
    hell ain’t no partyπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  9. Some people can't handle the truth of sensitive information because their impulsivity prevents them from keeping their mouth shut and they sabotage everything.
    Always vet the recipient for loyalty & sound judgment before letting a cat out of a bag!
    Unfortunately some dumdums get what they deserve because they haven't evolved psychologically, it's survival of the fittest 🧠

  10. My stupid wife and stupid son fell for this $hit. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is. Cost both of them $2,000 each. $1,000 to the scammer a $1,000 to the bank. For the scammer he gave them a sob story that he needed the money back as his granny,son,wife needed an operation. And like true suckers they did.

  11. does the scammer even pay for overnight shipping, I think they just ask the printer guy to print and pay for Fedex Overnight

  12. Pleasant Green, aka Ben, remember the old adage, " No good deed ever goes unpunished"
    I really like your videos. good job too

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