A Scammer is Impersonating the Governor of Illinois!

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If you ever get an email from someone claiming to be a politician, you probably better investigate. This is a true story of a time someone impersonated J.B. Pritzker and tried to scam me!


Author: avnblogfeed


40 thoughts on “A Scammer is Impersonating the Governor of Illinois!

  1. As an IL resident, the claims about how great IL is, was absolutely the most hilarious thing I've heard in my life. 🀣🀣🀣

  2. The way the cellphone was made to look like it popped up in Ben’s hand on the β€œOfficial” version of the video (at 5:57) was very creative! Extra points for using a pic of one of those old ass Nokia phones (the ones with like 4 features: phone, text, calculator, and Snake).

    And that β€œAmerican accent” the β€œGovernor” used on the phone (which sounded like he was using one of those old ass Nokia’s)? Next level! Clearly, using a Southern US accent mixed with a British one was their way of commenting on the racism black people have faced from both groups of people over the years. They KNEW they would get β€œexposed” by Ben, so they purposely used that accent as a form of digital protest!

    If only these scammers could use that creativity for something positive!

  3. β€œHow many of America’s finest presidents were born in this state”

    Only one of the 4 people they listed were born here. The other three were living here upon election. I’m sure most of the viewers know that, but still, a very strange claim

  4. As someone who lives in South Africa, I can assure you that this might just be the worst place in the world to try to evade taxes. (At least if you do things legally.) Rather go with Botswana or something. Their tax rates are much lower.

  5. Lol I lived in Porterville South Africa. There is like 10 streets and roughly 80 houses. And while there is a Basson street there's deffo not a 709 in that street πŸ˜€
    Love your videos man, if you ever want to have anything done in Africa, just let me know.

  6. Why the heck did they write South Africa in Dutch all of a sudden? Hilarious to hear you mispronounce the word zuid in English πŸ˜‚

  7. I live in Illinois and am so tired of that fat ass governor. He has chased so many businesses out of the state and has closed down so many for no reason whatsoever because there's no data scientific to do that.

    He's met with some strange people recently that no other governor does do that. So it's anyone's guess because he's known for pulling weird stuff like that. I'd be more concerned if he was asking you for money but he's not. He's a billionaire he owns the Hyatt hotel chain. Bottom line is he don't give a damn about Illinois residents which is why he has no problem closing things down right before holidays. Due to the coronavirus you know. Illinois has last severe revenue and it's never going to get it back and he's continuing his tie right. States that have no mandates and dropped their masks and all that they have the fewest cases in the country we have the highest and we have a draconian governor. Does he want something to help Illinois maybe. I say go for it and see what happens doesn't seem like you have anything to lose I'm like the rest of us that live there

  8. I think the title is backwards, what it should say is scammer pretending to be governor. πŸ˜„ 🀣

    If you doubt it, google how jb got a mansion on the cheap by taking out the toilets.

  9. Everything about this made it obvious that it was a scam until they said that they wanted you to send the money to an offshore account to evade taxes. At that point I thought it might be legit

  10. Dude to be honest that scammer was probably less of a criminal than the actual governor of Illinois. And this is coming from someone who is from Illinois. Most corrupt state in the entire U.S.ofA.

  11. As an unfortunate resident of Illinois, I would suggest to you that this whole gig was probably real. With a $3.9 billion budget deficit (worse than any other state in the union) they are desperate for cash. Actually, the technique is a pretty damn good idea! Glad to see someone in Springfield is using their head for a change!

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