Trump’s Speech BIGGER DISASTER Than Previously Thought

Donald Trump’s hate rally held in Wildwood, NJ was more jam packed with lies than attendees. Trump rambled on nonsensically about fictional serial killer, Hannibal Lector as well as whether or not he should be calling former NJ governor Chris Christie a “fat pig.” Suri Crowe reports.

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Author: avnblogfeed


41 thoughts on “Trump’s Speech BIGGER DISASTER Than Previously Thought

  1. Pretty sure you need to at least know the names of the recent presidents to earn citizenship. You should have to take a test to run for any elected position or vote for them

  2. Donald J.Trump…with the metaphorical logo: Biblical Revelation asserted: "Mark Of The Beast" (at his forehead) red cap speaking in "Satanic Tongues"? You going to be loyal to the Devil, or Trust In God…our America, brotherhood of caring mankind.We The People!

  3. "Like a dull-knife, ya just ain't cuttin'. Ya talkin' loud–ain't sAYIN' nuthin'!…". – James Brown
    He grows more vulgar as his brand dissolves. The immorality he promotes and symbolizes was a gut-punch, but American- Spirit is built for growth. The past is gone w/ the wind, fr, while WE look ahead; forward. This so-called "past", can't exist in any future American future. The very proposition that it could exist, tugs at the heart-strings of confused, anxious, "Marks" to be grifted. His brand is dissolving in front of his supporters, too: buyers' remorse.😮

  4. Please explain why he moves his hands back and forth … No one I know does that when speaking..There is a new podcast of Dr.s speaking about his dementia.

  5. People stoopid (sic) enough to look UP to Trump CANNOT grasp the fact that Trump MUST LIE to compensate for the ACTUAL truth of his profound and deliberate inferiority and inadequacy. The whole idea of crippling democracy is to facilitate the opportunities of authority sought by defective imbeciles……. and a bit off topic but significant enough is the Christian Nationalism atrocity. The religion industry is to a ridiculous extent unburdened by taxation. Their cash stockpile comes in units of "mountains". Members of Congress will happily sell seats and platforms and churches won't even feel the cost. Said members of Congress will happily allow America to follow the Islamic State method of governing with and by religion, or at least the illusion of it.

  6. Suri Crowe, I'm a bit of a newcomer to your installments and must say I'm enjoying greatest confidence in your authenticity; can't you conjure up some sensationalized conjecture? Thought not…… 🙂 🙂 If you're part of the Meidas Touch crew you're world class 🙂 Thank you for your quite sincere and solid adherence to the actual. I saw an installment yesterday in which you brought attention to the fact a sad but true part of American democracy is polluted by those whose only hope for votes is through scaring the naive into believing the fabricated horror and even worse, falling for the "I and I alone (can't fix this)……". Perfectly said and so awfully real. Trumpophilia is a disease; the worst is good enough. As for you, keep being among the best. We so appreciate you.

  7. From Scotland, do any of his 'speeches' actually make ANY sense or have ANY point or mention any policies? It's unbelievable that more Republicans haven't disowned him and that some Republicans are still staunchly behind him.

  8. I always found him to be full of gibberish, even when he used words. That's what happens when someone always talks but never thinks. Logically flawed and starved of facts and human experiences. Random bursts of wild speculation and echoing of random falsehoods. It is what you get when you give too much sugar to a toddler and bombard him with crazy stories he is not equipped to fathom. Give him a fawning audience of dumb adults, and watch the shit show happen..

  9. Yes, his family should have done that intervention years ago, it’s too late now, he’s completely certifiably unhinged, and crazy as a bed bug.

  10. The narrative in the trash media gets distorted because that's more dramatic, or perhaps because the millionaires who own that media dread the possibility of paying some taxes to help support the economies which make them rich.

  11. I guess if your dumb enough to hold up your little sign like a trained seal you must think all his yelling makes sence!!! NOTHING HE SAID MAKES MAKES ANY SENCE…O MY GOD HOW CAN ANY PERSON POSSIBLY VOTE FOR THIS GUY!!!!!!!!

  12. Per the NJ Parks and Recreation, the capacity of Wildwood Park is 20,000. This is due to the fact it is on a peninsula and evacuation, if needed, is a top priority. Also, note that this is not a summer crowd with kids and families on vacation. The Ferris wheel and other rides not in operation. Too cold. Also look at the feed. Lots of unoccupied white sand showing through. Plus people are leaving. Such a brilliant man who is the top world con artist.😅

  13. Orangeman doesn’t know who “they” are. Identify who “they” are. It’s just gaslighting the low intelligent to just get their votes. If it were up to him, they will be the new slaves.

  14. Im from new jersey! People i know went to boo him! They wanted to troll him! The people clapping were from out of town! Trump suporters! Real new jerseyings, hate trump! He lost our state both times! The borad walk can only hold 800people! The beach can hold about 200people! So only 1,000people can fit there! Any other number is a lie!

  15. D Trump was never the brightest spark in the box… except in his own warped mind. What you are witnessing is his meltdown at being outed for the imbecile he truly is. 😂

  16. Puff piece. This has been covered by MTN…why have yet another viewing? Regurgitating content is doing nothing but giving the orange traitor more screen time

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