Trump PISSES OFF NJ Congresswoman with LATEST STUNT

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on New New Jersey Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill’s reaction to Donald Trump’s unhinged event in New Jersey as she delivers the clear message: New Jersey doesn’t want you here Donald!

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Author: avnblogfeed


50 thoughts on “Trump PISSES OFF NJ Congresswoman with LATEST STUNT

  1. Jan 6th hostages my ass ,they are hooligans and terrorists .
    To think they have changed the words of the national anthem.
    The national anthem is normally sang for the brave men and women who have served and still serving their country. And the millions who truly love America.

  2. Yesterday i woke up to my religious wife accusing Biden of outlawing the Bible. I immediately checked her with facts. She still won't give Biden her vote. She is pro life and because v Biden isn't regardless of all the things he's doing right and all the things Trump is doing wrong she'll vote for Trump. It sickens me just how close minded religious people can be.

  3. When has it been demonstrated the CCP has has manipulated what people on TikTok view? They're a stake holder of bytedance, which owns part of TikTok, but it's an American company and there are other stakeholders. The fact that this Democratic Congressperson from NJ is basically doing what she says TikTok is doing; manipulating "facts" and claiming they're true. I stories purported to be news but are fake news in the true sense on YouTube and Instagram. This is disingenuous especially after seeing what groups were lobbying to get TikTok banned,

  4. Browse the Constitution Annotated
    Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Other Rights
    Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office
    No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

    Amdt14.S3.1 Overview of the Insurrection Clause (Disqualification Clause)
    Amdt14.S3.2 Trump v. Anderson and Enforcement of the Insurrection Clause (Disqualification Clause)

  5. How Many Died as a Result of Capitol Riot?
    By Robert Farley
    Posted on November 1, 2021 | Updated on March 21, 2022 | Corrected on February 5, 2024
    In a tweet on Oct. 24, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez referred to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 as “a terror attack,” which she said resulted in “almost 10 dead.” She called for “any member of Congress who helped plot” it to be “expelled.”

  6. Trump and his Judges are trying to kick Jesus Christ off His thrown and play God , Christ said he who is without sin throw the first stone. Jan.6 criminals.

  7. Not far below the surface t rump hates himself that's why he over inflates himself, why hate, deception and lies poor out of him, why he despises everyone and everything. He's narcissistic and delusional and an outright danger!

  8. Trump never says anything good about America because (and this shows how mentally degraded, diseased and imbalanced he is) in Trump's mind America has NEVER done anything good for him and has never done him any lasting favors. Trump is such an astronomically 'yuge' black hole of selfishness, need and greed that his position as a highly privileged rich white male in American society feels like 'persecution' to him.

  9. He we go January 6 why don't you guys take about laken riley democracy here we go again laken was killed by a illegal American is in a messed up 2 wars economy sucks 13 Americans killed in Afghanistan pulled out all in 3 1/2 years under Trump 0 so ya telle us we should be happy

  10. Thank you, Trump has Lost his Mind. The Republicans have become a True Cult. There are NO VALUES. PLEASE LETS continue getting Rid Tic Toc 💙🇺🇸

  11. When trump talked about NATO country's and said if you can't pay then he would let Putin do whatever he wants because you have to pay your bills, the prosecutor in the New York case should throw that in his face 👀 and say if you don't pay your bills I'm going to tell judge engorn to do whatever he wants, you got to pay your bills!!!!!!!!

  12. Toldya that's not a true American putting America down all the Time and it sounds like Putin Intelligence talking how many Russian Trolls are in America First Campaign today when is Voters sending the lie home to put this lieing bs on its own two feet but NO using tax payers money to have Congressional leaders in Trumps trial on an operator of the Big Con and complain about its Bidens fault who left all them seats open Donald it was your party the MaGa Loyalists 😮 19:19

  13. 10:10 I disagree. Trump did the NJ thing with the intent of making up a huge turnout, so he can later claim he won the state.

    He knows he will lose. He is planning the Second Big Lie..

  14. One day this shall pass, T-rump's dishonesty and flagrant lack of morals between A to Z will be a relief when he gets his ass kicked and the question : wtf has happened ?? will be a wave of complicity for those who understood that this menace striving for Presidency, needs to get the hell out of our News and our Lives asap, its been terrifying and sad that this orange crap made himself a hero for many who are as delusional as he is and surviving this looooong…that's what is so terrifying.

  15. Also, let us remember Trump's description of American Solders who died fighting for this great country. He called them LOSERS!! End of conversation! Trump is not fit to be anywhere near the leadership of this country. This comment needs to pound the airwaves, let the people see how un-American Trump is.

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