Trump Jury Makes MAJOR OBSERVATION at Trial

The jury likes Michael Cohen, nods in appreciation of his testimony, and dislikes Trump and his attorney Todd Blanche, and it shows. Long-time trial lawyer Michael Popok analyzes how fellow New Yorkers are eating Michael’s testimony up, and showing disdain with their body language for Trump and his team every hour that Michael is on the stand.

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Author: avnblogfeed


35 thoughts on “Trump Jury Makes MAJOR OBSERVATION at Trial

  1. سپاسگزارم از لطفتون بزرگوار انشاالله همیشه شاد وسلامت موفق پیروز وسربلند باشید زنده باد انقلاب زن زندگی آزادی پایند باد مردم وطن پرست وقهرمان ایران وامریکاه

  2. Michael Popok: I've worked with top-quality lawyers (not trial lawyers, tho') all my life. You are, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, one of the most, if not THE MOST insightful attorney I've ever encountered. Your analyses of the jury, the defense attorneys, the witness (esp. MC) are so absurdly SPOT-ON, so insightful and informed by experienced observation, that it's a virtually Shakespearean cleverness and anatomical dissection rare, SO rare, in legal post-analyses. You are a true officer of the Court: wise, honorable, candid, well-spoken and organized. Socratic. Even Solonic. What a treat to listen to you and see doors of wisdom opened time and time again. Your combination of Freudian observation, professional clarity, and genuine legal passion is simply phenomenal. It is an honor to listen to you. Don't ever stop, please.

  3. Ole Todd better get ready to start looking for a new type of "victim" to represent …one that likes chasing ambulances. Who would think he was smart enough to have anyone other that Larry, Curly or Moe as a client? Wait a moment, he already has one of those for a client.

  4. Michael Cohen doesn't seem that smart to me. He is a bit of a loose cannon. He's obnoxious. He's loud mouthed and petty. He created a lot of grief in a lot of other people's lives. He was a professional bully and a "fixer" for an awful man. Most importantly, I've never heard him say anything insightful or wise. And I've watched hours of his podcasts. I appreciate his "come to Jesus" moment and turning away from Trump, but you have to wonder what brought him there. Poor judgement. Greed. I think he is generally honest, now, but not particularly self-reflective or humble. Be your own judge. Let me know the SMARTEST thing you've heard Cohen say.

  5. Sounds as if the Trump guy is intimidating the judge ,jury and any witnesses that show up and looks like the biggest and baddest Godfather in America.,intimidating the citizens if not rehired …Bloodbath if not rehired?…Oops,just a slip of tongue America..How about the flat out lie that We the People,are low level disgusting thieves, that steal votes and elections we cannot eat or sell?.,How dare those republicans give our communist adversaries such a tremendous propaganda victory .America sucks and steal votes and elections, thus says their fired President of the USA…Vodka ?…😎To victory!…

  6. Has anybody asked Cohen WHY he embezzled from his own boss during the Red Finch transaction? I bet if you did, he would say, "I knew Trump's habit of stiffing his creditors; I expected that the day would come, and soon, that he would do the same to me. I wanted a nest egg, a cushion, against that day, to protect my family. So I tricked him into giving it to me." Does the defense think this is their AHA! their GOTCHA! their Perry Mason moment? Will it be enough to sink the prosecution's case, or is it a minor point, in the face of the rest of the damning evidence?

  7. I learn so much listening to you, sir. You have knowledge, dignity, and experience, a wonderful asset to all things Meidas. As an ‘alien’ I do not have a say in the election, but never lose an opportunity to make the democratic case.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇺🇦

  8. Good day from Scotland, Michael, land of signatories to the Declaration of Independence. Your insights are so valuable to the cause of Democracy. Thanks. As ever your reportage based on your lifetime’s experience as a jurist. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇦

  9. I know that prosecutors are allowed to talk to witnesses before trial, but would they have been allowed to talk to Cohen between sessions, during his testimony?

  10. Interesting difference between two different lawyers were called to testify. Cohen didn't melt down or lash out when being cross examined by Blanche. Meanwhile, Costello, a witness for Trump who worked with Cohen as a lawyer, was admonished for his outbursts when the prosecution coss examined him.

  11. Michael cohen has been caught lying on the stand multiple times and admitted to staining $60k from Trump. Lmao if Trump is found guilty then we’ll all know the court system is absolutely BROKEN.

  12. Don't get my hopes up. I much rather believe it will be hung (I could never believe he would be acquitted) and you tell me he was found guilty THEN believe he will be found guilty and then you tell me it was a hung jury.

    There is so much evidence and "smoke" around trump ALL the time, you know he is guilty. And of course, he will appeal. That is what he does when he doesn't get his way. I and about the majority of the US will cheer when he hears the jail door close behind him.

  13. I laugh at all you loser lunatics . Trump will win this case on appeal if nothing else. He will also destroy your fake president Biden this next election. Don’t cry to hard

  14. Michael Cohan just admitted that he stole money from Trump. The money he asked for to pay other people he stole. Yes sure if they believe the guy that just admitted he lied what the money was for then your system is broken.

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