Judge Cannon ACCIDENTALLY Gives Jack Smith EXACTLY What He Needs

Palm Beach State Prosecutor Dave Aronberg discusses why Judge Cannon’s indefinite postponement of the documents trial is actually a good thing for Jack Smith.

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Author: avnblogfeed


24 thoughts on “Judge Cannon ACCIDENTALLY Gives Jack Smith EXACTLY What He Needs

  1. I am a 63 year old black woman that lives in Louisiana and I follow the Midas touch and I am so glad this was explained to me because I’ve been literally sick on my stomach that either the Washington case or the documents case will not be heard before the elections. Thank you so very much.

  2. Does that mean this Documents Case has been moved to Fort PIERCE and scheduled for sometime in 2025 when it won't matter if he wins the election BECAUSE EVERYBODY KNOWS HE WILL PARDON HIMSELF RIGHT AFTER DECLARING HIMSELF DICTATOR FOR LIFE!!!!?????

  3. I am so sick of Cannon and Trump. Slick as an eel's ass. This (45) has been getting away with so many illegal dealings and he needs to be accountable. All these trials that are going on needs to be in progress. Why is all these court dates taking so many years? This is BS , man must be nice 2 b white and rich. I'll never know. Rather walk through hot coals then be dishonest and evil. have at it

  4. That SDFL is so politically manipulated why didn’t they give that case to from Chief Judge K. Michael Moore better known as “MORE TIME MOORE” but there so corrupted. Judge Moore is known for his pro-government ruling totally ignoring the defendants factual arguments. He been overturned on life sentences that even the 11th Circuit was overwhelmed by the thinnest of evidence against the defendant. But in this case regarding the most law breaking former President in our union’s history gets a pass. Go ahead remove trumps mold cannon and put KMM I can assure you K. MICHAEL MOORE will do that trail in days. Lol

  5. And one last time. The only election that has ever been rigged or stolen in any significant way was 2016. And it was a complete screw job. Just watch his trial. It ain’t about sex with multiple wonen or even paying them off. It’s about being a cheapskate who turned a legal favor ( despite how offensive) into a felony by stiffing the people who paid off the women. Making it unreported campaign contributions and a second offense . And thank god, unless we are completely done, he will be a felon in a week or so. Gonna vote for him then? How about a six year old, would ya? A murdering sociopath? His incompetence killed a million.

  6. In 2017, after a few months of early Trump terror I wrote Rep. Michael Burgess(R of course) M freaking D, my local congressman. I could clearly see where we were headed with MAGA. He not only responded quickly, he used shame and questioned anyone’s patriotism that wouldn’t support OUR President. I listed my fears and asked him to watch. I said “ I pray I’m wrong about him, but… I expect you to protect me and my family from being victimized by a tyrant. You know. Guardrails. Do your fucking job( expletive added here). If I thought I’d even get a nice explanation of how I was worrying too much I was sadly mistaken. I was attacked. He found out I was a Democrat and even accused me of playing politics with HIS career. Nope. I was a frightened citizen asking my congressman for help and reassurance. I was a fool. And he has drunk the kool aid. Unless he has changed in 7 years. He got another term so he didn’t get primaried so he must be one of Trumps mafia.

  7. File a judicial complaint. Your right as a US citizen. MT’s BTC and his frequent guest “ Truth Matters” made a video with all you need to know. And Trump also doesn’t need Congress. Courts or states to be removed. Just enough citizens demanding he be disqualified as a candidate for any office because has committed insurrection far beyond the requirements for 14/3. Lots of Demand forms, letters etc to state house. I sent one to Rep Allred this morning. Look up” Top Federalist, originality constitutional lawyers including a former clerk for Roberts and the dean of U of Chicago law. As far right as a legitimate conservative can get. And they state a clear case that 14/3 is alive and well, applies in this case and better than any case in history pretty much. Would you listen to the shit weve been hearing and living through in terror for almost 10 years from your 4,er, 5, er 6,6,6 year old. Trump trivia: Know what number on Madison Ave (I think that’s the street, I KNOW that’s the number, of Jared K’s building? Anybody?

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