House GOP CRUSHED by Trump Obsession, Dem Leader STRIKES BACK | PoliticsGirl

The Republicans are telling us their plans for America’s future and it is terrifying. The Democrats, in contrast, are vocally offering the opposite. Where the last Democratic House was the most effective in modern American history, passing more legislation passed than any Congress since FDR’s New Deal, the current Republican House has been the least effective, least cohesive since the Civil War. The American people deserve better than obstructionists playing games with our time and money. We are joined today by Minority Whip Katherine Clark, to hear an insider perspective on the 118th Congress and why returning power to the grown ups in the room in so essential to the success of our nation. Absolutely worth your time.

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34 thoughts on “House GOP CRUSHED by Trump Obsession, Dem Leader STRIKES BACK | PoliticsGirl

  1. Yes, this is terrible. However, in two elections, a majority of white women voted for Trump. As Hillary just said, Democrats refused to see this coming. since they didn't pay attention, they lost their reproductive freedom.

  2. Mc connel has created a monster with his court judges ,and he knows it ,he opened the can of worms and now hes headed for the exits to enjoy his evil works.!

  3. Next if the Republicans win you wemon are going to have to stop working Republicans are going to put you ladies bare foot and pregnant no time for work new law

  4. Turning your food waste into power consumption is a waste of energy. The numbers don't lie, but you do when you endorse a product that is ultimately harmful to the environment.

  5. Why would you blame MAGA for not doing any job that would help the American people? Don't you know that they have to be in court to support a con man during his trial?

  6. Their whole idea is to crash the country. Anarchy seems to appeal to those who thought out/not thought out the consequences. Since shooter law and order.

  7. He did that because he was pushed by the MAGA extremist in order to keep his job. He will still be booted. The REPUBLICAN party as a whole, need recontruction

  8. The orange mob boss has you utilized his wealth and supporters to intimidate those who would disagree with him, especially people in the Republican party who are in Congress.

  9. If Donald Trump wins he will withdraw from NATO. That is what MTG and her ilk, including Tucker Carlson, is counting on.

  10. Donald Trump should be charged with Treason, for giving away the details of embedded USA operatives working in Russia. He gave the details to Putin when they met. But that information is classified

  11. OMG, Thought experiment.
    What if Donald Trump had access to all CIA, NSA & FBI documents on everyone he needed to find dirt on?
    Found out about their lies, crimes and misdemeanours?
    Classified that information a secret; held copies to prove it to them, and then blackmailed them into the current MAGER converts?

  12. I love your work Lee.
    Reasoned thoughtful discussion of complex and divisive subjects is why I watch your podcast.

    Justifiable deniability through argued naiveté. Is Trumps play-book.

    And if that don't work; Bully Them.

    Trump is a dangerous bully. He must have incriminating evidence against all of his wannabes in order to exorcise such power.

    Am I correct in assuming that being naive of what the law is, ie if one breaks the law and pleads "I didn't know I was breaking the law" is not a legal argument; the same in the USA as it is In the UK?
    Not knowing one is breaking the law, is not a legal argument. That's why accountants are employed that have passed stringent exams to prove that they understand what the accountancy law is. That's why professionals need to pass exams in order for them to be employed as "professionals" ? Pretending to be a Doctor and treating someone as a Dr, without a medical Doctorate is a crime.
    Being an idiot, is not a defence!!!
    Sorry your Honour, I never knew that stabbing someone was wrong.!!!!!
    Surely that is a fundamental given.

    Accountants and Lawers arguing that they did not know, just shows them up to be incompetent. If somebody goes on to employ people that are incompetent just shows that the employer is incompetent?
    CEO's have been pleading incompetence as a form of justifiable deniability for far too long.

    Donald Trump seems to have elevated that argument to some form of art form and his followers think he is the second coming, as it allows their shortcomings to be negated through plausible deniability.
    What the Fuck is happening……………Stupid bullies being allowed to circumvent all forms of logic due to their innate dysfunctionality. It's TOTAL MADNESS.

    But argued as justifiable deniability due to self acceptance of stupidity. So manipulative CEO's cand say "I didn't know" When all along they knew full well what their argument would be when the shit hit the fan. Blame subordinates and please stupidity.

    I think it's about time this practice stopped, otherwise……………………………..the shit really will hit the fan, permanently……………………

    Apologies for my dyslexia.

  13. The republican senators and house puppets for trump and Putin to dictate . These are criminals with intent of dictatorship to do anything they want behind their authoritarianism for the very few people in the United states controlled by dictator trump .

  14. Women in all other Democracies look at what the Trump/MAGA Party are doing to women's rights in America and cannot believe how such a innovative country can be allowing this. Also, it seems the only thing that is stopping America becoming another Russia is thankfully that President Biden and his administration is moving America along even with the Trump/MAGA Party continually obstructing proper governance process. America is better than this. VOTE BLUE AMERICANS TO PROTECT YOUR DEMOCRACY AND CONSTITUTION AND FUTURE 🗳

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