U.S. Prisons VS German Prisons

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In this video, I want to tell you a crazy story about a 71 year old gangster from Germany. Who went on a 5 day RANT in the courtroom after getting his boots smoked. And this led me to look into just what prisons in Germany are like. And I was pretty surprised… Hope you enjoy!

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Author: avnblogfeed


22 thoughts on “U.S. Prisons VS German Prisons

  1. Today. Oct. 13th, 2019 makes 4 years exactly I’ve been released from prison. Pretty awesome to be out here able to enjoy the free world for this long. Throughout all of my life leading up to the 7 years I served in prison, I never lasted longer than 18 months in the free world. Glad to be here. Humbled today.

  2. This doesnt shock me in the slightest. The US prison system is owned by private businesses designed to break people enough to keep them in prison or send them straight back after released. And then you have psychopaths being hired as guards who are drilled to be as abusive and as neglectful to the inmates as possible. US prisons are completely broken, and it would have to take a flushing of the whole system to make any rehabilitative changes.

  3. I just watch the video America has a lot to learn from Germany as far as the prison system place ours is ridiculous but it's a for-profit years has to two extent but they don't use it as the American companies do here and the fact that you can make actual money versus $0.30 like really 10 hours $40 today that's more than fair tencent $0.20 a day that's extortion slavery

  4. There is another major difference, that seemingly would have helped you to prevent the anxiety:

    To make sure people are not overwhelmed and still are properly socialized and can adapt to everything after a long prison sentence (well long in German terms), prisoners here are allowed to leave the prison at daytime nearing the end of their sentencing if they behave well.
    Starts slowly with a few hours on a weekend but in the end they are allowed out a couple of days per week or even to stay overnight. They can build up their new life in that time, make appointences, go to job interviews, find new friends, adapt to everything new etc.
    That people miss their deadline or try to run away when allowed out, is actually under 0,1%.

    So they are not just thrown out on the street, not knowing what to do, what changed in the outside world or get anxiety just when buying groceries etc.

  5. Attempting to escape from prison is not punishable in Germany, as the
    law considers 'freedom' to be a basic human instinct. However, a
    prisoner who damages property, murders or assaults someone while
    escaping will be guilty of those crimes. If an escapee is caught, he is
    liable to be sent back to prison to serve the remainder of his sentence.

  6. My guy was playing a PlayStation look up Germany prisons just watch their highest security prison equal to our San Quentin or Lucasville prison level five.. not the one in Colorado the federal where el chapo is but the ones in the us I speak of are level five…… they in Germany where having mini fridges and naked woman on the walls they had cabinets and Beds full frame .. coffee pots and tobacco and fish tanks …. it’s like a resort look it up I forgot it’s name and it’s it’s worst …yea the visits are unmonitored and your locked in a room with couches showers and budauy to wash her out after you know !
    Everything he’s saying is true … but the visits look into it are the best unobserved for a timer runs .

  7. One important detail about the sentencing: He actually got essentially life without Parole, something that from German roughly translates to "safekeeping". It essentially means that he has been determined to be a continued threat to society and not able to be rehabilitated, and that he will continue to remain in Prison even after serving his sentence.

  8. Our German Prison System is something to be ashemed off, criminals should get full tour like in US or other countrys. The sentences you get here for several crimes are a joke compared to every other country in the world. Our law System is fucked up to, criminals get way more rights and attention than the victims. If it would get by me, these ppl would get no extras, no special treatment, no cell that feels like a small college appartment, just cold steel and the most necessary things they. Criminals should be threated like the scum that they are.

  9. its the sad truth that in the US you only get punished, not rehabilitaed…but they expect you to be rehabilitaded after years of punishment. In the german prison..its a sentence to your lifetime/freedom..not to your dignity. You still have the option in jail to work..even make school degrees..you still get your 2nd chance..sometimes even a 3rd. And even after the 5th you wont be treated like an animal if you dont behave like one.

  10. Fine, adopt the German model for those criminals who do financial crimes or just get a gun and rob a mom and pop store but don't hurt anybody. But what about the crimes of murder, child molestation, serial rape, or the kind of guy who, immediately after you let him out of prison he'll assault someone and cause severe bodily injury? I'm sure the US has a lot more of those types of criminals and also that the victim's families would just love to have those people back out on the street.

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