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Wontolla, Kasger & Limitless – Miles Away [NCS Release] z
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Pike's peak would be dope
I was hoping to see more videos of pikes peak!
People need to clean after themselves up the hill .. Leaving trash everywhere smh
This track was ruined by pavement. Cars that could never run this are now. Pretty lame.
why not put a high flow fan on the intercooler.
Have you guys thought about using bypass valves or diverter valves instead of blow off valves???
Maybe make a scoop for the intercooler?
you need to put a guard over the intercooler cuz something is definitely going hit it there
this is going to be the fastest car in your garage
I just don't get why you didn't angle it and add some simple ducting and airguides to make air actually flow through the intercooler?
get the MR2 top side scoop and run it your to intercooler so i it gets air
thats not a deer
What this vid needs is about 100 more motherfuckers to tell us how an intercooler works…
your going to HAVE to have fans on that intercooler, for an intercooler to work it needs to flow air through it internally and through the fins to work. probably going to have to cut a hole in the trunk anyways like mr2's normally do when they relocate them. keep it up boys just want to see you succeed is all!
Colorado is beautiful
Rumble squad!!
rear diffuser
Jesus I can't wait until the MR2 is done.. I'm so excited for a RWD car ðŸ˜Â🤗
an intercooler water sprayer would work great there
sick spot at pikes peak, how far is the drive from your house?
always evolving was there.
Good to see Charlie 🙂 and the MR2
Pike's Peak? Fuck that mountain. Sent me to the hospital lmfao couldn't breathe at all
Yoooooo I heard a rumor that CHARLIE and KYLE aren't friends anymore! ðŸ˜ÂðŸ˜ÂðŸ˜ÂðŸ˜ÂðŸ˜ÂðŸ˜ÂðŸ˜ÂðŸ˜ÂðŸ˜Â
Kyle do time lapse when your working on your cars engine bay(anything actually). Im sure we all wanna see it even if it is all fast and real quick. + it will make for more content! Goodluck with the builds!