LIVE: Trump Mental Collapse GETS SCARY at Recent Events

LIVE: Trump Mental Collapse GETS SCARY at Recent Events

On today’s MeidasTouch Podcast: The Supreme Court makes a ruling on Trump disqualification; Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg pleads guilty; Trump loses the DC primary and crumbles into a cognitive mess in rallies; the media’s history of bad behavior, and more! Ben, Brett and Jordy break it down.

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Author: phillynews215


47 thoughts on “LIVE: Trump Mental Collapse GETS SCARY at Recent Events

  1. Deals from our sponsors!

    NetSuite: Do you know your own numbers for your business? Download NetSuite’s ultimate KPI checklist absolutely free right now at

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  2. Yes, it seems as if he is trying to incite violence as usual he likes doing that all the time. Those in charge, the justices are not being strict with him. Why are they letting him off the hook.

  3. He is perhaps hiding his money so how come they are not checking further to find that out. He might win the presidency but with all he has done it should put a stop to his presidency and no one is paying attention to it. The voters need to pay attention whom we vote for being we the voters don't have much of a choice whom to vote for.

  4. He is the one who rigged 🙄 it ✋️ and they went after him 23:14 😤 and now he's saying they went after the wrong 😒 guy when he the one stormed the capital 😮??? What kind of moronic buffoonish is this 😂😂😂

  5. Lol rofl You idiots are getting desperate! You got him now ! The walls are closing in in trump! Don't give up! You are SOOO close!!! Don't stop now! So close I bet you can taste it!! Lol

  6. I am dutchman and so glad that you call out the truth about how scary dementia Trump really is to the listening maga crowd and how manulative and lying the media is. Some media is on a lower level as the dispicable maga movement, because they really know what the truth is, and keep on ill informing us. That media is even scarrier than the maga crowd.

  7. Send him to Trump's genius prison for 5 years I bet he would sing going back to the being of time😮😅

  8. If you want him to flip 5 months is nothing plus he will probably be receiving a huge bonus then most people make in a life time nice deal

  9. The republicans been doing this to people got centuries. They want you to see what they see. Because they have the power. When would they see clearly is wrong? This is they've been doing this for centuries, but they want to make sure that you can contribute to reenact the pass in order to fit in by the 21st century. I remember a case. I think with the rat nickname when they beat that man all 13 of them police officers, they saw the saw it with their own eyes. But yet it's still the boat. Withe verdict was jacked up. They didn't do in it past centuries. They just want us to believe the corruptness that they see. The correctness that they say they want the public. The world to be in on that. It's there way on the way at all. We have the power and you are. I'll talk about this forever. But people of color has been dealing with this but centuries. This is just starting to yawl quotations who really see really, really see, not the Fairytale land. My opinion again State of Illinois committee.I should have the first amendment of rights

  10. There is a terror network behind Trump – every threat against Trump opponents must be investigated – there ought to be legislation against hate speech and public threats against individuals whom Trump attacks and threatens to hang or lock up – this is disgusting, vile threats , and not ‘free speech’ or election speech, which should be focused on and addressing policies of the Republican Party – not hate speech – threatening speech must end

  11. Ask what you can do for your country.
    Women and men who voted for President Biden
    All of us getting just one unregistered voter registered to vote only blue and give Joe what he asked for super majorities in the senate and the house and Democrats governors and state legislatures turned blue. Women run for offices that are in power school boards across this nation. Asian, Blacks and Browns ,native Americans vote only blue or go to camps . Go VERO and vote blue getting every republican out forevermore

  12. Al Capone had the intelligence to escape being indicted for his most serious crimes. I am not witnessing anything that could be rated as intelligent coming from Donald Trump.

  13. Republican congressmen are nothing more than traitors. They are doing nothing for the American people and are at the moment just a tool for trump and the Russians

  14. And the bigger scandal we should be talking about is what’s going this guy Trump do when he loses the elections because he’s not winning and he doesn’t accept he’s a loser , a liar, a traitor and he’s mentally sick 🤢

  15. Ben I’m so sick of the GOP, James Comer & Jim Jordan lying about Hunter Biden & the lap top. I’m waiting for Comer & Jordan to say that Smirnoff is connected or related to Smirnoff vodka. I’m like in time they will starting to lie about that one. Nothing will 🎉surprise me, nothing. I bet Jordan & Comer can’t have a conversation with anybody & not mention Hunter Biden his laptop or the so called whistleblower Smirnoff. They are going to die trying to prove this bull pookey. These two & I’m sure others of the GOP are getting ulcers trying to prove this garbage. It’s absolutely unbelievable that they can’t figure out that they are going down a Dead End of this road. It’s sad & pathetic 😢😂😢😂😢. I really wish anybody that votes could vote for all of Congress Reps/Senators no matter where we live. Ben you bring up Tennessee Brando. I’ve seen him & heard him so congratulations & well wishes. The other person Ben I’ve not heard but I will look to try to find him with Meidas Touch. Thanks guys for your truth reporting. 😂😮😊😮😂

  16. Love all of this, but unfortunately you and others like the Bulwark and Pod Save America are all preaching to the choir. That doesn't mean to stop – in fact you need to do more. I'm in Canada and a lot of us watch your politics closely, because it affects our nation.

  17. Let's face it. If Biden doesn't fall down, forget what world he's in, or sh*t his diaper, his State of the Union address will be a unmitigated success. The buffoons on CNN and MSDNC will tell us it was the greatest speech since FDR.

  18. That’s what they did with Biden. That is why he didn’t campaign in 2020. He is now so gone he can die any minute . His Alzheimer’s is advance. And you are hiding it too!

  19. Do you think we are stupid? Just show a clip of Biden. We are the laughing stock of the world. Even Italian are showing the real Biden in comical ways! Why aren’t you showing those skits ? He can even read the big giant teleprinter he has in front of him. He is way too gone. Jill deserves charges for elderly abuse. He is only interested in his 🍦

  20. It's Done…. November 2024 is going to be 2:10 another 2020: Biden v. Trump. However, those leaving the Polls say they only voted for Haley because they will NEVER vote for Trump! Look at the numbers in NH & VT! That's a HUGE Difference! AND It's getting worse for Donald! The Republican CPAC meeting was TERRIBLE! Attendence was miniscule! His rallies & speeches are laughable! AT him, NOT with him! His Pledge of Allegiance & National Anthem People didn't know the words! We can't give up now folks!!! We HAVE TO FIGHT NOW! GET EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO COMMIT TO VOTING BLUE ACROSS THE ENTIRE BALLOT!!! KEEP DONATING TO BIDEN/HARRIS & PUSH EVERY REPUBLICAN YOU CAN OUT OF THE SENATE & HOUSE! IN WASHINGTON AND IN YOUR STATE!!! THE TIME TO GET RID OF MAGA AND IT'S FOLLOWERS FOR GOOD IS NOW!!! SAVE OUR COUNTRY, OUR FREEDOMS, AND OUR RIGHTS!!! 🗽🏛⚖️💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙

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