Legal AF hosts Ben Meiselas and Legal AF Host Karen Friedman Agnifolo report on New York judge Juan Merchan’s response to Donald Trrump’s attempt to claim absolute presidential immunity in the Manhattan DA criminal case.

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Author: phillynews215


33 thoughts on “Judge INSTANTLY RESPONDS to Trump LAST MINUTE Delay Attempt

  1. So … technically, the Trump tweets/x-posts could not have been “official presidential acts” because the government issued blackberry does not have Twitter or X on it, by design. (Not secure.). You know the very thing that Donald Trump was complaining about in terms of the “missing” emails in terms of Hillary Clinton, because she was not using her blackberry for communications. So, that shouldn’t hold any water.

  2. Stop letting him use this immunity clause and making appeals and delays. He's taking advantage of our broken judicial system! Interesting how those who worked on his behalf to do criminality are in jail but he is still out doing rallies and running for president. If he was innocent he would want to go to trial. Lock him up now!!!

  3. I love Karen's new glasses. The lenses aren't reflective like some of her others. I find the reflection distracting. Beautiful blouse too

  4. Conservatives are all the same. The way they see it is it is the same logic that covers for a Man who: sleepswith a kid, knocks-up, and then marries them with the intent to cover up the incident. The man can legally get away with it

  5. I feel we need to keep pointing out the fact that he's not arguing that he's innocent. His entire defense is "I'm immune to prosecution". He is basically saying that he is guilty and that we can't do anything about it.

  6. My God Doesn’t this Ass know everyone is up to date on rulings , apparently Trump didn’t get the memo he is not unique he is just another citizen being held accountable It’s crazy to me how his lawyers continue to file ridiculous filing claiming immunity ( AGAIN) only pisses judges off? I can only imagine his attys trying to talk him out of the mile long bs behind most of his attempts to disrespect due process!!! Someone needs to fly over Mara-loco with a banner reading – you are not what you hope to be your just another us citizen like the rest of us!! His sense of entitlement is astonishing!!!

  7. This is just fuk'n ridiculous. So filing deadline is 2 plus weeks ago and the judge is looking at this WHY?

  8. I just love Karen's comment about Ben's ability to understand the criminal mind and to stay on the side of good!!! I enjoy MT so much and am absolutely proud of the work you all do to keep us informed of the TRUTH of this nightmare we are living in.

  9. @13:45. That kinda felt like a thinly veiled insult and is not justified. Being able to guess what Trump will do next is not scary, it's common sense. He will lie, cheat and steal just like he's done every day for his entire life. He will grift, delay, try to make shady backend deals that benefit only him, spread lies and middle school level insults about anyone who opposes him, and publicly whine like a little baby to try to get sympathy and money from his puppet followers. He will sell anything to anyone if it benefits him. He's now supporting Bud Light and TikToc because they paid him. What do you think he's selling to Putin and our other enemies? He thinks having no conscience is a sign of strength so there is no low he won't stoop to. That's basically rule #1 in the How to become a Billionaire handbook. He's about the easiest person on Earth to predict. Understanding that someone is a sociopath does not make you one.

  10. We have always known some Justices are more liberal and other more conservatives. For example we always knew in advance how the late RBG was going to go. But I think it is the first time all Justices seems to be part of the same cult. Really frigthening the last hope of democracy falls into their "capable" hands…😢

  11. As a deference statement all past presidents keeps their standing. We continue to call them Mr. President even after they left office. In his mind, the Don is the only one we should have called Mr. President even before he was elected.😂😂😂

  12. This will make republicans happy, but if trump wins presidential immunity, and Biden doesn't lock him up and throw the key away, because he will also have presidential immunity, I am looking into other countries to retire in. We won't be able to depend on our Social Security Retirement Benefits anymore and frankly, I am concerned about nuclear bombs landing in the US over his actions.

  13. I watched a documentary on trump's younger years where it came out that he was a troubled child in grade school. He behaved as a very young boy, exactly how he behaves now. He bullied, was violent, entitled, and spoiled. He was a brat! Those who think his ugly ridicule of others, violent suggestions, and self-proclaimed superiority is tough, should ask themselves if he would be seen that way, behaving as he does now, as a 2nd grader. He insisted his attorneys put forth this ridiculous filing, in my opinion.

  14. I like a lot of MTN commentators and the work being done there is necessary. I love that Jarrod Moskowitz (my favorite congressman) is on frequently and Jamie Raskin also. Brilliant people. But the constant criticism of MSM all the time, and at the same time using MSM clips constantly is not a good look IMO. MSM have issues, but the criticism just bothers me. It's a little like the TYT channel, (not entirely, but a little) always shooting the left in the ass while saying they are on the lefts side. BTW Cenk was a rePUBE and it shows. So many promo's also

  15. Karen is a very good lawyer but sees everything from a lawyer's point of view, not a habitual lier and criminal, unshameable narcissistic Demi god.
    He has to be locked up and fined into bankruptcy to save the country. 💙💙💙🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷

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