Appellate Court Makes MAJOR RULING on Trump Bond

Appellate Court Makes MAJOR RULING on Trump Bond

A NY appellate court just BAILED OUT TRUMP and granted his MOTION TO STAY the enforcement of the $465 million dollar fraud judgment AS LONG AS HE POSTS A $175 MILLION DOLLAR bond or cash by APRIL 4. Michael Popok breaks down the DISTURBING new last minute order and what it means for Trump and family running his company’s in the meantime.

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Author: phillynews215


41 thoughts on “Appellate Court Makes MAJOR RULING on Trump Bond

  1. How do you lower a bond and still put out a bond number out , that means trumps guilty why lower a bond on a guilty criminal in his favor that is complicancy to aid Trump knowing he is guilty .WFT

  2. "You may wonder why I, a resident of the state of Vermont, am writing to a Judge of the New York State Appellate Division. Why would I have skin in this game?

    The answer is simple.

    The recent Appellate Division ruling, lowering the amount of bond that Donald J. Trump has to post in order to appeal the ruling in the New York civil fraud case, demonstrates clearly that the justice system in the United States is unequal and unequally applied.

    I am profoundly disappointed."

  3. Don’t banks do their own due diligence and negotiate the terms, especially when giving out such a large loan? (Yes)

    Aren’t property tax values completely unrelated to market value? (Yes)

    If the bank was defrauded, why aren’t they suing Trump? Why would the state ever get involved in a contract that two parties agreed to and are satisfied with?

  4. Occam’s razor suggests that it’s much more likely for Engoron to be corrupt and/or incorrect than the entire panel of the appellate court.

  5. I am so sick and tired of everyone coddling donald trump. From the useless coward merrick garland to every other cowardly judge who have not thrown his fat ass in jail. Now this appellate judgement that reduced the bond amount AND gave trump 10 more days. Even though they lowered the bond amount there was no need or reason to give him 10 more days because he already had 30 days. All of these cowards and their corrupt actions make our country the laughing stock of the planet.

  6. There is a better chance that the almighty will find him guilty than these mickey mouse appellate court judges. Remember who did what when Biden wins in November. Call for an investigation to get the answers as to why Trump is getting a free pass.

  7. Please explain how this happened. WHY IS HE OFF THE HOOK AGAIN? WTF was going on with those judges? What were they thinking? Are they scared? Corrupt? What does this foretell about his appeal?

  8. This is a case of money talks . The everyday person doesn’t get this many chances. I’m not sure why they bother to go through the court process if someone going to reverse the judgement.

  9. WHO the F gets a deal like this?
    Who the F are these judges?
    What the F is going inside our justice system?
    This action ITSELF should be illegal.

  10. On the other hand, he's basically in the hole for $275 million as well as everything else, and these are on appeals. Typical Trump financial management. .

  11. Is this a common decision? Why would you do that and lower it by so much when so much evidence was presented and the judge’s ruling , it seemed, was on really solid ground? Why stop New York from getting its money and let those criminals back in their jobs?

  12. Only a rich white boy in America get welfare, handouts and protection. What about the middle class and poor people who have been sued, or evicted or foreclosed on? Can they get appeal after appeal? Can they get ridiculous effing extensions and protections? Wow. WTF??!!

  13. SERIOUSLY? Seriously, US? He’s getting away AGAIN!???? Are you capable of enforcing your own laws? How much above the law can a single person be!???

  14. The mercy Chump got from the court of appeals like all other special treatment he has benefitted from is yet another obvious betrayal of what justice looks like and stands for. The fact that Chump is 💯% responsible for ordering acts of domestic terrorism by a mob of his followers that resulted in the deaths of multiple people as well as obstruct the voting process for the direct purpose of installing himself as president without actually winning the vote by WE THE PEOPLE. This overgrown footwart has yet to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of our laws for his crimes against our government and our democracy. This same routine has been a part of each court case he has had since the beginning of 2024. He has been rescued over and over by appeals and constant delays causing a never ending prosecutorial NOTHINGNESS where there should be consequences and judgements and convictions and absolutely YES incarnations for the DOMESTIC TERRORISM he the chump is responsible for. Proving the rumor that the soul of Justice can be bought and paid for by whoever bids the most. Is this the truth? America is watching and seeing the reality of how everyday people are treated VS the way the wealthy or fraudulently wealthy for that matter are treated. This was your chance to get it straight and right so there’s no confusion about what happens if you commit these crimes against the laws of our country. Way to go justice system… now we get it.

  15. Yeah. Bc of all of this corruption , Trump will be the next president. Hopefully, all of this corrupt waste by court systems will be dealt with

  16. Did "Judge" Aileen Cannon somehow take over the hearing? This is just outrageous! Trump was already given 30 days to come up with the $, which wasn't the norm. Now the prick gets another 10 days & for an amount that's easily gathered thru a bond.
    We have far too many partisan judges. 2024 elections are the most important of our lifetime! Although I truly believe that the house will reject the electoral college and put Trump in office, AND HE WILL NEVER LEAVE until he's dead. Mark my words!

  17. So if Trump says he has half a billion in cash, why the heck have the appeals court given him this relief? Pathetic that he continues to get preferential treatment again.

  18. I came to this channel for an explanation of the appellate courts ruling, not a regurgitation of MSNBC.
    Why did they cut this criminal so much slack, especially after his barrage of lies and attacks on court personnel?
    Answer that!

  19. So sick of trump said it before will say it again "He is like a bad social disease that just keeps coming back" Vote Blue we have to get rid of trump and maga. Its a cult qnd its dangerous.

  20. The only option we have is to vote Blue. We cannot let him near the Whitehouse ever again. No one will save us, the justice system is broken, the GOP is broken. It's all up to us. Every single one of us must vote Blue.

  21. There certainly are two justice systems in this country. One for rich whiners & one for the rest of us. Why would the appellate court do this? Trump said, publicly that he had the cash. I don't get it.

  22. Wow! Ridiculous! I did a research paper 25 years ago in uni comparing the Canadian and US court systems and you could see how the US system is totally corruptable. This is the biggest public showing of that and it only serves people with money. Not those wrongfully convicted and spend 25 years in prison… central park 5. Your system is dead! I still remember my example during my presentation and the professor laughed at my comparison to a lawyer taking a judge to McDonald's, buy some fries, and 'discuss the case' lol!. He said, "oh! That's how it happens?" And my reply, "that's exactly what happens" lol!!!!

  23. It is becoming crystal clear that our judicial system is incapable of holding Trump to accountability for anything. I am filing for my passport to live the last part of my life in a free country.

  24. I'll say it again…sweet potato hitler will never be convicted of anything or do any jail time. He obviously has these judges on his payroll. There is no other reason for this order.

  25. Have worked out why the appeals court lowered the bond and gave the orange orangutang more time to get the cash. Siezing the crappy properties would be a terrible move for NYC. They would be impossible to sell and tittles are so messed up they would be in limbo for months, if not years trying to untangle the knot. In the meantime, the city would be stuck with maintaining crumbling buildings, poor tenancies in a devaluing market. All of Trump's property worldwide are very unlikely to command any market value simply because of Trump's mismanagement of the resource.

  26. Regret to learn this as I believed that in the USA all were treated equally. However this is justice for the classes. Trump is favored the this court. Shame on this system

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