‘Space Force’, $716B Defense Bill Take Wasteful Military Spending to New Heights

‘Space Force’, 6B Defense Bill Take Wasteful Military Spending to New Heights

President Trump’s “Space Force” would escalate US efforts to militarize space just as a new Senate bill calls for a massive $716 billion in military spending. We discuss the stratospheric expansion of the US military with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

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Author: phillynews215


45 thoughts on “‘Space Force’, $716B Defense Bill Take Wasteful Military Spending to New Heights

  1. We already have a military branch that handles space. Its called the Air Force! Any reason they can think of to feed the military industrial complex. How about we take care of the homeless vets first.

  2. Chances are there have been serious space weapons for years already. Not just "satellite killers," but weapons aimed at surface targets. BTW: people tend to think of space as really far away, but most orbiting satellites are only a couple hundred miles away. We freak out about missile bases thousands of miles away, but an orbiting weapon is literally seconds away

  3. Aaron should never argue or interrupt with this guest . He is not qualified to do so on a topic for which he has no expertise . Stick to cogent and intelligent questions that elicit good answers .

  4. This is about money. Defense r&d created the internet, but it wasn't really the internet until it was privatized. This kind of process contributes untold trillions to the economy in terms of new technologies that translate to new products and new means of consumption.

  5. We have to get rid of the Military Industrial Complex, nothing more than promoting fear & stealing tax 💰 Money, while keeping us in a perpetual state of war… Wake Up America 🇺🇸

  6. Where in the HELL is the anti-war / peace movement? Thank you, Colonel Wilkerson! And btw…why can't we have more people in the military like Smedley Butler and Lawrence Wilkerson?

  7. The people have awakened to failed money pits like the F-35 and F-22 programs. So how do you continue to siphon tax money? Space Force. It will literally be a black hole to tax revenue.

  8. As a US taxpayer being bled dry over this horseshittery, I don't want a "space force." (Shyeah, you and St. Ronnie Raygun who died for the sins of us all, you senile old dotard.) I will settle for nothing less than the Death Star.

  9. I am pretty sure we already have a "Space Force." The militarization of Space began with the recommendation of General H. Hap Arnold in 1945. It was the rational for bringing Werner Von Braun and his team to the United States after the war. It is pretty useless for the most part. It cannot stop unconventional/electronic warfare attacks like the ones we saw on 911. Nothing can stop remote hijacking of planes via software or nations from smuggling advanced nuclear weapons into the country via their diplomatic pouches. This is what RUSSIA did on 911. Including jamming the communications of the whole presidential line of succession. I wonder, if the good Col. will ever talk about just what happened that day. Tell us all how close to nuclear war we came that day and how RUSSIA made a mockery of our doomsday plans.

    America already has a space force and it is for all intents and purposes useless.

  10. ©™ ALX ⚖ Observations ✍

    US has 200,000+ troops in 800+ bases in 90+ countries.
    This is nothing more than hegemonic emperialist policies brought about by Transnational Corporations who are financing congressmen and White House campaigns and inturn leverage access to the military CIA NSA FBI and use them for access to resources and markets for the benefit of stockholders equity and dividends and capital gains are dictating foreign policy and domestic policy for Uncle Sam who's dictating foreign policy for NATO coalition and EU members to some extent.

  11. Sorry to all the naive commenters below but this was as necessary as it was inevitable. Reagan should never have agreed to suspend development of space anti-missile systems. The ability to neutralise ICBMs and other intercontinental weapons is as logical as it is vital in an age where war can occur remotely at a range of thousands of miles. Given America's use and misuse of drones, and the increased use by OTHER governments of this technology, it is only logical that capabilities be developed that can look down from ABOVE their flight ceiling and shoot them down. If North Korea, Russia, Iran, and Pakistan show us anything, it's that there are players and potential players out there who can do harm to allies from the safety of their own nations. This is unacceptable. It may be a long shot that they will deploy them, but it was a long shot that a lunatic like Trump would ever get the strangle hold he has over America.

  12. My only hope is that the true purpose of this is to develop a measure of defense against cosmic and solar rays from bombarding the earth. A very real threat to us all as our magnetic poles continue their reversal process. We've already seen the effects of this as volcanoes across the globe erupt and freak storms flood cities. Baseball sized hail crushing skulls and record breaking hurricanes are all just a sample of what is coming.

  13. Well, it sounds like they gained a lot from wars, now moved to space, next would be the moon's security, …

  14. Well Well Well The American RODEO COWHERD BOYS are BACK All in New attire & in name ' SPACE COWBOYS '. Trillions will be pumped into the SWAMP all in wasteful spending with LITTLE to NO Benefit to Americans.

  15. Operation Space Force? And maybe we can expect photo-ops by the gantry with Trump in a Flash Gordon-like uniform.

  16. I just now realized that 1984 already happened. In 1984. But it looked like Reagan leading the flower-children back into the workforce and the warm bosom of materialism and consumerism, so no one really noticed. First, of course, they had to destroy the Christian Humanitarians who voted Carter into office. So they raised interest rates (21.5% Prime Rate — Yikes!) and then Iran overthrew the Shaw and took our embassy hostage. (later, Reagan paid the Iranians back with Secret Weapons Systems – Iran Contra) PERPETUAL WAR IS THE DEVIL'S TRICK TO PROVE MANKIND UNFIT FOR GOD'S KINGDOM.

  17. Now he thinks he's Ronnie Reagan with "Star Wars" military dreams; and Reagan was SENILE, had Dementia; Alzheimer's! Ran the country thru his wife's astrologer! Trump is a far worse showman than Phineas T Barnum! Trump is a total liar and con artist. A carnival barker!

  18. Perhaps if We the People inform THESE lenders that We the People will NOT PAY THEM BACK — maybe they will Loan US Less. We need to claw back $350 Billion of our Borrowing — not to spend it elsewhere, but to end the cycle. NOW. Our last and best hope is to defund the Military Industrial Complex before 2019. Otherwise: "No more War. Save us. We will do Anything! 09/23/26 <{-:( 0 ):-}> 03/22/2030 SOONER heh-heh

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