Shock Without the Therapy: A New Russia is Born in Chaos and Plunder – RAI with A. Buzgalin (6/12)

Shock Without the Therapy: A New Russia is Born in Chaos and Plunder – RAI with A. Buzgalin (6/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Alexander Buzgalin says the collapse of the Soviet Union was followed by the rise of billionaire oligarchs as the “free market” led to the impoverishment of the people – with host Paul Jay

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Author: phillynews215


24 thoughts on “Shock Without the Therapy: A New Russia is Born in Chaos and Plunder – RAI with A. Buzgalin (6/12)

  1. 10:16 Oddly even the regime in power in US at the time was of the democrats & now the biggest anti Russia hatemongers & warmongers in US are democrats & their allied in the media, hollywood & silicone valley when in the past it was the republicans. Russians probably hate the word democrats even more now including the young generation that didn't saw the 90s or don't remember it.

  2. For anybody interested, i created a sequential playlist of this series.
    Just copy/paste after the-> .com/

  3. If you actually look at the US and the rise of the Robber Barrrons and the growth of industrialization — the Robber Barrons grabbed natural resources of the US. Dodge Copper mining got land full of metals for nothing — the rail road owners were given huge tracks of lands that belonged to the public for nothing. This is the same story over and over again — the criminal class in govt or with connections to govt (through bribes and kick backs) steal from the public trough.

  4. Wow, I actually learned. Usually the topics of politics, money, war and all the other stuff our social studies teacher for three years straight attempted to teach us, even decades later, tends to turn the voices of those discussing such issues into those of the adults in Snoopy cartoons.

  5. Surely the ped-banksters were the source of the USSR breakup… with the ruthless carving up and looting !!! The cruelty towards the people of Russia most assuredly is the same cruelty we see behind current wars of acquisition and needless genocide.

  6. Paul Jay, thank you for this interesting interview. At the same time, is the summer heat getting to you? Surely Yeltsin's belligerent, military-centric way of thinking was closer to Bill Clinton than to Trump. (Btw, I am not a Trump supporter.) Clinton was a war president who learned many things about foreign policy and psyops from Bush Sr. while instituting neocapitalism, but Trump has so far been trying to wind down the Syrian war in the face of very strong opposition from the neocon Democrats in Congress and also trying to end the Korean War and Cold War 2.0, which was started by Obama. And it was Clinton's massive half-secret Yeltsin campaign support and his "meddling" in Russia's 1996 election that allowed or perhaps even caused the unpopular Yeltsin to win. Mr. Jay, I hope you will overcome your Romantic view of the Dems and see that in the last 25 years or so they have become a dangerously nationalistic, jingoistic, and surveillance-friendly party. Scoop Jackson, if he were alive, would probably be a Dem hero today. I think you are too nostalgic for certain "liberal" Dems in the past, but don't forget which party escalated the Vietnam War. When it comes to financial, security, and foreign policy, US voters have only one large single party they can vote for. Has the US been completely captured by Wall Street and the neocons or not? You tell me. I look forward to hearing your ideas. But I sense that, rhetoric aside, the old party labels are rapidly becoming worse that useless.

  7. a litany of errors and accidents… it could have gone right at so many points, but didn't, or was steered in the wrong direction or was stopped, or prevented, or subverted.

  8. My wife lived through this period—deprivation worse than 1930's in US, petty criminals shakin you down day in day out, kids rummaging through garbage, people risking life & limb disconnecting electrical power lines to get metals to recycle, drunks fall down manholes & die —vandals stole covers, no more tramvai/cable car –they stole the track. all this with the state dept University of Chicago & Harvard ,the enlightened "West" showing them the yellow brick road to a modern market economy —salvation from the wicked ways of CCCP. —hashtag—how to turn a whole country into a ghetto….

  9. I think if Americans really think about this they will find that the growth of monopoly capitalism, first of all, comes from the increasing number of workers under the control of a 500 multinational corporations. One corporation commands a labor force of thousands of people, 500 of them control millions of workers and this fact, gives rise to the need for a specific type of authority unique to all history. Monopoly capitalism is praised for promoting the productive forces for the species is the positive side of this trend. The downside is that the increasing number of workers falling under the control of a few monopoly corporations calls for the need of a directing authority in order to exploit the individual labor-force(s) under their command for greater amounts of surplus-value. In short, the productive forces of the corporations do not advance the working classes, to the contrary, it is for the benefit of the monopoly corporations that their success hinges on the use of science and technology to win over the cooperation of the workers. To make them worker longer and produce higher output technology must make work lighter, easier, less physically strenuous without lengthening the work day from 8 hours to 12 hours legally. As workers resist this trend the entire realm of monopoly corporations organize themselves in preparation of what they know will be a confrontation is one point. I think this is what we are seeing in the Trump-Putin affair a merger of American and Russian multi-national corporations. 2020 is a turning point, a do or die election for the working classes.

    Put another way, if the workers had political representatives in Congress on their side the anti-Trust laws would have been enforced and the mergers and joint-ventures between Russia and US corporations would cease. But as Congress is moving in the opposite direction against the American worker and Putin against the Russian workers a confrontation between labor and capitalism is inevitable.

  10. The collapse of the USSR was caused by privatization but as it was happening the West was praising Yeltsin for creating markets. This is Marx's theory of contradiction at work. The USSR's collapse not only caused a lot of deaths in that country but also caused the first to big to fail Long Term Finance bailout which almost brought down the West's Financial system. This is what the US has been trying to do to China for some time now. This is a house of cards and now it's the US's turn for collapse. The USSR knew there was another side to the coin, they understood Marxian theory unfortunately the US doesn't.

  11. Even the Greeks who invented the the dermocratsie thing criticised it limited it got rid of it. Because hoodwinking one person is hard in conversation or debate but to hoodwinking mass of people is easy by appealing to emotions . Normal people 9 to 5 workers don't have time to fact check .

  12. Please get guys from Russia who are more coherent and not scatterbrain . This is the worst kind of intellectual who speaks a lot without saying anything

  13. This is such good information. Thank you for interviewing Buzgalin. Before this, I had mostly relied on Stephen Cohen's (great) writings on Russia's decade of disastrous, US-directed privatization, but this summary from someone who lived through it is invaluable.

  14. The Csar saved America from France and Britain after the civil war. They were going to attack a devistated nation.America and Russia were free of the Jew bankers at the time. Russia is one of our sisters in attempted freedom.

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