As Netanyahu Brags of Killing Iran Deal, Where’s The Outcry?

As Netanyahu Brags of Killing Iran Deal, Where’s The Outcry?

As the U.S. ramps up anti-Iran efforts, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been filmed bragging about convincing Trump to abandon the Iran nuclear deal. Amid widespread concern over foreign meddling, why has Netanyahu’s claim been mostly ignored? We speak to Trita Parsi of the National Iranian American Council

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Author: phillynews215


27 thoughts on “As Netanyahu Brags of Killing Iran Deal, Where’s The Outcry?

  1. Such an astute scholar, to interview, thank you staff of The Real News! Life is hard enough to wade through, without the pollution of fake news from the MIC, our Congress and this administration.

  2. As a outsider looking at America y'all under occupation from within by these Zionists they run your Media Banks and Wall Street u don't even own your federal reserve rothchilds founders of Zionist Isreal owns it your politians are all bought by what I see as a foreign lobbying group (APAC) that put the interest of Isreal before America your politians have to take oaths to defend Isreal or loose political funds to run for office .your Congress and Senate is one big Zionist whorehouse Isreal is never wrong .Instead of worrying. about the rest of the world's freedom and democaracy try getting your's back too bad your leaving a illusion .

  3. Israel.. israel always truing to undermine other countries sovereignty. uss Liberty, dancing israelis, THIS and others. And still is the biggest aid receiver.

  4. The Real News really is the best news outlet in the world. It deserves so much more views than it gets. Amazing journalists across the board, but Aaron Mate is next level amazing, one of the greatest living journalists.

  5. "The idea that they (the Iranians) are an aggressor is only something that you have to present if you want to justify an aggressive belligerent policy. […] He was giving a very exaggerated picture of Iran in order to justify the very belligerent steps that he was going to present later on in his speech." … That's the democratic way !! Only time will show us if the same tricks work in 2018 as well as they did in the 1940's. You'd better find a good hiding place…  😉

  6. America is a bully triggering fights for Israel's sole interests. Everybody can see that now. The Iranian president or minister who said that, didn't threaten America as Zio-puppet Trump asserted like a wacko on Tweeter in order to get a convenient (but fake) excuse for a Zionist war on Iran when needed. This Iranian guy only reminded the obvious truth that an American military attack against Iran would very probably be the beginning of a world war. He merely stated: “America must understand well that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars”. No threat. Just a little reminder and some food for thought.

  7. America should not worry about Russia, the greatest threat to democracy is Israel. About time America nationalized & changed the rules, the current, mostly Jewish owned media has way to much power to influence elections. Israel being a very rich nation does not deserve any American taxpayer dollars that are used for policies that go against moral values. Let Israel fight their own battles without young Americans suffering & dying for needless conflicts that have nothing to do with national security. It is impossible for Iran to invade, let alone attack America, they have no desire or motive. If Israel along with America is hypocritical demanding regime change, than it will result in a war to end all wars, America would be destroyed since all Arab people, other great nations will step in to protect their mutual, valid business interests. Trump should draw the line with Israel, seek peace with Iran & start doing business that would result in massive employment for average Americans. This is indeed a great opportunity for America, failure to engage only will result in China & Russia getting all the big contracts.

  8. Last time USA interfered w Israeli Mossad killing Khomeini ( look it up) and did everything short of blowing Khomeini to replace shah of Iran with him "We would do a disservice to Khomeini to consider him simply as a symbol of segregated education and an opponent to women's rights," US White House 1978”

    This time USA better stay the FUCK away and let Israel handle this. We people of Iran trust Israel or even Mongolia more at this point.

  9. Quit trying to balance your efforts between a good.thing and a bad thing as with that attitude you just propagate the atrocious conditions. Yorur so called democracy is a farce as you can't have the millions of people come to your show and explain there sentiment

  10. Go ahead and say it . There was no meddling . Now go away and if your going to stand up, do it the way someone with itegety does.

  11. Our Ally Israel…….

    1 Carries on illegal occupation for fifty years subjugating Palestinians to nothing but an open air prison. Has used White phosphorus on the civilian population and has targeted hospitals, ambulances, schools, and UN safe houses in their repeated attacks on Gaza. Continues to build illegal settlements and is attempting to annex all of East Jerusalem which it is illegally occupying.
    2 Practices Apartheid in occupied territories
    3 As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal Zone resulting in the deaths of four operatives known as the "Lavon Affair"
    4. Disguised as Arab workmen and as hotel waiters, members of the Irgun planted a bomb in the basement of the main building of the King David hotel in Jerusalem whose southern wing housed the Mandate Secretariat and a few offices of the British military headquarters. The resulting explosion caused the collapse of the western half of the southern wing of the hotel.[15] Some of the inflicted deaths and injuries occurred in the road outside the hotel and in adjacent buildings.[15] 91 people of various nationalities were killed, and 46 were injured.[14]
    5. Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish diplomat and nobleman. During World War II, he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp. They were released on 14 April 1945.[1][2][3] In 1945, he received a German surrender offer from Heinrich Himmler, though the offer was ultimately rejected. Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the armed Jewish Zionist group Lehi (commonly known as the Stern Gang or Stern Group).
    6. Walter Edward Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne, DSO & Bar, PC (29 March 1880 – 6 November 1944) was an Anglo-Irish politician and businessman. He served as the British minister of state in the Middle East until November 1944, when he was assassinated by the Jewish terrorist group Lehi. The assassination of Lord Moyne sent shock waves through Palestine and the rest of the world.[1]
    7. Attacked a US intelligence ship, the USS Liberty that was unarmed and clearly marked as a US vessel resulting in the deaths of 34 crewmen and wounding 171…many seriously… In an effort to hide the fact that Israel started the Six day war and was preparing to attack the Golan heights in direct violation to previously agreed to guidelines by the US and was warned by then President Johnson that they would risk losing Aid if they initiated hostilities…This was arguably yet another false flag attempt with the objective to leave no survivors and blame the attack on the Egyptians with the hope of bringing the US into the war.
    8. Receives more aid than almost all other "allies " combined, 38 billion dollars in the next ten years while our infrastructure here deteriorates, homeless wander the streets and Americans lose their healthcare…..
    9. Has been flagged as biggest spy threat to US multiple times…. as recently as last month.
    10. American Jonathan Pollard convicted of spying and giving confidential and Top secret documents to Israel, sentenced to life in prison, when early paroled became Israeli citizen.
    11. Israel stole enriched uranium from US known as "The Apollo affair" to build nuclear weapons against US concerns of further destabilizing Mid East region.
    12. Produced nuclear weapons against the wishes of two Presidential administrations..
    13. Israel is a non signatory to the nuclear non proliferation pact, which Iran IS a signatory…….other non signatories include North Korea, Pakistan, India and South Sudan….
    14. Withheld intelligence and prior knowledge on the attack on Marine base in Beirut resulting in 241 Marines killed.
    15. Arguably had advance knowledge of 9/11 (FBI case of dancing Israelis) and did nothing resulting in the deaths of 3000 Americans…
    16. Netanyahu is quoted as saying 9/11 was "very good for Israel"
    17. The #1 reason why Bin Laden gave in his letter to America for declaring war on the US was our unjust and unfair policies in our support for Israel. Our ill conceived Mid East policies result in exponential hatred for this country as a result.
    18. Sold top secret US missle and Fighter jet technology to China.
    19. Interferes with and has arguably bribed the majority of our top Washington government officials through AIPAC/Israel lobby. Was instrumental in pushing the US into war with Iraq and is actively pushing for war with Iran.
    20. Netanyahu violated protocol by accepting a prearranged invitation from House Speaker John Boehner (normally the Senate jointly issues such an invite – and the president is consulted) to address the session – which many Democrats refused to attend. Attempting to destroy Iran Nuclear Deal and push US into war.
    21. We continue to be the lone veto on majority of resolutions passed against Israel in UN. The rest of the world recognizes the injustices being committed on a daily basis by this arguably Fascist/Likud party presently in power. Fueling more world wide Anti American resentment…inciting further terrorist attacks on this country. The last terrorist attack turned my place of work into the Tip of the Spear…It's time this nation faces up to the fact of what this unquestionable support is really costing us…

    Add to this present legislation that is being proposed to severely fine anyone openly promoting boycotting this widely recognized Apartheid regime. Why???? The use of the word Anti Semitism is being so grossly misused that it is losing its relevance. Dr Hajo Meyer, he himself a Holocaust survivor said it best.. "An Anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews…Now it is a person who Jews dislike."

    It is long past time that we as a nation act in what's best for "OUR" national interest and not in what's best for Israel. We would not put up with this type of behavior from any other "Ally" … The cost to our economy and our World standing far exceeds what ever benefit we are supposedly receiving…. It's time to stop covering for the illegal acts and injustice being committed daily and get our own house in order….We can ill afford the alternative.

  12. Without American taxpayer support Israel would of expired long ago for very valid reasons. Quite possible by 2025 they will fail as a nation. Almost impossible to operate on apartheid policies & expect global public support. You can be sure any bogus attack on Iran will ignite a massive backlash equal to national suicide.

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